I’ll have him stir-fried in peanut oil (as dog food)

Published: November 29, 2012 at 9:34pm

32 Comments Comment

  1. Daphne: Will you explain what you mean with the above title ? Are you in full control of your senses ??

    [Daphne – No, Mr Privitera, I am not. I am a semi-senile old man and a Labour voter.]

    • ciccio says:

      Mr. Privitera, as a “prolific writer on Malta’s political scene” (ah, the beauty of Facebook), what is your analysis of the conundrum Labour is in about the budget?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Hey Eddy, are you really that slow on the uptake? Time to take your Viagra pill. Could uplift your ‘reasoning’.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Brilliant, Daphne.

      But be kind to Eddie. He needs everything spelled out to him, anything that is not literal is too much of a challenge.

    • The chemist says:

      You really are thick Eddy. I would stick to Maltastar if I were you. Your stupidity won’t get your mates any new votes here.

    • Eve says:

      Int veru stupidu, Eddy ta….

    • Li Ding says:

      But why is it that all the mind-boggingly stupid no-hopers like you, Mr Privitera, are Labour supporters? (er.. YUP, IT’S AN INSULT, in case you didn’t understand this, either).

    • James Bartolo says:

      Eddy, you are fast becoming ridiculous ever since you opted for divorce. There is a saying: The Devil first blinds you and then destroys you. It fits on a senile “pig” (with apologies to Dr Vassallo) like you.

    • Daphne, you haven’t explained what you meant with the title you gave ! this ” semi-senile old man” (according to you) can still do things which you are already incapable of doing !

      [Daphne – One must always be patient with one’s intellectual inferiors, so: Labour Delivers/food deliveries generally either pizza or Chinese/I’ll have him stir-fried, thanks.]

    • a. attard says:

      Eddy, so you cannot understand the “above title”. No wonder you always voted, and will continue to vote, Labour. Your grey cells have long ago withered away.

    • observer says:

      The saying goes: Ask a silly quesion and you’ll get a silly answer. Daphnetly not silly at all – but definitely deserved – in this case!

    • charlie says:

      Such a good answer!

  2. Likki says:

    So Labour cannot identify 1 single budgetary measure which they will not adopt if in power. Bet this is unheard of in a western (or possible any) democracy that the Main Opposition party cannot come up with a gram of serious criticsm to a budget. Labour is conceding the successes of this government by openly claiming that if in government, it will adopt the PN budget measures lock, stock and barrel. Seriously?

    My conclusions to this are that either Labour are simply short of ideas and don’t have a clue where to start from. Or else, they are so obsessed with becoming the new PN, that beside wearing blue ties and using blue back drops, they are also adopting the PN-led government policies, strategies and yes, budgetary measures.

    My take of this reaction is that Labour came to realise that the middle class are not interested in reducing utility bills as long as the government can increases their spending power through amongst other reduction in tax rates. So voila, the best way to get out of this mess is: “Vote Labour and get Gonzi”.

    Yes, Labour does deliver…. PN’s ideas.

    With this reasoning and actions from Labour, I am starting to beleive that the PN can seriously close the gap and snatch the election.

  3. ciccio says:

    Nice baby that one delivered by Labour. 39 years old.

    But it seems that the Malta Labour Party is having LABOUR complications in their DELIVERY of policy.

  4. anthony says:

    Dogs can be very fussy when it comes to food.

    I just cannot believe that our future prime minister is incapable of providing one valid criticism of a two-hour-long budget speech

    It is either that the budget speech is completely flawless or our prattikament prim ministru is a cucun ordnat.

    • d_Riddler says:

      It’s probably the latter. The budget speech cannot be flawless.

    • Anthony: Just wait till December 5. You will hear how what Gonzi says in Budget speeches do not necessarily mean that his promises will be delivered. You will feel somewhat uncomfortable when you hear FACTS of Gonzi’s failed promises !

      • anthony says:

        Promises are just promises.

        I tend to base my judgement on fact and not on what politicians say.

        I happen to be a scientist where promises and politicians do not feature.

        The fact is that our little country is thriving in spite of adverse situations all around it.

        This is THE fact of the matter.

        All other considerations are pure drivel.

        So I will stick to my guns.

        Until facts prove to me otherwise.

  5. TinaB says:

    Sautéed frogs legs with butter and garlic come to mind.

  6. Never Again says:

    Jekk mhux ser jibdel xejn, tajjeb jew hazin, jiz-z*bb ghandi bzonnu?

  7. Aunt Hetty says:

    Mamma Mia,
    This is yet another ”ATTAKK FAHXI” on the Opposition leader.
    *tsk *tsk
    F’hiex wasalna!

  8. denis says:

    Labour has been guided by one sole aim, in the past 20 years…that of getting to power at all costs.

    This has evidently been to the detriment of principles and policy….a big void.

    That is why Labour is hoping to get elected by “default” rather than by a calculated, clear choice.

    I dont understand why people are surprised that Labour has nothing to offer, except make-up and blue ties.

  9. Alex says:

    Careful there, you may be accused of animal cruelty.

  10. Maria says:

    The fact that our prattikament prim minstru is a cucun ordnat is a well known fact. The only snag is that this cucun ordnat may be the prime minister in a few months time, and bella Malta as is now, will be forgotten.

  11. Just me says:

    I think there are two reason’s behind Labour’s statement that they will follow the budget as presented by the PN government.

    1. It is a psychological game on Franco to urge him to vote against the budget. Indirectly they are telling him that even if he votes against it, he has no reason to feel guilty because they will still honour this great budget. They are just trying to pacify Franco’s conscience so that he will do them a favour by voting against the budget and bringing down the government.

    2. They have no idea how they are going to govern.

  12. a. attard says:

    I’m no professor but I’m not daft.

    Prof. Edward Scicluna explained that as for economic sustainability all one has to do is transfer money from one basket to another, e.g. if basket A is lacking in finances and there is an over plus in basket B, transfer the amount required from the latter to the former.

    My question is: what if basket A again requires filling and it results that in the meantime basket B has emptied itself, what then?

  13. cikku l-poplu says:

    Ilhom jghidu sena aktar min sena li gejja elezzjoni jien hsiebthom li ghandhom budget lest u kollox lest kif kien qal Silvio Parnis jew it-tranfers vendikativi biss ghandhom lesti. ghax wara 25 sena fl-oppozizzjoni messhom kellhom programm li jgibu lil Malta timxi fuq ir-rubini, mela x’qadu jaghmlu f’dan iz-zmien kollu.

  14. il quws says:

    Everyone knows that Franco Debono is voting against the budget. So this budget is a gimick. If pn had to reduce tax, it had to be reduced at the same time when Gonzi took the 500 euro weakly home.

    • Mister says:

      How do you think the country gets its finances to run? Manna from the sky?

      Go ask the previous Spanish government how they messed with reducing taxation too soon. Now look at their situation. I know of Spanish people qualified in law, so desperately unemployed in Spain that they are HAPPY working as a waiter in Malta.

      We seriously don’t know what financial hardship is in this country. Imbasta smartphones bill-kuntratt u Facebook. Ghax dal-govern qeridna.

  15. lola says:

    I expected that those pensioners whose income does not exceed more than 950 euros a month will be exempt from income tax.We do not qualify for free medicine or from electricity rebates.

    So our category did not gain a single euro after you cut the new taxes introduced such as on fuel and gas.

    Moreover the rise will be taxed as well. So I hope that the budget will not pass simply for this reason. Many share the same ideas.

    [Daphne – Yes, but you like Franco, don’t you, Lola.]

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