Where was Dr Spock when somebody in Hal Ghaxaq needed him?
October 9, 2012 at 11:16am
God, how dangerously pathetic this self-serving individual is. A really, really bad case of arrested emotional development. Let this serve as a lesson to all parents of young children.
Perhaps then some good will come out of this piteous farce.
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Captain Kirk would have been more appropriate:
“Beam him up, Scotty – and make sure he stays there”.
If somebody took something from Franco, please give it back to him.
Franco l-ewwel hexa’ hajtu u lilu nnifsu. Issa jrid jahxi lil-Malta kollha bl-agir infantili u rrisponsabbli tieghu.
La jrid jagixxi ta’ tifel, ghax ma taqbdhux ommu w taghtieh daqtejn tajba fuq sormu forsi jigi f’sensieh u jaghraf id-deni li qed jikkaguna lil kullhad, inkluzi lil qrabatu.
Imbaghad Franco ghandhu l-wicc jghid li Gonzi ser jgharraq il-Christmas. Xi bniedem ta’ stmerrija.
Will he be suing for violation of intellectual property now?
Next time he should register his ideas as intellectual property and collect royalties on them.
This person is mentally disturbed. To be doing all this when he knows it’s against his own interests is a sign that his brain is not working well.
I suspect his member is as big as his ego because he’s doing a great job at effing himself up the Khyber pass.
Franco Debono needs to seriously spruce up his website (no – not that “blog”) but his official homepage – http://www.francodebono.info – the one about his glorious legal practice.
Unless he still harbours hope about being on the PN ticket for the forthcoming election, he ‘majtazwel’ remove all references to “election brochure” , “costituency” and “PN Logo”.
Furthermore, just in the way of veracity and good taste, may I suggest replacing the words: “An MP with a sense of duty” with “An MP with an axe to grind”
How does one give an idea to others? Perhaps he means that his ideas were attributed to others but, if this is what he wanted to say, it prompts another question.
How does one become a lawyer when one is so inarticulate?
I don’t think that his mother is capable of reading Dr Spock any more than her son is capable of writing.
Unless, that is, you classify the poor excuse for English that he scribbles on his blog as writing.
Being a single child with cockerels as the only companions when growing up does not help.
[Daphne – He has a brother.]
Allura they criticised the bendy buses for being too big for Malta. They said that they took them away from London and they brought them to Malta.
It’s not the case they sold them to Leicester city and to Brighton and some other cities around the UK. And we still needed some bigger busses than the previous fleet had (due to our busy routes).
It would have been funny had it not been tragic; for this troubled individual.
What a cry baby. Actually he is not as clever as he thinks – he should have registered a patent for every idea of his so no one could steal it and pass it as his own.
Dr Spock must have been busy instructing the hunters to shoot down the stork that dropped him in his mother’s chicken coop.
Yesterday was the last day for the international call for application as Governor of the Bank of England.
We should, through this blog, have pushed Debono to apply for this job; he says that he is very bright, handsome, charismatic, knows everything about finance and has political acumen.
He also has an excellent Form IIC report.
There are more like Dr Debono, both on the PN and LP side. But Dr Debono is the one most capable of damaging the PN.
Ah kretin, jekk thossok li serqulek xi haga sinjal li ma kellek l-ebda intenzjoni taqsam ma’ shabek ghal gid tal-pajjiz.
Ahna, dawk li bhalissa qed tara dubbien, nivvutaw lil MP jew iehor biex naghtu l-vot taghna lil partit, u kollha kemm ahna konna nafu li il-kap tal-partit kien hadd hlief Lawrence Gonzi. Lilhu tajna il-vot taghna, irrispettivament mid-distrett fejn nivvutaw.
Lilhu fdajna bit-tmun, id-decizjonijiet f’idejh.
Ghadek ma ntbahtx li ghada se tkun l-ikbar cajta vojta fost il-Maltin. Dottore, caw mohhok!
(Daphne, I know you prefer comments in English, but I wanted to make sure he understands, you know, on the off chance that he visits your blog.)
‘savagely cut down…’ It’s the overwrought sense of rhetoric that makes me want to walk out into the garden with a machete. As usual the shrill tones leave no room for discussion.
And no, trees happen to be totally out of context next to the naval workshops, unless they grew them to save on masts.
At times Franco Debono reminds me of a character in the book ‘The Little Prince’ by de Saint-Exupery.
Like this character he always seems to be busy with ‘matters of consequence’ which, in his case are only ‘of consequence’ to himself, I’m afraid.
He feels so self important! My, what a dreamer. He puts Don Quixote to shame.
Hi Daphne. Haven’t you been informed about London Mayor Boris Johnson’s remark about ” LUMPING ” London’s bendy-buses to Malta ?
Will you have the guts to ask Austin Gatt to resign from parliament, not just from minister, after having succeeded to put Malta on the “IDIOTS” map ?
[Daphne – Oh, are buses a resignation matter? You have to remember that I grew up in the Mintoff/KMB/Karmenu Vella/Lorry Sant/Ronnie Pellegrini/Fusellu/Patrick Holland/Lino Cauchi-chopped-up-in-a-well era, so my threshold for resignation matters is a bit different and does not include BANDY buses.]
Second-hand, discarded buses which have caused, and are still causing problems on Malta’s roads, are indeed a resignation matter. Especially when the minister concerned has already had a string of fiascoes – BWSC, ARMS, FAIRMOUNT, ARRIVA ROUTES , SMART CITY !
Did he report this theft to the police commissioner as well ? His twin had reported that his phone was being tapped after all .
“Maa haduli c-cejca!” Grow up, Franco, and do us all a favour (and you too).
Too late to fix your shattered political career, but have the courage and insight to save your already damaged law career. Your rants, beefs and imaginary ‘cliques’ are creating serious doubts about how capable you are of giving sound advice.
“Nowhere am I so desperately needed as among a shipload of illogical humans. ”
–Spock in ‘I, Mudd’
@ Daphne
This beggars belief. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20121009/local/australian-seriously-injured-after-gay-jibe-accused-conditionally-discharged.440305
Possibly the end result of humans and Neanderthals interbreeding.
Dear Daphne,
I’ve posted the comment below on Franco’s blog. Needless to say the comment was not published. In view of the fact that Franco is a passionate reader of your blog, and a segment of this blog’s audience is common to both blogs, I’m taking the liberty to post my views here.
I love reading your blog. Although our objectives and aspirations differ, your blog is part of a jigsaw puzzle of sources, which help me develop my judgmental, and decision-making skills, which I believe I lack being a 22 year old. I certainly owe you a beer for exposing me to an endless flow of ‘don’ts’ which demonstrate the dark side of the art of sound judgment and decision-making.
What strikes me most is the way you flaunt about the fact you consider yourself to be a ‘self made highly successful man’.
You state that following the award of your warrant you set up your legal office. However I say to myself, at who’s expense? Was it at your client’s expense? Did you go through your criminal procedure learning curve at your naïve clients’ expense?
The fact you have setup shop at such an early stage may probably also be the reason why I objectively believe you lack what it takes to truly understand the principles of law. There is a clear distinction between knowledge of criminal procedure and the intrinsic understanding of law. I respectfully would like to point out that I believe your skills are no better than those of the plethora of police officers turned lawyers.
I believe that you managed to build your client base due to the fact that people residing in villages tend to have a preference for professionals who hail from their own village or area so to speak. In addition, most people who engage in blue collar criminal activity, presumably lack the competence to make the necessary groundwork to choose their legal representation, hence the closest and loudest is their simplest choice. The fact you have been active in the Nationalist party since your late teens together with your canvassing have also helped raise your profile with these people, who, incorrectly assume that the hiring of a lawyer who also happens to be a politician or a member of a political party would increase their chances of obtaining a favorable judgment.
So much for the ‘Top Class Criminal Lawyer’.
Hi Daphne, can you please please please write something about that article in the times today about gay slur not being offensive in mellieha or words to that effect. Writing from iPhone sorry damn thing won’t let me copy and paste link. Think sentence and reasoning behind it is shocking and sets dangerous precedent in any case where law has been broken. Hope gay lobby kicks up a stink and expect mellieha council to speak up as well. I take it therefore it is not ok to be gay in mellieha but perfectly acceptable to attempt murder. Times like these make me go down on my knees and thank God we re in EU and that I live away. What a sad a stricken nation.
Dr Spock’s “parenting expertise” was not enough to prevent his own son from committing suicide. It is most unlikely that he would have managed to prevent Franco Debono from committing harakiri.
So sorry! Make that Dr Spock’s grandson (not his son)
Only in Malta.
@ Daphne
Hi Daphne,
Is there a possibility for you to emphasise on this really sad and unjust ruling: http://www.ipetitions.com/widget/view/494149
I truly believe that this poor mother did not deserve such an outcome. Please, help her out by sending this message to other bloggers. How can we help her?
His world is unravelling fast – the Speaker’s ruling has robbed him of his chance of getting at Austin Gatt and now the Constitutional Court has reversed the legacy he left us of cases having to be dropped because no lawyer was present during interrogation.
A fine day for common sense!
There is still one of his brilliant ideas which has not been stolen yet… a mobile which rings even when it is switched off.
My question is why does the PN put up with Franco Debono?
What use is he to them?
Is he perhaps a useful form of deflection like a ” look over there” type of deflection that a sleight of hand magician might use or a freak side show to occupy the minds of the masses so real and embarrassing questions do not come up.
If it is comic relief then he has long gone stale and is now a big bore.
Let’s face it, in the real world of a corporate setting as an employee he would be out on the street looking for a new job in no time at all.
Imma kemm ghadhom lura dawn in-nies kemm huma bla raguni dawn in-nies. u kemm ser jgawdu meta jitla il-labour biex jaslu daqstant ghal labour.. Anke gideb fahxi u hafna affarijiet ohrajn.
Search on the Internet
Bristol has got bendy buses Boris Johnson didn’t want.