More pictures of starving ‘unemployed’ casual nurse Mario Gerada

Published: November 15, 2012 at 10:33am

Pictures taken from Mario Gerada’s Facebook page show him starving with his wife in Las Vegas, on a cruise and with Joseph and Michelle, who also look really hungry.

68 Comments Comment

  1. Just me says:

    Miskin. Ahjar naghmlulu gabra. Ghax lanqas l-208,000 euro m’huma bizzejjed biex jigi f’tieghu.

  2. A Montebello says:

    All my life I have worked… and I’ve never been on a cruise and I drive a Toyota Vitz.

  3. David S says:

    Some members of the judiciary should be rendered unemployed.

    I don’t know of any private company that awards a “golden handshake” of full pay till retirement age.

    But the judiciary seems so keen to award hefty sums for those in government employment …and the taxpayer pays.

  4. cikku l-poplu says:

    Dan rigal politiku minn imhallef bi flus il-poplu?


    • Paul Bonnici says:

      But Labour supporters will suffer more than PN supporters, because they rely more on social security.

      I suspect there is a political element in this judgement.

  5. mattie says:

    Thank you, Facebook.

  6. mattie says:

    Never been on a cruise. Never been to Las Vegas or to Mexico. I don’t own gold bracelets or chains. This guy makes me look like I’m starving with hunger.

    • Gakku says:

      I wouldn’t be caught dead on a cruise, in Las Vegas, with an SLK whatever, with gold chains/bracelets or with Muscat and his wife, irrespective of the money.

      I think all these choices (and that he is so proud of them) say a lot about the person and the way he thinks.

  7. Paddy says:

    I think I should start taking note of what Dr E. Bezzina LL.D says ‘Cirku go Cirku go Cirku go Cirku” wise man.

  8. edgar says:

    So this Mario Gerada has been working as a nurse with the MMDNA.

    Now did we not hear a few weeks ago of another nurse who worked with the MMDNA and was stabbed in the Qormi valley and was reported in the press that she was convicted of taking drugs to prison.

    Some nurses seem to do quite well with their ”part time” jobs.

  9. george grech says:

    by Mario Gerada on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 8:02am ·
    Times were difficult in the past to express my political feelings.
    Sometimes I shamed to say that I am from Zejtun due to political stigma.
    Over the past 25 years I received great injustices because of my political beliefs.
    Since Joseph Muscat became the Leader of Labour Party, I seen Labour Party evolving into the National Party I always aspired for.
    As member of Labour Party National Executive Committee I can be your voice………
    Please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel safe and pride to say that you form part of the movement that shall be changing Malta and Gozo into a better place for us and our children’s children.

    His FACEBOOK page is evidence to how difficult this poor S.O.B. found it to express himself…and rewarded handsomely for it by a fellow Labourite.

  10. Paul Bonnici says:

    I am neither a PN nor a PL supporter, the losers in this case are the hard working honest tax payers, both PN and PL supporters.

    Mario Gerada appears to live beyond his means, because most nurses can’t afford to have such expensive cars and holidays.

    A soldier in the UK may get just £5,000 for losing a limb in Afghanistan.

  11. Lorna saliba says:

    This bum seems to be doing extremely well considering the hunger we are suffering here in Malta.

    Maybe he was sacked for sabotage in an effort to cripple the Health department and shed a bad light on the government. The CGMO will appeal and this decision will be reversed. Gerada can carry on cruising at his own expense.

  12. pablo says:

    This judgement is perverse. Take the extreme case of accidental death due to the fault of his employer, and not dismissed, the pay out to his widow and children would have been only about half of that.

    Another thing – as damages, the guy does not pay tax on the pay out, so the benefit has to be seen in real terms at about 30% plus.

    Another thing – unfair dismissal damages are traditionally calculated to make good for up to three months or thereabouts interim unemployment. I know of one case of a 58 year old teacher sacked unduly and was awarded on the basis of the three years to pension date as she proved that she was now unemployable – she got three years salary but reduced by 60%, and payable to her in installments by the employer.

    This guy won the lottery for bums.

  13. PG says:

    A Montebello: Hope it is not the Vitz that was destroyed by fire last night.

    If it is, perhaps Gerada, ta’ socjalist li jhobb il-proxmu tieghu, will come to your aid.

  14. Ian says:

    What’s this guy’s connection with the PL, exactly?

  15. pauline muscat says:

    Biex tkecca meta hawn tant bzonn ta’ nurses xi haga kien hemm.

  16. mark v says:

    Ha nirremetti.

  17. Last Post says:

    I hardly read any news on the local newspaper portals because what I’m interested in is what goes on behind the news.

    So this is just to thank you for exposing the sleaze behind such cases.

    I wonder why there isn’t more of this type of reporting on the standard media.

    Dr Robert Abela’s name is popping up regularly of late in quite contentious court decisions.

    Anyway, thanks again and keep up the good work.

  18. Francis Saliba says:

    Next time he goes on a cruise Mr Gerada should show his gratitude to the Hon. Justice Silvio Meli by providing him with free cruise tickets, luxurious transport to the cruise terminal in a Mercedes Benz and free nursing during the cruise.

  19. pm says:

    He’s the cousin of Dr George Vella. That says it all.

  20. a. attard says:

    Eddy Privitera, lend us your views on the subject.

  21. AB says:

    Hi Daphne,

    Could you please send me your e-mail address?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  22. joe s says:

    Miskin. Eddy Privitera will organise a collection for him.

  23. marc says:

    Arah miskin qed jitallab bieb il-Belt ghax mejjet bil-guh. Dan il-gvern qerdu.

  24. il busu says:

    u jien il-bahnan ma sirtx kaxwal ners. mur obsor li tant jaqilghu flus dawn il-kaxwals li jmorru cruises u safar bhal dan.

    u dan l-gharef imhallef kif wasal ghal din is-somma hekk kbira li se jkolli nhallas parti minnha bit-taxxi tieghi?

  25. P.Gauci says:

    You don’t get compensation for ‘starving’. You get compensation if you were dismissed unfairly. We don’t live in some Thatcherite regime. Workers have rights and this guy defended them in court and won.

    [Daphne – His right to what, P. Gauci? Read the judgement.]

    Daphne it would be more appropriate if you try to investigate which Zammit Clapp Hospital manager/director was responsible for this mess. If somebody had done his/her job well in 2008 Mario Gerada would have never been able to win this case.

    [Daphne – That is a side issue. The real issue is this: why has a person of Silvio Meli’s unhealthy psychology, resentful bitterness and inadequate intelligence actually a judge, and in a position where he can do this sort of thing? The judgement is flawed because it is based on a flawed premiss. 1. Gerada was not unfairly dismissed but rather the opposite. He was sacked but some idiot decided to be kind to him and say he resigned, so that he would be able to get another job without difficulty. 2. Even if he were unfairly dismissed (which he was not), it is unheard of for a court to liquidate damages in the form of your full salary for the remainder of your working life, plus another two years for good measure and some more on top of that for pain and suffering. Surely even you must know that.]

    • Jozef says:

      I was under the impression that moral damages aren’t recognised in Malta.

    • Gahan says:

      I think Judge Meli made a basic mistake in his judgement: “Such falsification of truth should be harshly condemned and those in charge should take the necessary action to penalise those responsible for it and ensure this did not happen again to ensure the trustworthiness of all public documents.”

      The judge appears to be saying that by means of this judgement he’s sending a message to the authorities. Judgements should be delivered on their own merit and cannot be used to teach lessons to anyone else, or ‘pour encourager les autres’.

      Mr Gerada misled the court not to say lied under oath when he said or implied that he was unemployed.

      The Times report said “Mr Gerada argued that this happened in 2008 when he was 52 and he could only retire when he was 63, so he had 11 more working years.”

      Lying under oath can end you up in prison.

      • Gahan says:

        This person’s retiring age is 61. He can retire at 61 but remain unemployed as assumed by the court – the compensation calculation is wrong.

    • Lestrade says:

      Banks in Malta offer resignation as an easy way out when somebody is caught with his hand in the till. Thus no disciplinary board, no industrial tribunal but the wise guy is foisted on another employer who knows nothing of the unsavoury background.

    • Who appointed Justice Meli ?

  26. jaqq says:

    He was a MLP local councillor if I am not mistaken. The government can and should appeal against the judgement.

  27. ciccio says:

    Have the relevant authorities filed an appeal against Judge Silvio Meli’s decision yet?

    The compensation basis is outrageous.

  28. silvio says:

    One thing for sure: money can make a man rich, but no amount will make you a gentleman.

    From the looks of him, I think he is a specimen who I would not dream to introduce as “meet my friend”.

  29. Karmela says:

    It s sad to note that our industrial tribunal is way off line on the real cases of abuse by employers such as constructive dismissal.

    It’s ironic that Mr Gerada got compensation based on his employer’s ill-advised HR administration. Am I correct in understanding that this case was taken to court and not to the industrial tribunal?

    On another note down memory lane –

    A stark reminder of the good old times.

  30. TROY says:

    Min hexa mexa.

    • Homer says:

      “U min ma hexiex, mhux biss ma mexiex – izda ukoll inhexa.”

      Aren’t we gluttons for punishment?

      One can improve on the current administration simply by voting for the better NP candidates, thus weeding out the ones that, ahem, underperformed.

      Instead, there are hundreds of otherwise reasonable persons who will vote for the Labour Party (“Ghax Joey ma kulhadd jitkellem! Ghax taf kemm hu biezel / dhuli !”) despite the glaring, screaming evidence that the majority of labour supporters want to live off the state – and their politicians are all too willing to please them. A sure recipe for disaster within a few years.

  31. Facebooker says:

    It seems that the Laburist tal-Azzar has removed all his posts, photos and albums from his publicly accessible Facebook views.

    What’s he ashamed of now?

    • Jozef says:

      Being Labour.

      • mattie says:

        ‘What’s he ashamed of now?’

        Probably his contradictions: ‘li dal-gvern qeridna’, and at the same time, he shows off his SLK, photos of his trips to Vegas, Mexico, cruises, large garage, gold chains, and the free time his has, to boast about all this on Facebook.

        This man must have a lot of time on his hands, to waste time and money (people should make good use of the internet money they’re paying) uploading photos on Facebook and constantly updating an active page on a public site.

        Some people are paid to do just that for others, but this man seems to have the energy and the time to do all this for himself and for nothing.

    • sos says:

      He is afraid of the barrage of questions which his narrow mind will not be able to answer

  32. Tom says:

    Will you be putting up a page on the CGMO at the time or has he succumbed to malnutrition as well?

  33. L. Gatt says:

    Joseph’s women who were all so anti EU are going to be posing on the more important Boards of Directors. Malta has been pinpointed as one of the EU member states that’s lagging behind.

  34. What do you aim to achieve with posts such as this? It’s not earth-shattering, it tells us nothing new …

    It’s a fine line between justified indignation and disguised envy. I don’t believe for a minute that you personally are envious of this person, but I wouldn’t put it past some people commenting here.

    [Daphne – This is an important story, Reuben, and if you can’t see that it’s doesn’t really matter because it’s not your job to know what the important stories are. It is, however, mine. Exactly what is your point: that stories like this one shouldn’t be reported because some people might be jealous of this man? By the same token, should we have said nothing when the courts awarded Mintoff a million euros in compensation for having a power station built near his SECOND home, just in case some people were jealous? Honestly.]

    • mattie says:

      The only thing we’re envious of here, is his solid brass neck.

      You need to have one of those to moan and whine that the country is in bad shape and at the same time post large photos of an SLK that’s very expensive to maintain, a large garage that’s very expensive to buy, wear gold chains and travel with them all over the world, where the poverty situation is really desperate.

      And you have to have one of those to then show up on Facebook to discuss the state of the country’s affairs and how great Labour is when you barely know how to write and yet you expect people to say “Wow, this man really knows what he’s saying here.”

      Mario Gerada doesn’t know what poverty means, let alone knows what is going on in the country.

      If he knew, he wouldn’t be flashing his money about but he’d be on Facebook, explaining to all and sundry, what is wrong in his life and not what’s so good about it – which by the way is all thanks to the current situation we all enjoy.

    • TinaB says:

      I can only speak for myself, Reuben – rest assured that there is nothing about this man or his posessions which makes me envious.

      Yours is the typical Maltese mentality. The fact that some choose not to brag about their possessions or do not feel the need to tell the whole world about them does not make them automatically very poor and envious.

      Feeling jealous for a man who owns an expensive brand new Mercedes is both idiotic and childish. What I actually feel for the man is pity, Reuben.

      People, especially in their forties and fifties, who post photos and comments revealing their personal lives on facebook for all the world to see, assuming that everyone thinks that they’re cool and hip, are utter idiots.

      Those commenting here, including myself, are simply expressing our disgust because we feel that Silvio Meli’s decision to award this man with such a lump sum of money at the taxpayer’s expense is extremely unfair.

      And even if it were not at the expense of the taxpayer it would still be unfair. You can bankrupt a private company with a decision like that.

      I have relatives who have been nurses, full time, for thirty or forty years. They were never dismissed. They practised their profession with a lot of love and full dedication. Enough said.

    • These two comments posted in reply to mine show you exactly what I mean.

      When something is wrong in and of itself, people don’t feel pity for the wrongdoer. Nor do they compare relatives’ performances in performing a similar or identical set of tasks.

      We can only reasonably conclude that this Gerada person’s behaviour appears to be hypocritical. So what? Chuck the first stone,if you will.

      • mattie says:

        Stop blaming envy. Who actually envies someone who drives an SLK, wears gold and goes on expensive trips abroad, whilst blabbing on Facebook about the country’s state of affairs and ‘dal-gvern qeridna’?

        With all that he owns, he should be more relaxed and less worried, and should leave politics to the good politicians who know exactly what they are doing. He should not dabble with political discussions.

        Not because he has no right to but because he is sending out dangerous messages to those who may be getting their priorities wrong, just as this guy has been doing at the expense of the tax payer.

        I feel sorry.

  35. Ganna says:

    Kieku kont jien ibqa zgur l-imhallef ma kienx jaqtaha hekk is-sentenza. Sentenza vera tal-misthija.

  36. Jozef says:

    It would also be interesting to know whether this Gerada intends to invest some of the money in alternative energy or if he’ll keep on with Joseph’s spiel that wasteful practice is to be encouraged.

    You were right about men with a mid-life crisis and why they’ll vote Labour.

  37. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Not exactly ‘skin and bones’…

  38. Clive says:

    This is simply disgusting. So we’re made to pay for this bum who spends his money on a Mercedes SLK, trips to Las Vegas and cruises, instead of finding a job and working like an honest man.

    But who am I kidding – he’s neither honest nor a man.

    The dismissal was unfair granted, but to liquidate 11 years? What was going on through the judge’s head?

    We are all waiting eagerly to see whether the hospital will appeal.

    [Daphne – What makes you think he was unfairly dismissed? He wasn’t. He was dismissed for not giving the required level of service to patients, and he was a casual employee, not a full-timer.]

  39. Pro says:

    These people make me sick.

  40. david calleja says:

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-gudikanti qed jippretendu zieda kbira u penzjoni enormi ghax jaraw kbir. Miskin iz-zghir li jrid ihallas ghalihom.

  41. david calleja says:

    Il-gvern ghandu jappella.

  42. charlie says:

    Hafna mid-decizjonijiet li jiehu dan l-Imhallef huma mmorali, bhal ma kienet din il-wahda.

  43. Aunt Hetty says:

    He looks like a Mediterranean version of Onslow, Mrs Bucket’s brother-in-law.

  44. lola says:

    Very good indeed, to be paid for work which one never did and never will, while you are receiving a salary from another employer.

    Why was the sum calculated on the remainder of his working life, when he is neither dead nor incapacitated?

    Our taxes going down the drain.

  45. mattie says:

    Itih lemha lil Vella.

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