Yet another kohlrabi has a suggestion to make, and wants to know what you ‘tink’
October 17, 2012 at 1:56am
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Darba l-avukat Joe Brincat tal-Marsa kien kiteb li Dr Sant kien qallu, meta kienu ghal xi konferenza barra, li x-xewqa ewlenija li kellu kienet li jsir kummissarju tal-UE.
Il-Labour Party ihossu imbarazzat bil-prezenza ta’ Dr Sant specjalment waqt xi elezzjoni… “a goose around the neck” jghidu l-Inglizi.
Biex nispekula ftit ,diga qed narah kummissarju jew awditur fil-Kummissjoni b’Jimmy Magro jassistieh, wara li jitla’ Joseph.
Sa sena ohra fix xena politika mhux se jkollna lil:
Franco Debono
Jesmond Mugliette
Dolores Cristina
Ninu Zammit
Austin Gatt
John Dalli
John Attard Montalto
Izda se jkollna nitqannew b’ministri bhal:
Anglu Farrugia
Karmenu Vella
Edward Scicluna
Joe Debono Grech
Leo Brincat
Mary Louise Coleiro Preca
Silvio Parnis
Ignatius Farrugia
Cyrus Engerer
u fl-ahhar izda mhux l-anqas b’ “gutter journalist” bhala Prim Ministru.
Eh bilhaqq issa l-progett tas-Sargas ta’ John Dalli,se jitpogga fuq l-ixkaffa mil-Labour?
Ma’ rridx nispicca b’tghoma morra:niftakru li se jkollna lil Simon Busuttil fil-parlament Malti.
Kapaci: Spicca rrizenja minn PM wara 22 xhar
Serju: Dahhaq lill-kulhadd f’dak il-meeting ta Birzebbugia
Onest: Qal li ser inehhi l-VAT u ma qalx x’ser idahhal minflok; qal li ser izomm l-istipendji u baghat l-istudenti jiddejnu; qal li ser isostni s-sistema tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma u ttripplahom…..
It’s like rubbing salt into the wounds of those people who voted yes in the EU referendum.
Joseph must be thrilled by the suggestion.
Ma x’biza, dan kontra eu ha tibaghtu Europa. Sal-lum x’hin jitkellem, kliemu kontra. Jiena nahseb li Austin GATT huwa tajjeb biex jigi mazul. Bniedem bravu.
I vote for KMB, definitely better qualified.
With Eddy Privitera as chief of cabinet.
Nkantaw ‘We’re ready, for Eddy’?
I can’t think of an eligible candidate less suitable for the post of Commissioner.
Why not Franco Debono? He has top credentials.
Yes, but he’s not yet a has-been. Give him a couple of months and he’ll get there.
Who’ll feed his birds then?
But surely not possessing better credentials than Cuschieri himself or Luciano Busuttil. Dawk eccezzjonali.
Will he take his cock with him to Brussels?
Serju u onest? Iddahaqnix, mela insejt li kien qal “inbazwru ftit min hemm u nbazwru ftit min hawn?
Tajjeb ghal xejn tiddeskrivih ahjar.
I suggested Franco Debono yesterday on Facebbok.
He has good Form II results and a self proclaimed “achiever”. It would be nice not having him around for at least two years.
Alfred Sant? Remember him taking out his vote from his shirt pocket and grinning that stupid smile saying that he did not vote in the EU referendum and after a few hours sitting on a chair giving a press conference saying that the ‘NO’ has won and the Maltese wanted a partnership?
I say give it to Franco and give us a breather.
Eddy Privitera was elsewhere arguing that the new commissioner should be selected by the ‘gvern immexxi minni’, that the EU can wait.
Kohlrabi and onion. Two basic ingredients for kawlata.
The joke of the day….good one.
What better way for Joseph Muscat to get rid of his internal opposition?!
What better way to piss Alfred Sant, the EU hater, off?!
Come to think of it – why not ? He made a lot of mistakes but:
1) he was the one who tried to clean out the MLP of its rubbish – his successor got all back in.
2) He was the one who had the guts to call Mintoff a traitor – notwithstanding the cult like status of the latter
3) He never had a single stain to his reputation.
Here’s why not:
1) He KEPT all the rubbish including Joe Debono Grech, George Vella (team rebbieh, anyone?), George Abela, Lino Spiteri and the rest of the dream team.
2) He never denounced Mintoff’s legacy. The “traitor” label means traitor to Alfred Sant.
3) The single greatest stain is having wasted ten years of our lives because of his bloody-minded opposition to the EU. That’s one stain that no amount of Persil can ever shift.
Joe Cuschieri has transformed the habit of putting one’s foot where one’s mouth, into a veritable fine art..
Le, hi. Alfred Sant mhux apparatchik kwalifikat. L-akbar apparatchik Malti, il-KKKK, se jehodlu postu.
Does the Dalli replacement have to be a serving parlamentarian and if not why not suggest RCC. I can’t see a better qualified appointee
Exactly my thoughts but a friend of mine made a better suggestion which kills three birds with one stone: Austin Gatt:
he will resign from parliament to replace John Dalli and we will have the budget passed swiftly through parliament.
Now I realise what Joseph meant when he said that the PM has to take into consideration that there is an election round the corner.
Austin is able, fits the position and can’t be offended if he’s kicked upstairs so to speak, and Franco and Jeffrey has to keep their word.
Franco Debono jixraqlu jkun kummissarju ghall-Ewropa ghax ghandu rizultati eccellenti fir-rapport ta’ Form IIC.
I nominate Yana. She is Maltese. She takes no shit.