Comment of the night

Published: November 29, 2012 at 9:51pm

Chris just sent this in:

The PL should ask the PN to draft the next five budgets for them too. You know, for stability.

43 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat’s budget speech is going to be like a Vietnam minefield.

    How is he going to criticise a budget which he knows he will be representing in a couple of months time?

    How can he praise a budget which his party calls an electoral budget?

    • Ciccio: I suppose Dr. Muscat will be showing that what Gonzi includes in the budget speech does not necessarily mean that Gonzi will implement. He will be able to prove this by referring to Gonzi’s past budgets ! Just wait till December 5 !!

      • Ciccio: Nahseb li dr.Muscat qatt mhu se jsib “minefield” daqs dik li sab Gonzi, u li x’aktarx se jirfes fuq mine jew fl-10 jew it- 12 ta’ Dicembru. U nisimghu lil GonziPN JISPLODI !

    • JPS says:

      What about that stupid smirk on his face…..

  2. yor/malta says:

    Joseph and Co have just done an Alfred Sant , they have become the PN’s greatest advertising asset .

    • ciccio says:

      Flash news: Labour approves the PN’s electoral manifesto before the dissolution of Parliament.

      In other flash news: Labour is afraid that the PN will copy its electoral manifesto. Meanwhile, Labour has copied the one of the PN.

    • TinaB says:

      I totally agree with you, yor/malta – this may have cost them a lot votes already.

      What is certain is that the PL are in panic mode right now, and it shows. I may be wrong but my guess is that the budget is a much better one than they actually expected.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Panicsville at red HQ. Duh, whadda we do now? Any ideas? Noop, check out Net TV.

  3. ciccio says:

    “Labour’s finance and economy triumvirate today said they would not be removing anything from Tonio Fenech’s budget for 2013, if government does not win the 10 December vote to pass the budget.

    “I don’t think we will remove anything,” Labour MP Karmenu Vella said. “It would be irresponsible to reopen the consultations.”

    But Vella said Labour will be addressing the utility bills reduction in their first year in power if elected, although it will have to face the prospect of less revenue from income tax under a new, reduced tax rate for earners of between €19,501 and €60,000.

    “In 2013 government is estimating it will get €258 million more in tax collection, €80 million of which is income tax,” Vella said. But by 2015 it will have lost €40 million under further tax cuts which the government wants reduced from 32% in 2013 to 25%. “It is obvious that other taxes will be increased.”

    When asked to clarify whether a Labour government would be decreasing the utility bills in its first year, Vella said that the party’s proposals will be announced in their due time.”

    At this point, it is very evident that Labour does not plan to reduce the electricity tariffs when it comes to office. It is looking more and more like the 1996 VAT debacle.

    And isn’t this hilarious:

    “The three MPs vehemently denied that they were supporting Nationalist economic policy when their party chose to commit itself to implement Budget 2013 if they were to be elected.”

  4. Toyger says:

    This morning during a press conference given by the Partit laburista, Karmenu Vella showed how completely stupid and incompetent he really is.

    When asked if the PL would start lowering the utility tarrifs immediately he said that yes they would.

    A few ins later, a reporter asked him how they planned to start lowering the utility bills from the first year in government, and he said that to make such assumptions is stupid as first you have to decide when and by how much to lower them.

    When the reporter told him that he wasn’t assuming and that he asctually had just said they would start lowering them immeditely, Karmenu Vella said he didn’t know what he said.

    I can’t decide whether to laugh or cry.

    People wake up!! Is this really who you want to govern our country?

  5. pocoyo says:

    Inqieghdu lil Muscat u shabu “fil-poter” ghall-gimgha tal-karnival kemm jaqtghu l-ghatx bil-perzut.

    Budget ta’ veru mhux hobz ghal snienhom.

  6. anthony says:

    We will soon have carcades with electricity and water smart meters in tow.

    This is becoming more and more of a farce and a looming tragedy for our country.

    The only valid comment that these incompetent assholes have made on the budget is that they will make it their own.

    What about the bidu gdid?

  7. Last Post says:

    That’s a really good one!

    I couldn’t believe my ears this evening to hear Carmenu Vella and JM (separately) say that they will retain all the main elements of the Budget and guarantee to reach the targets thereof by applying ‘judicious’ spending and governance to achieve economic growth – their new buzzword (after roadmap?)!

    Hearing it from Carmenu Vella confirms your view that the guy (sic) who has been charged with writing Labour’s manifesto has simply no idea what to write about. Dr Mangion, who together with ‘the economist’ Edward Scicluna and the same Vella (who chaired the press conference) – why 3? – spoke on the same lines.

    Scicluna, in not so subtle words, criticised the lowering of the maximum income tax rate because lower income-earner bands were not similarly treated. He was scandalised because by losing ‘X’ in income tax as a result of this measure, the government will be gaining ‘X+Y’ from (other) taxes. This begs the question: What exactly do they mean by ‘economic growth’?

    But the point of my comment is that it is clear for all to see that for all the griping and whining about inconsequential issues in the general economic and social direction of this government, they have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE as to the alternative they will adopt (let alone implement) once (and if) they are elected in government.

  8. Futur Imcajpar says:

    How can Labour vote against a budget they have already said they’ll be adopting? Vera pulcinelli! Wicchom infurrat.

  9. Carmel Said says:

    Apparently they have now asked the PN to write their electoral programme, too.

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    So hilarious. Little Joey has painted himself into a corner from which he has to walk through blue paint to uselessly attempt to regain any credibility.

    Such a stupid, little, naive boy. Welcome our new PM, people. You vote, you get.

  11. Aunt Hetty says:

    Best budget we had in years.

    The property valuation reform is going to be a God send for so many people, especially the removal of the stamp-duty on inherited property.

    I hope that people will be made aware of just what a welcome piece of news this is .

    Most people I know welcomed this measure most of all.

  12. Village says:

    The maltese socialists are not used to govern an open economy. They have no confidence at all and are already in difficulty.
    They prefer the command economy with nationalisations et al, where people like Eddy can have a go at the expense and to the detriment of us all.

  13. QahbuMalti says:

    It’s incredible how the MLP have managed to focus the Budget debate on minimum wage earners paying a measly 15% tax on part of their annual bonus – paying €60 tax in a year! €5 per month. You have to admire how they can set the debate agenda – the PN need to get their act together on this front.

  14. lorna saliba says:

    Daphne, Tonio Fenech made a very interesting statement last Tuesday, on Bondi+.

    When asked how to explain the 12 points advantage enjoyed by Labour, he replied that the reason behind this is because people are only focused on the Government and its relative performance, and have not begun to compare the two parties.

    This will inevitably happen during the countdown to the election when people will start to weigh the real options as opposed to the fantasies being offered by Labour.

  15. Edward Clemmer says:

    Obviously, the PL are expecting lots of help from the PN with the PN on the Opposition benches. Might as well just keep the PN in government.

  16. Vanni says:

    Why does Labour need 3 people (Mangion, Vella and Scicluna) to do the work that 1 person (Tonio Fenech) does for the Goverment? Are they individually so incompetent?

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      They have done none of the work that Tonio has. He came up with the whole plan and it took the three of them to help each other read the document and, not being able to come up with anything better themselves, gave it their blessing.

  17. mandango70 says:

    I liken the current situation to a ship that changes its pilot who decides to change route.

    The only logical thing to do would be for the new captain to proceed for a few more kilometres in the same direction, and steer the ship gradually onto its new route….(or shall we call it roadmap to make the analogy clearer?)

    Thus I fail to see how any sensible person, on taking over the running of the country, could do anything else other than proceed with “steady as she goes”, and pan out for the following year with own plans and ideas.

    • Stefan Vella says:

      If it’s “steady as she goes”, why change government especially if the opposition’s track record is miserable at best?

    • DUST says:

      Are you stupid, or do you think that we are? The obvious issue is that your ‘new’ lejber pilots have never said what route they’d want to take. The PL’s 51 proposals are just shit; no vision at all, let alone directions.

      They’re like those mullahs promising 72 virgins (lower water and electricity bills! lower debt! refund of car reg tax! second university! …) when , nudge nudge wink wink, they know they will not need to deliver.

      In the mullahs’ case it’s because people don’t come back once they’re six feet under, whilst in lejber’s case it’ll be a different ‘hofra’ (along the lines of “il-kaxxa ta’ Malta hallewa vojta!”).

    • La Redoute says:

      But here’s the thing: Who’d you prefer to steer your ship – Chelsey Sullenberger the pilot, or Francesco Schettino the captain?

  18. tinnat says:

    So let’s see if I got this right.

    Labour will vote against the budget, but once in government will keep most of the points in the budget because it’s good for stability. Right?
    This party is truly devoid of all sense of logic, never mind intelligence.

  19. Mark says:

    Witty PN !………..the ball seems to be in Joe’s court….and his new band of PN mavericks

  20. Len says:

    What about the 15 year plan Dr Muscat bragged about when he became leader of PL? And the 11 points of few weeks ago.

    So far, their only plan was to decrease the utility bills, an incentive for wastage. They are a bunch of charlatans that will soon dry up the country’s finances to a breaking point.

    In the real world, if they were directors of a company, they will be fired for incompetence but in this 17m X 8m land they will blindly be idolised and elected.

  21. cikku l-poplu says:

    Kif thawdu u ma jafux fejn sejrin b’dan il-budget – mur gibhom jghaddu minn dak li ghadda minnu dan il-Prim Ministru ghal dawn l-ahhar 5 snin krizijiet internazzjonali u interni kemm fil-pajjiz u kemm fil-partit u fuq kollox oppozizzjoni distruttiva.

    Prim Ministru li baqa ghaddej u jzied l-invetiment fil pajjiz ikabbar l-ekonomija jzidd ix-xoghol, l-edukazzjoni,is-sahha.

    Dawk il-par idejn sodi issa bdejn jasru lil-oppozizzjoni ghax issa l-waqt ghax waslet l-elezzjoni ghax zgur li mhux ser ihalli lil oppozizzjoni tirvina ix-xoghol li wettaq fl-ahhar hames snin.

    Meta Gonzi jibda jasar johrogilhom is-sugu fierah kollu li ntlew bih meta Gonzi kien mohhu biss biex jaghmel il gid lil dan il-pajjiz.

  22. Express Delivery says:

    Key world economies need the help of Joseph Muscat the Delivery Man to deliver them from the economic abyss.

  23. ron says:

    Why go for the fake or the imitation when you still can enjoy the original. Labour copies everything.

    They are so incapable in spite of their words that they even want to retain the budget presented by a GonziPN government.

  24. Makjavel says:

    Not even Prof. Edward Scicluna has any ideas.

    When asked how the PL will reduce the W&E costs, he came up with Dr. Alfred’s Sant solution, a bit from here and a bit from there, and it will be OK.

    When I heard this comment on TVAM , i almost fainted.

    And this is one of the contendors for Finance Minister, might as well give the box to Debono Grech.

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