For Franco, half of whose life is over and with little to show for it

Published: November 5, 2012 at 9:49am

6 Comments Comment

  1. etil says:

    I have met many people in my life and they were all of a different character. However, I have never, ever, come across a person like Franco.

    Whilst his ego is definitely inflated, he is also a cruel person, devoid of any sense of humour, thinks he is the be all and end all of life and doing his best to convince himself that he is so very clever because effectively he does not need to convince others.

    Franco, may I suggest you spend a long time away from Malta and learn how to deal with real life, then come back all the wiser (I hope).

    • Jozef says:

      Franco carries typical traits common to the Maltese, allowed to persist on an informal level.

      Franco simply applied the viciousness to public talk, which we find so shocking.

      When Joseph refuses to answer legitimate questions, he’s basically doing the same, it’s just that he declares it isn’t.

      My grandma would repeat this everyday, that we learn, ‘Ara qatt ma’ tkunu nkejjuzi u kattivi bhal Maltin’

  2. Min Weber says:

    Beautiful song.

  3. M says:

    Some minds never broaden, no matter how many stamps their passport hold. Others flourish in a local library.

  4. L.Gatt says:

    I am convinced that Franco Debono should be used as a case study. His body has aged while his brain has remained stuck in Form II C.

    He actually commented “mhux hu beda” regarding his diatribe with Joseph Calleja. How childish is that?

    Jung and Freud would have had a field day trying to dig into the traumatic event which he must have experienced in Form IIC and which left him stuck there until the ripe age of forty.

  5. TROY says:

    Franco, I just don’t know why you were so upset by Joseph Calleja’s joke, because I hear people cracking similar jokes about your stupid exam results all the time.
    As my grand-daughter would say, ‘He’s so funnnny.’

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