Labour star candidate and family therapist Charlie Azzopardi speaks at the Labour general conference Jan 2012
November 26, 2012 at 5:36pm
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Daphne: Tiftakar lil Eddie Fenech Adami jghid li n-nisa li qed johorgu jahdmu, jaghmlu dan ghal kapricc biex jixtru air-conditioner ? Illum ghadhom jahdmu b’kapricc ???
Tiftakar Eddy, meta Mintoff kien jghid li il-‘computer’ hu periklu kbir ghal ekonomija ghax jissostitwixxi n-nies fuq l-post tax-xoghol?
Le, mhux b’ kapricc, Eddy. Imma biex jixtru ‘smartphone’ b’kuntratt, jilbsu latest, jsiefru alla biss jaf kemm, jaghmlu dwiefer, night out in PV, etc, etc.
Insejt it-tattoos u l-piercings
Eddy, nisthajlek summiena. Kif tiftah halqek, bang.
Eddy, first of all I don’t know why you insist on commenting in Maltese when this is an English-language blog.
What Fenech Adami said many years ago is now irrelevant; many Maltese men of a certain age – perhaps even you – think that a married woman should stay at home.
What we have here is a youngish Labour candidate, a member of the Progressives and Moderates Movement, who is clearly stating that it is wrong – the EU’s fault – to encourage women to work outside the home.
Let us also not forget the ‘living wage’ that Joseph Muscat said should make it unnecessary for married women to get a job; the husband’s income should be enough for the family.
Eddy tiftakar meta qabditek il-mara,u din mhux ix-xoghol kienet seja habib.
Ghax ma tmurx tistaqsi lil dawk it-trash ta’ nisa li hlief jaghmlu it-tfal kif gie gie minn ta’ dak u minn ta’ l-iehor ma jafux biex imbaghad flok imorru jaqilghu x’jieklu ghal uliedhom joqghodu paxxuti u jhallu lil min hu biezel u tal-affari tieghu irabbilhom it-tfal mit-taxxi tieghu hu?
Imbaghad jigru bil-bandiera tal-PL fil-meetings u jiftahru li huma ta’ Gowzef ghax GonziPN qeridhom bil-ghaks imsieken.
Biex jiggerrew nofshom gharwenin u mizbughin u jmorru ipingu gisimhom minn fuq s’isfel, bin-nanna b’kollox, ghandhom flus imma – u l-aktar haga allarmanti u tal-biza hi li nisa ta’ din il-kwalita donnhom qeghdin ifaqqsu qishom flieles ghax il-pajjiz donnu imtela bihom.
Dawn x’inhuma, Privitera, mhux kapricci? Jien u zewgi li kwazi xjahna u ilna nahdmu it-tnejn minn meta konna ghadna kwazi tfal mhux zgur naffordjaw dawk l-ammonti ta’ flus li jonfqu huma.
Il-vera wiccek u x’imkien iehor xorta int biex tigi tlablab fil-vojt biex minn ghalik taghmel propoganda u tispicca twaqqa lilek innifsek ghac-cajt.
Fid-dinja ssib minn kollox.
Jiena naf min hareg jahdem ghax il-paga tar-ragel ma kinitx bizzejjed ghal gel nails, hairdresser etc.
Naf ukoll min kien serju bizzejjed u hareg jahdem ghax uliedhom ikollhom futur ahjar u gel nails kienu fl-ahhar tal-lista. Uliedhom riedu jistudjaw u jkomplu l-universita’ allura kien hemm bzonn aktar flus fil-familja. U illum mhux l-iskola biss ghandhom it-tfal imma hafna opportunitajiet “extra curricular” fuq bazi privata.
Kien hemm min kien veru maghfus ghax ma jlahhaqx mal-hajja allura flok qaghad igorr u jiddispra ha azzjoni u mar jahdem.
Hemm min ukoll tqazzez u tqalla bejn l-erbgha hitan tad-dar u avolja ma kellhomx bzonn jahdmu hargu xorta wahda fid-dinja tax-xoghol.
Nowadays, women work because:
(i) there are jobs
(ii) there is an infinite variety of things in the shops and on the internet to spend the extra money on
(iii) women have been given an opportunity at an education and can aspire to meaningful careers.
(iv) we like to travel, dress well, buy gadgets, drive cars, eat out and live life to the full.
Your mentality is still stuck at the stage of stagnation (under Mintoff and KMB) when women could only aspire to a robotic job on the production line.
No wonder women only worked if absolutely necessary, not to mention the fact that the better paid jobs kicked out the women on marriage, to make way for other workers. And let’s not get started on what was on offer at the shops. Mediocrity at its worst. Kollox imbarazz u tal-qamel, be it food, clothing, appliances or what have you.
We do not consider work as a punishment, but as a fundamental human right. It gives us satisfaction, dignity and independence. Yes, and it gives us the cash to buy and use an air-conditioner, amongst other things.
Privitera, women go to work because they have a brain and they want to use it.
Sitting around at home watching daytime TV is boring and lazy. Working women are much more interesting.
Int bin-nisa msallab Ed! Tiftakarha ta’ S Rita? Ghaddielek l-isturdament li ghamlulek dawk in-nisa fuq TVEH? Kif damdmuk! Izjed milli ndamdmek jien.
Tiftakar Eddy li l-Labour kien fil-gvern fl-1996 u xorta ma dahhalulekx id-divorzju…avolja partit progressiv
Air conditioners my arse; a cashier at our local grocery store is the best example of every Labour pleb on the island.
New low end car – no problem with that – decked out with tinted windows, the most expensive (and tackiest) low profile rims and tires and a stereo guaranteed to annoy everyone within a ten block radius, which she does daily on arrival and departure from work.
Oh yeah, and that stupid car alarm that goes off every ten minutes instead of staying off.
On what seems to be a monthly basis, the crappiest of new hairstyles and those God-awful nails that seem to be the latest in chav accessories of late -those nail ‘technicians’ must be raking it in – plus, enough gunk on her face to keep the whaling industry in employment for decades to come.
You’d at least expect service with a smile for someone with seemingly so much money to pour down the drain, but try getting her off the phone to her ‘maaa’ first.
I can guarantee you that within the next ten years she’ll be sporting a couple of sprogs that she’ll have conceived through some kind of immaculate conception, disphemised as ‘father unknown’ that we will all have the honour of supporting. And of course she will be blaming the government, no matter which party is in power.
Here’s a snippet of her American equivalent..
Mr. Privitera, Eddie had said that because even then labour was using the same old argument that women are being forced to go to work because their families are dying of hunger. The difference is that pn sees women going out to work as an achievement as well as a necessity for some for others its just a way to augment the family earnings and for many it’s just natural because the woman rightly so wants to maintain her career. Labour seems to be stuck in the Neanderthal thinking that women want to stay at home and are being kicked out to go to work…
Eddy, Joseph Muscat irid lin-nisa jahdmu biex isolvu il-problema tal-pensjonijiet u biex johloq it-“tkabbir ekonomiku” li bih imbaghad “irahhas il-kontijiet.” U biex jaghmel l-iktar gvern femminista fl-istorja ta’ Malta.
Eddie Fenech Adami ilu li spicca mix-xena politika xi tminn snin.
Li kien jghodd ghal tminn snin ilu ma jghoddx ghal-lum.
jekk irridu nqabblu ruhna ma pajjizi ohra irridu naghmlu dan f’kollox .
Barra ,l-koppji it-tnejn jahdmu u jaghtu sehemhom fid-dar u fit-trobbija , hawn Malta ma jistax ikun differenti , inkella ma’ jkunx hemm flus biex tithallas il-pensjoni tieghek Sur Privitera.
Sal-lum b’paga wahda familja tghaddi, bi tnejn tkun komda u taghmel il-kapricci , u/ jew tfaddal.
Eddy, I’m a married woman and I work full time.
I don’t work because I need the money for my whims and desires. I work because I have pride in myself as a competent person, and I managed to continue studying and land a good job.
I enjoy my job immensely and I feel proud that I can contribute to society. Even if I had all the money in the world, I would still continue working, as I would go crazy doing nothing but twiddle my thumbs at home.
I thought Joseph Muscat was going to take ‘extreme’ measures to get women to go out and work, so is this new candidate not toeing the party line?
Oh dear… Luciano has competition.
So hearing a Labour candidate say that women are being ‘kicked out’ of the house is disrespectful to say the least.
Moreover thanks to a government who has invested so much in education both men and women have the opportunity to obtain qualifications which enable them to work wherever and whenever they want to.
Eddy fi zmien Mintoff anqas ghal l’irgiel ma’ kien hawn xoghol ahseb u ara ghal dawn in-nisa kollha.
Tant kemm ma’ kienx hawn xoghol li konna bis sistema ta’ ‘one man one job’, u bit-‘time off in lieu’, Staqsi lill-Pulizija ta’ dak iz-zmien ha jghidulek Eddy. In’nies tal-llum anqas jafu bihom dawn is-sistemi.
Nies bhalek jippruvaw jattu ix-xemx bl’arbiel, imma jekk ghadek tahseb li n-nies ghadhom injoranti bhal ma’ kien ihallihom Mintoff ghandek zball kbir.
Illum mhux nies jistennew ix-xoghol hawn imma nies li jaghzlu x-xoghol li jogoghb lilhom.
Sahansitra hawn xogholijiet li l-Maltin ma’ jridux jaghmlu.
Illum f’Malta mhuix xoghol ghal Maltin biss hawn imma anke ghal barranin Eddy.
Bis-sahha ta’ Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami u Dr. Laurence Gonzi illu inholqu 20,000 impieg minn barra dawk iz-zaghzagh li marru u ghadhom imorru jahdmu barra minn Malta bil-kwalifiki li kisbu bis-sahha tal-edukazzjoni sura ta’ nies li organizza gvern Nazzjonalista u studjaw b’xejn, anzi jitthalsu talli jistudjaw u rnexxew.
Mhux bhal fi zmien Mintoff meta kienu jissawtu l’istudenti.
Illum gewwa l-Universita’ hemm numru ta’ korsijiet daqs kemm kien ikun hemm studenti fi zmien Mintoff Eddy.
Int bniedem bhal Partitit Labutista u tipprova tqarraq bin- nies ghax il-PL dejjem hekk kien, ihalli lin-nies injoranti biex ibellalhom li jrid. Izda dak iz-zmien spicca u Alla jilliberana li nergghu nghixuh Eddy.
Mur dur dawra mal-lukandi fil-weekend ha tara il-Maltin ghal weekend breaks. Fi zmien Mintoff anqas inharsu lejn lukanda ma’ konna ahseb u ara kemm imorru weekend break jew xi cruise Eddy.
Sfortunatament kienet anke mentalita’ differenti.
Jiena fi zmien Mintoff kont tifla zghira imma niftakar ukoll li hafna rgiel barra l-full time job kien ikollhom il-part time job u l-mara toqghod id-dar.
Nghid ukoll li jiena ghext go rahal u niftakar tajjeb meta xi mara tiddeciedi tmur tahdem kienet tintuza l-famuza espressjoni “harget thokk sor***”.
X’tip ta’ kandidati tipretendi li jkollu partit-tal Pudini.
Anke l-ifqar nies (whatever that means Challie) ghandhom AUDI sports fil familja, fejn fMalta noqghod jien Challie.
Hawn faqar Chall. Fil mohh imma u int wiehed minnhom. Bet you he will shut his Facebook by tomorrow morning. If he does not, watch out for free entertainment.
i cannot understand, how Charles can say Malta is poorer than it was in 1971.
Quality candidate there, he’ll fit in quite nicely.
[Daphne – That’s almost certainly because lots of children are very restricted eaters, especially if they are not exposed to all kinds of food from an early age, and two of the things that almost all children will eat are pasta and bread. Vegetables are cheap and provide most of the nutrients and roughage a child needs, but few children will eat them, and so minestra has been replaced with pasta. A block of cheddar cheese is cheap, so is milk, and so are all sorts of other things, but one of Malta’s tragedies is that the further down the social scale you go, the less likely people are to know how to cook, to the point where they know little or nothing about food and just can’t make even a basic tomato sauce. It’s precisely because I know that cooking skills are almost totally absent in this category of people in Malta that I don’t give much credence to those statistics. The reasoning is probably that they feed them bread and pasta because they can’t afford to buy frozen prepared foods and not because they can’t afford to buy meat and vegetables. A piece of beef shin isn’t going to put even the poorest family out of pocket, and with few carrots and onions it makes a great soup.]
Six chicken drumsticks cost Eur2.75. Some carrots, a cauliflower, some marrows and long green beans cost Eur3.50. A cabbage is a euro. A bag of potatoesis two euros. Bought some apples and oranges for Eur3.70.
The total bill came to Eur12.95.
This feeds a family of three meaning that each person costs Eur4.31 to feed. This comes to less the price of an etalk voucher to load a mobile phone with call units.
If you want to take the price of gas into consideration, we can add Eur2.00 which would be the consumption price of fuel needed to boil the vegetables and chicken – so adding the cost of fuel to Eur12.95 – the bill comes to Eur14.95 to feed a family of three.
One can go cheaper and make vegetable soup out of some vegetables and eat bread and kidney beans straight after. Still very healthy.
It does not cost the world to feed a family. All depends on one’s administration skills.
I visit the markets regularly and get cheaper food prices all the time. People these days are so busy on Facebook I’m sure they’re not interested in buying, cooking and freezing wisely, just like old mum used to do.
People are very poor in household skills.
Precisely. Some people are unaware what a balanced diet means. They don’t know which food contains protein, fat or carbohydrates. Their idea of a balanced diet means varying food every day: pasta today, pizza tomorrow, and a grill the day after.
Some education about correct use and choice of food goes far. Buy more chicken, and less add-some-boiling-water noodles.
People do not need six full plates of food a day to survive.
Imma il-Maltin kollox bil-maqlub – you tell them the body needs a good supply of water, they’ll drink soda drinks. Water filters don’t cost anything – they can always use filtered tap water.
You tell them, the body needs a good amount of vegetables, they’ll eat sweets. Vegetables are so cheap.
You tell them, the body needs a good amount of fruit intake, and they’ll eat crisps.
I’m not surprised they’re always out of pocket. They don’t understand the health food language.
It’s all laid out for them and the healthy methods don’t cost the world. The unhealthy stuff does.
A couple with a salary of around 900 euros a month each, a loan repayment of 400 euros, an average utility bill of 65 euros, a fuel bill of around 70 euros, a television/internet bill of 33 euros or less will have just over 1000 euros a month to live on. With a child or two to feed and clothe, that’s not much to live on.
Ten years ago I taught a girl whose poorly educated mother worked in a factory 8 hours a day for the minimum wage of 45 liri a week. The father walked out of the family and more often than not, found a hundred excuses not to pay his wife the pitiable amount of 20 liri a week maintenance for his daughter’s upkeep. The mother often went hungry so she could feed her daughter decently and not let her suffer the consequences of her mother’s predicament. Poverty is not always the fault of the persons involved.
What makes my blood boil is the sheer cheek of those who spend their entire lives living off social benefits paid for by the hapless gainfully employed whilst bringing up broods of four to five children without working a single day of their life. And yes, unfortunately this is the case of another girl I had in class.
They didn’t mention that a certain category of children live on pizza and pastizzi as they are cheap to buy since their families are too lazy to cook or they have no knowledge at all about cooking.
I would like to point about something about the EU food supplies. In my opinion there is a big wastage and this food is arriving in places where it shouldn’t be. It is even arriving in private houses from institutions that are entitled to, due to the large quantities that are being recieved, like for example convents etc.
What a load of balls. I’m skint and I live on egg whites, beans, lentils, fruit and vegetables and oats. The food of the gods. And the cheapest by far.
Some interesting statistics (Nso/Eurostat) :
15% of our population live in relative poverty
22% of those 15% are children.
9% of the population don’t know how to read & write.
Around 7,000 people are currently unemployed.
What about smart city’s jobs? White rocks? the income tax reduction?
Ex-pn but I will vote labour for the first time in my life coz im fed up with this govt & all its cliques.
Joe Taylor
I am Kate Moss, Mr Taylor.
If you want to impress the readers of this blog tell us why you have never voted PN and if you do not know the true meaning of poverty and unemployment, which I doubt, then I suggest you go and spend some time with other Europeans. In their countries.
How very smart of you, Joe Taylor.
Why don’t you dig a little and tell us what those percentages were in 1997, or better still 1987?
You might note that in the article above 23% of EU residents are considered to be at risk of poverty with 26.9% of those being children.
Compare those figures to the ones which you have quoted. Unemployment level today is approx 4.5 % which is the sixth lowest in the EU. s
So go ahead and vote Labour, Mr. Joe Taylor. Forsi tispicca f’xi korp bhal-Izra u Rabbi.
Ex-PN.. Oh look! I’m ex-PL.
Sure, why not.
“Relative poverty measurements can sometimes produce odd results, especially in small populations.”
I may be living in relative poverty but that does not mean I’m poor.
The average wage in Malta is around €20,000, I earn less than that, does it mean that I’m poor?
Smart City : Joseph Muscat believes that Smart City is a good project it was only last summer he went to Dubai to meet the owners, and even the chosen few MLP approved contractors believed in it four years ago they went for a secret visit with Notary Charlie Mangion and were caught leaving to Dubai by journalists.
I remember the setting up of Spinning and Weaving , it was set up with outdated technology and poor quality control to the detriment of the established Phoenix Textiles which had to close down and fire its emloyees.Smart City will be syphoning business to Malta from abroad when the world economy starts to pick up and recover. When the idea was conceived and approved the world economy was thriving. Would the PL kick them out or will Labour wait patiently until the tide turns in our favor?
If income tax is reduced in tomorrows budget , I bet that you’ll be the first to shout that its’s an election gimmick , not another kept electoral promise .
If you were in an interview for a job , you are the type who would state that you applied for the job coz you’re fed up working in your present job. You’ll be voting for Joseph not because he’s convincingly good but because you’re fed up with this govt & its cliks…and elect the “airport clik caught on TV going to Dubai”
Last but not least: Joe Taylor , you try to write like a young man but your style is a dead giveaway. Next time try harder!
There is presumably a significant correlation between illiteracy and poverty.
Unfortunately stupidity and sloth are mostly to blame – and a Labour government that emphasizes government handouts is not exactly the better solution, is it?
A Nationalist government that keeps the economy afloat, such that it can afford to subsidise schemes promoting education and employment, is obviously a better choice to combat poverty.
As regards your other queries:
– White Rocks is a unfortunate waste of space, but yet another heavily subsidised tourism-related project (which seems to be the only thing the LP ‘knows how to do’, as it involves wasting taxpayers’ money) is to be avoided;
– Ever since the 2008 financial crisis, very few would consider static income tax bands to be a ‘failure’; and
– Smart City jobs were never meant to cater for illiterates. The aim was to absorb the thousands of expected IT graduates. Guess what? IT students did graduate in their thousands… AND ALL ARE EMPLOYED, despite the Smart city debacle (which was due to the world-wide real estate collapse, by the way – i.e. nothing that the dear Lijder Joseph can fix).
As regards to ‘cliques’ (an argument brought up by quite a few of my acquaintances – as there are, inevitably, quite a few jerks in government circles), one can simply vote for the many fresh NP faces – which include successful professionals, and bright young people, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for public service.
Can you imagine how better the NP can be, with Simon Busuttil, Albert Fench, Therese Comodini, Ryan Callus, Alexei Dingli and others replacing the crappy and/or tired JPO, FD, JM, AG, et co?
Mr. Privitera, I go out to work because I want to, because my father sacrificed himself (taht Mintoff) to give me and my brothers a good education so that I can better myself and because God is not a male chauvinist pig and gave women brains for us to use – so there that is why I go out to work.
I have loads of other reasons but none are the ones your party is mentioning – now go and take a big leap and do us all a favour a disappear.
Joe. Taylor,
It seems that you are already aware what Goseph l-irmuncat will be doing to solve the problems you are mentioning in these statistics.
15% of our population live in relative poverty.
I think now a days poverty also means that you live without an a/c.
9% of the population don’t know how to read & write.
With the education system we have today you have to be very stupid to be in this situation unless your name is Silvio Parnis.
Around 7,000 people are currently unemployed.
This figure is very low compared to other countries, although I have my doubt if this figure is correct.
What about smart city’s jobs? White rocks? the income tax reduction?
We are waiting for the PL to be in government for these projects to be more successful especially the reduction of the income tax. If the PL is in power we will have reductions in the VAT , reductions in the water and electricity bills, and a reduction in the prices of new cars as well.
If you are going to vote Labour you should ask Goseph l-irmuncat from where he is going to get all these funds.