A case study in narcissism

Published: November 26, 2012 at 8:56pm

Franco Debono, today: “I have been a gentleman notwithstanding the clear disagreement I have shown in the last months and years. I was gentlemanly enough to let them govern for a full term. Now they have cornered themselves. I gave them ample time to change direction.”

Ah, so it’s not government by will of the people, but government at Franco Debono’s pleasure.

34 Comments Comment

  1. Village says:

    Franco, hafna nazzjonalisti ser jishtuk jekk twaqqa l-Gvern.

    Kieku taf x’qed jghidu fuqhekk, kont tisthi tohrog barra. Ma tafx se taghmel b’idejk.

    Erga ahsiba.

    • Daphne: The will of the people has been shown a long tie ago, just months after the 2008 election result, when they realised that they had been fooled by Lawrence Gonzi !

      Village X’jistghu qed jghidu fuq Franco Debono aktar milli qalu s’issa ?

      • Taks Fors says:

        Privitera, ahjar titghallem ftit iktar l-istorja.

        Mintoff tela’ fil-gvern fil 71 u n-nies mill ewwel indunaw kemm kien qarraq bihom.

        L-elezzjoni tas 76 erbahtuha ghax mar id-dawl darbtejn waqt l-ghadd tal-voti u n-Nazzjonilisti li kienu qed jiehdu hsieb il-voti spiccaw kollha morda bl-ikel ikkontaminat (food poisoning) li kien gie provdut mill kciena.

        Minn dakinhar il-PN beda jipprovdi l-ikel lin-nies tieghu biex l-istorja ma tirrepetix ruhha.

        Fl-81 irbahtu avolja l-poplu cahad lil Mintoff u s-socjalizmu taghkom umbghad l-ewwel darba li ergajtu tlajtu fid 96 malajr ergajtu mortu lura f’postkom u ilkom hemm mis-seklu l-iehor.

    • Village says:

      Franco tatix kas ta Eddy. Dan hobzu maghmud. Min kollox jaghmel biex jinghogob mal partit tieghu.

  2. Reporter says:

    However, this dispels the notion that there is a ghost writers. This is Franco Debono writing alright.

  3. anthony says:

    Whose pleasure?

    If you ask me Debono should be detained ‘at her Majesty’s pleasure’.

  4. TROY says:

    And that was the latest news from Franco’s padded cell.

  5. ciccio says:

    While the PN government continues to receive excellent reports about its economic performance from the EU Commission, Franco Debono continues to bask in his form 2c report.

  6. Anthony: Trid tibghatu l-Habs ukoll ? U dawk li ilhom JISIRQU lill–poplu Malti snin shah fejn suppost jintbaghtu ????

    • Village says:

      Jaraw ma kontx Malta fi zmien dak l-izmagat Mintoff.

    • Manuel says:

      Sur Privitera

      Qed tiddefendi lil Franco ghax jaqbillek. Ghadek qed tittama li jwaqqa’ l-gvern halli l-Kbir Inkompetenti Kap tieghek jidhol Kastilja.

      Qatt ma kont oggettiv fil-kritika tieghek. Kieku kien hekk, kont tikkritika lill-Partit tieghek stess li qed iwieghed kollox lil kulhaddu minghajr ma jaghti twegibiet konkreti ghall-mistoqsijiet li jsirulu kif ser imexxi lil dan il-pajjiz.

      Kieku kont oggettiv, kont tikkritika lill-Kap tieghek li jaghmel dikjarazzjoni dwar il-budget meta qal li l-PL ser jivvota kontra imma jzomma dak li huwa tajjeb minghajr ma jaf x’hemm fil-budget! Din hija wahda mill-ikbar kontradizzjonijiet li qal il-Grande Piccolo Capo tieghek. U int, u ohrajn bhalek, toghxew u ccapcpulu.

      Dazgur li tiddefendi lil Franco. Qed jaghmel id-dirty work ghalik u ghall-kap tieghek. Kieku Franco kien fil-partit tieghek u kien jaghmel hekk, kont tkun l-ewwel wiehed li tispara l-vlegeg kontrih.

      U wara kollox, ghalfejn tersaq ‘l hawn? Is-soltu fuq il-Billboard personali tieghek tkun: jew timesofmalta.com jew il-blogg ta’ Franco.

    • Allo Allo says:

      Triduhx mal-Labour?

    • Bendu says:

      Eddy, mhux ahjar tiddefendi ruhhek fuq dik il-wirja patetika li kellek fuq TVhemm. Kemm ixxalaw dawk it-tlett nisa.

    • Tania says:

      Mhux jergaw johorgu ghal elezzjoni mal labour bhal ma ilhom jaghmlu mis-sebghajnijiet jew?

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Fl-art immaginarja tal-holm li hloqtu intkom tal-Labour.

      Issa naraw Joey kemm ser isib kazi ta’ korruzzjoni. Bhal Sant; xebgha investigazzjonijiet li MA SABU XEJN, imbasta telgha bl-ghajta tal-korruzzjoni. Tahsbu li kulhadd mahmug bhalkom.

  7. R2D2 says:

    He should have put that in his 2008 General Election campaign literature: VOTE FRANCO DEBONO NUMBER 1 – Your candidate who guarantees to be gentlemanly enough to allow his own political party to govern for a full term.

  8. Taks Fors says:

    Franco, you are acting like one who has been found guilty and is resigned to taking your last few steps to the gallows.

    Destiny is still yours, you can still choose to walk those few steps and write yourself in history for all the wrong reasons.

    Or you can still take a deep breath, stop and focus fully on your legal career where you excelled and still do.

    As a politician it’s obvious you have been a partial failure but you have a life to live and should not go down in history as one who voted with the opposition out of spite at your own team-mates, whether you agree with them or not.

    It is clear that you are a successful person as is equally clear that you are not a team-type of person.

    Nothing wrong with that, people have different capabilities.

    But going down in history for the wrong reason is not what really what is good for you. If you don’t know this then I’ve wasted my time.

    If you do, I encourage you to focus on your destiny which is still very much in your hands.

  9. xmun says:

    Franco’s always a winner (that’s what he thinks anyway). Now that this government’s term is coming to its natural end, Franco believes that he has cornered the government. With this kind of logic, he is always a winner

  10. Chris Ripard says:

    “Cornered themselves” – As said by the man whose options are: a) consign myself to the dustbin of history now or b) wait a few months to get consigned to the dustbin of history anyway.

  11. Sokrate says:

    Franco cannot understand that his deeds are misdeeds. He will be remembered for ever as helping the PL (Partit Lablabi) rise to power and punishing honest citizens because of his obsessions and confused state of mind!

    Poor chap, the engineer of a miserable Malta in terms of its dependancy on his whims! History will surely tag him as ‘the foolish non -politician whose brains produced nothing but trivial comments as a result of his egoism.”

    It’s all black, the blackest of political drudgerry.

  12. Gahan says:

    Jekk Gentleman Franco jghid lill-gentlom Karm “Hekk” Hu go fik! Halli tkun taf x’jigifieri taghmilli hsara mal-Prim Mhallef ” meta bil-vot tieghu nizzzlu minn ministru, mela ma nafx fejn hu l-qiegh ma’ Franco Debono.

  13. Manuel says:


  14. Turnip says:

    Eddy, mela nsejt li fl 1981 bqajtu tiggvernaw ghal 5 snin ohra KONTRA R-RIEDA TAL-POPLU!

  15. tinnat says:

    After months of getting all upset about Franco and posting replies to his blog, I now realise how much I wasted my time. The guy is clearly in need of a good doctor.

  16. Evarist Saliba says:

    Would a person who has hurt another, and gloated by saying “hudha go fik”, be described a gentleman?

  17. Last Post says:

    I say, the same narcissism applies equally (though in different ways) both to FD and JP(OS). While Franco is now licking his self-inflicted wounds, JP is wallowing in his own shallow sty.

    There is no doubt that Franco has caused the government and the NP maximum harm and embarrassment. However, let’s not forget that it was JP(OS) who started this who rumpus with his lies, disloyalty and vengeful behaviour that has culminated in his declaring himself an ‘independent’ in spite of being elected to parliament on the NP ticket.

    He had been trying to grab attention since EFA’s premiership when he campaigned on environment-sensitive issues (e.g. the Hagar Qim landfill). After the 2008 election, in which the PN obtained just a one-seat majority, he continued to make life difficult for Dr Gonzi (e.g. the co-Cathedral project), this time with the full support of JM’s Labour – the same party that a few months previously had exposed his double-dealings in the Mistra affair.

    It was he who sparked a series of back-benchers’ disgruntlement (clearly linked to the fact that they were sidelined in the PM’s choice of ministers). Franco Debono was just following this trend – only his megalomaniac view came out forcefully immediately after the election, boasting he had toppled such stalwarts as Louis Galea and Helen d’Amato.

    When he got fuelled enough by what was going around him by the likes of JP(O), R Arrigo and a couple of others, he came out bullish-ly with scathing criticism. This was later escalated to unheard-of demands (at least locally) for the heads of ministers and functionaries whom he considered as enemies of his puerile megalomania (Form II results).

    • Jozef says:

      JPO’s rant regarding Hagar Qim was intended to destroy Ninu Zammit, Franco on the other hand, targeted Louis Galea.

      JPO’s district included Siggiewi, Galea’s stronghold. Whereas Ninu’s was Zurrieq and Safi.

      Musumeci, mayor of Siggiewi had his BICC office in Zammit’s ministry at the time.

      JPO, Musumeci and Franco were a staple on Smash with Herrera. That’s Jose’.

      There was a rumour doing the rounds in Zurrieq at the time, unless Musumeci needed his filling redone frequently.

  18. The Scot says:

    if Franco Debono votes against the budget and the PM has to call an election, what difference is it going to make? We are talking of a couple of months here. It’s not as if this government is going to have time to implement all the measures.

    So might as well call the election asap, use this budget as part of the electoral programme and get on with it.

  19. observer says:

    Why wonder? Franco has expected that he should be asked for his ‘placet’ before the Valletta Christmas lights could be switched on! Has he got a grudge against Christmas too, perhaps?

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