Why John Dalli is lying when he says he had no idea who the Young Female Lawyer is – even though he agreed to meet her

Published: October 28, 2012 at 3:34pm

Here is John Dalli’s declaration of interests to the European Commission.

Click here to read the official PDF: dalli_interests_en

He declares directorships in FIVE Marsovin companies:

Anthony Cassar & Sons (1919) Ltd
H. H. Ltd
Marsovin Ltd
LBM Breweries
Sundown Court Ltd

He was placed on the board by his friend Tony Cassar, who was managing director at the time. For years, and until fairly recently, Mr Cassar lived with Gayle Kimberly’s mother, Gloria Borg. Mr Cassar was also Gayle nee Curmi’s witness when she married in 2007.

Dr Kimberley is the person who John Dalli has described repeatedly as a Young Female Lawyer and This Young Girl, claiming not to know her from Adam despite having granted her unofficial and undeclared access, claiming that he ‘speaks to everyone’.

There is no way on earth Dalli could not have known that Dr Kimberley is the daughter of his close friend’s long-term girlfriend. It’s impossible.

There is another reason why you would have to be truly naive to believe him when he says he had no idea who she is. Dr Kimberly worked closely with Iosif Galea at the Lotteries & Gaming Authority until this year. She remains an external consultant with the Authority, where Galea is an employee.

Iosif Galea is heavily embroiled with Silvio Zammit, and they probably brought her into the equation.

All that remains to be worked out is why, ostensibly, we are are told that she was working for Swedish Match as a lobbyist, when Swedish Match obviously did not find her through Yellow Pages, and her contacts are Silvio Zammit, Iosif Galea and John Dalli himself.

10 Comments Comment

  1. andi says:

    Old friends since at least the time when public land in Qormi was given over for Tony Cassar’s Lowenbrau brewery.

    It must be Dalli’s double Annus Orribilis. First the war in Libya and now this.

  2. Ganna says:

    Dalli has lots to answer to in Libya. After the war I don’t think he went there, who knows why.

  3. Uninterested Bystander says:

    The only reason, apart from being an egomaniac, that I can see why Dalli is trying hard to put his version of events across to the public, is if there is a trial by jury.

    Once he was arrested, he would have to be careful what he said on TV and in the press.

    Else why not shut up and go on a long holiday.

    Maybe he fears the worst and needs to limit the damage.

  4. Joe Xuereb says:

    Dalli is so stupid to think that people somehow couldn’t put one and one together.

  5. surprised says:

    The Times of Malta of 4th November 2007 reports:

    The marriage took place on September 15, at St Patrick’s church, Sliema, between GAYLE, daughter of Ms Gloria Borg and Mr Denis Curmi of Sliema, and MATTHEW JAMES, son of Reverend John and Mrs Susan Kimberley of Eastbourne, UK. Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Fr Savio Vella. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr David Borg and Mr Tony Cassar. Mr Angus Scott carried out the duties of best man. The bride was attended by Mrs Amanda Cummins.

  6. Angus Black says:

    “Il-giddieb ghomru qasir” Aktar ma wiehed jigdeb aktar hemm il-probabbilta li jikxef lilu n-nifsu.
    JD, ahjar jaghlaq halqu milli jkompli jinseg hrejjef li ghada pitghada jigu mgiddba mill-verita.

  7. JPS says:

    In her capacity as a lawyer representing a client I think that Gayle was doing her job. Correct me if I’m wrong but the issue is being portrayed as she was on the take.

    [Daphne – No, not at all. I don’t think anyone is portraying it that way. It’s more of a matter of how she got involved. Her close links to Iosif Galea, her colleague at the LGA, who is a business partner and very close friend of Silvio Zammit (Silvio takes a hot lunch to him at the office every day) are what makes this whole thing questionable, given that she is supposed to have been working for Swedish Match independently of Silvio/Iosif/Dalli. It was Dalli’s determination in not mentioning her name and saying that she knew nothing (very offensive, in my view) that alerted me to look more closely at the matter. He seemed to be very keen not to make her identity known, and given the enthusiasm with which he’s been bandying other people’s names about, that immediately made me suspicious. Dr Kimberley may simply have been silly to get involved, but even that sounds offensive, really. She can’t be that naive and trusting. She worked in Brussels for several years, so surely she knows how things are done and NOT done.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      LGA is a nest of corruption and cronyism. Yet another of those “entitajiet” set up by a house-proud PN government.

  8. Frank Vella says:

    How can it happen that Dr Kimberley is offering private consultancy services while working for an Authority? How can a PM allow that to happen? Doesn’t he see here the conflict of interest or is he closing his eyes on purpose? In that case he is NOTHING better than Dalli (if he really closed his eyes – what I do not believe in this special case).

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