More about that Labour bum to whom Silvio Meli has just awarded EUR208,000

Published: November 14, 2012 at 11:10pm

Read the post immediately prior to this one. Now look at the photos which Mario Gerada has uploaded on his Facebook wall. That wall is open. You can go and see for yourself.

This so-called casual nurse, to whom Judge Meli (in the fullness of his wisdom) has awarded EUR208,000 for the 11 years he hasn’t worked and will not be working at Zammit Clapp Hospital, has a Mercedes SLK with a personalised numberplate (his name, MARI and his year of birth, 56).

Where does a casual nurse, and what’s more, one who’s been supposedly unemployed for years – which is what this case was all about – get one of those?

Perhaps Joseph Muscat put it in his Christmas stocking.

Trid tkun Laburist, ha nghidlek.

64 Comments Comment

  1. Monte bello says:


  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    In small communities, rogues are easily hunted down and lynched. Not in Malta.

  3. Ken il malti says:

    What is it with Maltese men and their fixation on automobiles on the tiny island?

    The place is getting to look like one giant parking lot with that amount of vehicles on congested roads and streets.

    • mattie says:

      It’s not the automobiles, it’s their maintenance costs that people have to put up with and the Maltese like to keep their cars ship-shape.

      Take the car above, the parts aren’t cheap. The owner must have the money to keep a car like that.

      Do we have another Lilian here?

  4. Pepe` says:

    His previous car was also numbered MAR156 – it was for sale and we were all invited to call him on 99452634. So I’m guessing that the 156 refers to Jan 1956.

    [Daphne – No. He was born on 24 August. He put his birthday on Facebook, too. Not the year, though – that you have to work out from the details of the court case, “sacked at 52, four years ago”, which means 1956.]

    And what a dickhead anyway. Couldn’t he lie low instead of brag about his this and his that? Xi qziez u stupitagni ta’ nies.

  5. Matt says:

    That’s the Mercedes SLK Kompressor launched in January 2011. He apparently got it in October 2011 or thereabouts – brand new, from Kind’s.

    He had to be getting money from somewhere. That car is at least twice his yearly salary as a casual nurse.

    He went to Las Vegas too, the same year. Miskin, kemm kellu jbati.

    • Pepe` says:

      €47,600 to be precise.

    • Min Weber says:

      Ockham’s razor: he went to Las Vegas and won big.

      He went to Court and won big again.

      C’mon. You’re all just jealous ‘coz he was born under a lucky star.

    • ciccio says:

      On his Facebook, he says that he works with MMDNA.

      Isn’t it nice to have an MMDNA nurse turn up at your residence in one of those SLK convertibles, rather than the usual white hatchback saloon?

  6. Jozef says:

    Tal-qalba mid-dehra.

  7. Mark says:

    Can’t we report this dickhead to the tcu or police?

    • P.Gauci says:

      Report him for what?? You get compensation for an unfair dismissal no matter if you get another job or not.

      I think it would be better if you all direct your anger at the Zammit Clapp official who misinformed the ETC thus making us taxpayers liable for his incompetence.

      Now I understand perfectly Helena Dalli’s statement that incompetent people should be replaced. This case is a clear example. A civil servant at ZCH misinforms the ETC about the dismissal of a nurse. The nurse seeks justice in the law courts and gets compensation which will be paid from public coffers and not from the civil servant who f*cked up in the first place.

      The fact that this former nurse is a Labour supporter should not blur your judgement. He was unfairly dismissed and who fired him gave wrong information to the ETC. He seeked justice and he got it. Deal with that.

      • Rover says:

        In a British industrial tribunal you would have to show that you tried your best to find employment after unfair dismissal.

        Mario Gerada clearly found employment and therefore his compensation should be from the moment he was unfairly dismissed until he became employed again. The judge would then have to calculate any loss of earnings and compensation for stress and hurt feelings.

        The civil servant seems to have screwed up and should be severely reprimanded but I am very annoyed at the judge who has rewarded Gerada beyond comprehension.

        I hope an appeal would be filed as soon as possible.

      • verita says:

        Sorry read properly . He did not get compensation for unfair dismissal but full pay for the number of years supposedly unemployed .

      • silvio says:

        Perfectly right,but for one word.

        I wouldn’t have said ‘incompetent’ but ‘corrupt’ would have been better.

      • charlie says:

        You are extremely wrong, Mr Gauci. It is true he was sacked but the departmental head involved did not want to ruin what was left of his working life and instead of saying he was sacked, he wrote down that Mr Gauci had resigned….u minfuq, spicca qalaghha bil-kbir l-ufficjal.

      • Homer says:

        Actually, the chances are that the part-time worker was sacked but was kindly given the opportunity to claim resignation – to facilitate his chances of re-employment.

  8. Paddy says:

    Does the tax-man run checks on such individuals in this country.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      No. Only on me and you. I’ve had it up to here with this fucking country.

      • Steve Forster says:

        Ditto…..What a f*****g shambles.

      • silvio says:

        For once I have to agree with you.

        A textbook ‘Fucking Banana State’ run by:

        F……..priests (less two now in prison)
        F……..overpaid judges (two recently out of prison)

        If that does not make us, as you say, a f….country, what does?

        We should get together and set up an:

        F.F.F.(Malta): Federation of Fucked-up Fuckers

  9. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Dear Employer, please fire me. I could do with €208,000 right now.

  10. maryanne says:

    Also on his Facebook wall it says that he works at MMDNA. He is not unemployed.

  11. TinaB says:

    A typical chav laburist.

    Prince (his dog) supports Joseph Muscat too, God bless, and growls and turns his head away when Gonzi appears on his tv screen.

    U le le.

    Tghidli qalbi dalwaqt jghallmu kif jivvota lil-kelb.

    • d_riddler says:

      If he trains him hard enough, he would manage to get him to vote Labour. He could ask his friends at Super One for advice. They are experts in that area.

    • Catsrbest says:

      U issa li t-traditur miet – jistghu jaghtuh il-vot tieghu. Hemm probabilità li l-kelb ihalluh jivvota. Fuq kollox ferm ahjar minn tlett kwarti ta’ dawk li jivvutaw Labour.

  12. ma nafx says:

    Ma nistax nifhem – l-izjed nies li jgergru kontra l-gvern, Daphne, huma l-izjed nies li hadu u redaw kemm felhu.

    Ghala imma allura jmaqdru daqsekk? Vera ma nistax nifhem.

  13. Len says:

    I used to work as a casual nurse some years ago.

    I was studying a different subject and had to resign my post as a full time nurse.

    Before I resigned I was assigned at the emergency department. After that, I ended up working as casual nurse, which meant that I can go to work any day I wanted, hence working reduced hours as a reliever.

    When I finished my studies and had no intention of continuing working as a casual nurse, I just stopped going to work without informing anyone.

    I didn’t have to inform any authorities, because I was not working full time, no commitment whatsoever. From that day, and years now passed, I never received anything from Health Department.

    The reason why Mr Gerada was sent a letter and nothing else, was because Mr Gerada’s was a part-timer. This was a constructive dismissal.

    In such case, where employee’s conduct merit dismissal, the employer is free to sack him, there is no breach of contract of employment cause there weren’t any contracts. Mr Gerada was a casual nurse.

    • etil says:

      Are you saying that part-timers can just leave their employment without giving the necessary notice?

      When I had checked with the Labour Office I was told that a part-timer has to give the normal three months’ notice irrespective of the amount of time I actually worked.

      Can anyone enlighten me on this please.

  14. Ronnie says:

    If this guy was registering as unemployed yet can afford a new Mercedes SLK, then surely there is some undeclared income somewhere. Even had he not been fired there is no way he could afford that sort of car.

  15. Gahan says:

    Issa kif jitla Joseph itih ir-registration tax lura.

  16. Francis Saliba says:

    Perhaps it is not too much to expect that the Inland Revenue enquires diligently about the source of these riches enjoyed by the unemployed and the unemployable casual nurse when the market is in such desperate need of nurses who can actually nurse.

  17. Mister says:

    Dal Gvern… qed jeqridna !

    U rega gholla il-petlor! Issa kif ser nohrog il-Merrseedess ghad-dawra tal-Hadd?

    Kontijet tad-dawl u ilma mas-sema!

    Il-meeeterr tal-garaxx ara kemm gie! Tal-misthija! Dan kollu ghal-zewg nejon tjubes ta!

    Igri jitla il-lejber ha jrahhas kollox!

  18. Cloud 9 says:

    All this and yet in opposotion, God help us.

  19. bystander says:

    He is at an age when a parent or other family member may leave a legacy.

  20. Herman says:

    Yesterday somebody won the Super 5 lottery, over 530,000 Euros, I think.

    So if a minimum wage earner, after some time, is seen running around in one of these super cars, does that mean he has done anything wrong?

    I have an average office clerk wage and wouldn’t tell anyone, except my immediate family, if I had to win a very large sum of money.

    • Jozef says:

      When an unassuming man won the British lottery sometime late 60s, he got himself a Rolls and a chauffeur’s cap.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “So if a minimum wage earner, after some time, is seen running around in one of these super cars, does that mean he has done anything wrong?”

      No. It means he should be investigated. If it is found that he won the lottery, then that’s fine.

  21. jaqq says:

    He was a Labour local councillor, if I am not mistaken, years back.

  22. mattie says:

    U ijja, cruise, ritratti mal-lijder, SLK. As old grandma used to say: l-ilbies ma jaghmlekx nies. Now I see what she meant.

  23. Mikiel says:

    Incredible. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a whole ‘macchina’ behind these people. All working together ‘ha nakwistaw hi!’ & ‘x’jahsbu li huma, ahna daqshom nistaw”.

    This ‘chav’ travels in a Mercedes, holidays in Las Vegas, is proud to know the party leader, works with the MMDNA, lost his job because he didn’t do it right, wins 208,000 in compensation, and on it goes.

  24. Tim Ripard says:

    I think there’s excellent material for a PN billboard here – pic of the Merc labelled ‘sidi ners (u Laburist ahdar)’ and the caption:
    ‘Tghid jifilhu dan, il-kont tad-dawl?’

  25. Spiru says:

    That’s the new middle class Joseph Muscat boasts about. Qabda bummers.

  26. jack says:

    Allura miskin ghamel kapricc.

    Pero` mar ghall-basic model – SLK 200 … ara li kieku mar ghall-SLK55AMG – kienet tkun storja ohra. Baqa’ konsistenti mal-ideologija proletarjana tieghu.

    Gotta love the soft toy perched on rear-view mirror (2nd photo).

    • mattie says:

      ‘Gotta love the soft toy perched on rear-view mirror (2nd photo).’

      U mela, dak Koala Bear – igibuhom maghhom meta jqattghu xahar l-Awstralja.

  27. mariac says:

    I think he fared much better than if he actually was employed as nurse.

  28. pisces says:

    This guy is George Vella’s first cousin and the woman in the picture who was on the cruise with him is not his wife but his partner.

  29. Makjavel says:

    There is no law in Malta that triggers investigations of persons living beyond their means.

    It’s too hot to handle by our parliamentarians.

    Winning the lottery justifies a rich life style, being a declared unemployed does not.

  30. jaqq says:

    I suppose the government can appeal against the judgement.

  31. Kenneth says:

    Prosit Daphne talli qeghda turi kemm ahna gejna misruqin min dan il-magistrat.

    Nispera li l-AG jappella din il-hnizrija li saret fil-konfront tal-poplu.

    Il-gvern mhux ha jkollu ghazla ohra hlief li jzied iktar TAXXI sabiex haddiehor isir sinjur minn fuqna.

    Il-poplu mxebba u mwegga b’dawn l-atrocitajiet. Jidhirli li min naqas ghandu jhallas minn butu u mhux it-taxpayer Malti.

    Din x’gustizzja hi? Din oxxenita ohra li ta spiss qeghdin johorgu minn uhud mis-swali tal-Qorti!

    Daphne, possibbli ghadek tahseb li l-Gustizzja hawn Malta effettiva?

  32. Ganna says:

    Herman, if the tax man really want to check from where you bought a super a car it’s very easy to be done.

    If you win Super 5, the tax man would know because winners signs that they won.

    At the moment it’s being done in Italy, stopping people who have super cars like Ferrari, taking all the details and checking to see what kind of tax they pay.

  33. Pro says:

    Utterly disgusting.

  34. Mario says:

    Ghandhom is-sahha u ghadhom fl-oppozizjoni ara x’se jigri la jkunu fil-gvern ftit xhur ohra.

  35. Carmel Said says:

    Why are they both wearing Christian Grey ties?

  36. M. Bormann says:

    That’s just the SLK 200 Kompressor. All it has is a 1.8L petrol engine, and it takes 7.9 seconds to reach 100km/h. Most BMW 320ds, which are so common in Malta, are just as fast, or faster – and a Mini Cooper S is almost quicker. It’s really just a fancy car with a shit engine. Smart money would have bought a BMW Z4 with one of their excellent diesel engines… their 3L straight-6s are both very fast and economical.

  37. mattie says:

    May I suggest to the guy above, that the first thing he should do to save himself from drowning, should he ever be in the situation due to the ‘state’ the ‘government has put the country in’, (he is saying this), is to cut costs like sell his car, rent his garage or switch off his internet connection and not give people the impression that one should keep spending when out of pocket and blame the government for the mess.

    May I also suggest he upgrades his style of clothes if he wants to look like something out of a designer’s magazine page.

    Come on, a 3-car garage, an SLK, cruises, Vegas and Mexico is the kind of life style that suits the well-dressed Gucci class of people.

    Bermudas, sleeveless shirts and three quarter pants, plastic bag in hand, are clothes that are to be worn by people to go the beach.

    You’re either at the upper level, or you’re not, or you’re trying hard, which never works out because being up there means you need to work very hard to get there, and once you do, you need to work even harder to stay there. The people he is trying hard to be, never complain or blame others for the cost of living.

    He is probably very mixed up.

  38. bystander says:

    I know I am slow sometimes but what if after the money is paid, a brown paper bag changes hands?

    Just a thought.

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