
Published: November 26, 2012 at 8:59pm

55 Comments Comment

  1. Bocci says:

    Please give him back his marbles.

  2. Qeghdin Sew says:

    He’s nuts. Nothing new to see here, move on.

  3. Il-Ginger says:

    Jahasra kif spicca ic-Chicking

  4. Riya says:

    Dan Franco vavu ta’ veru u l-PN ghamel sewwa li m’ghamlux Ministru u heles minnhu.

  5. Labour pains says:

    Completely and utterly mentally f**ked up. I have started to feel sorry for him.

    He really is an idiot of the first order.

    How is it possible for this child to become a lawyer. What does that say about standards of education in Malta.

    My god, he really believes what he has been saying. And there I was thinking he was just being a nasty c*nt.

  6. SM says:

    This guy needs help. He is going to end up hurting himself and more importantly others.

    This sort of person is the type that walks into his old workplace (after being fired) and kills as many of his ex colleagues as possible before committing suicide by cop.

    I really do hope that he has someone close to him that can convince him to seek help before it is too late.

  7. anthony says:

    Dr Debono you are treated like a stray dog for the simple reason that you behave like one.

    With apologies to stray dogs.

    When you talk about being robbed of your humanity, that explains everything about you. You just do not have a clue.

    For your sake, and honestly, just disappear.

    I could be your father. Get out of all this.

    You are completely out of your depth.

    Stick to your legal practice.

    I wish you luck there.

    If you persist in your error, soon, very soon ‘haqq it-torok’ will be replaced by ‘haqq franco’ in idiomatic Maltese.

    This is how bad your public image is.

    It is atrocious.

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘I am a human being Dr. Gonzi’. Really? More like a human bean, as in Mister. Apologies to the original.

  9. Paul Bonnici says:

    This man is demented. I cannot imagine someone in the UK boasting about his academic achievements let alone Form 2 results. This man is the opposite of what an English man is expected to behave.

    • Min Weber says:

      Mr Bonnici, your point is interesting … but is it relevant? Are we Maltese expected to behave like the English?

      What you mean to say is that Dr Debono’s behaviour is universally (not just in England) perceived as that of a … crackpot.

      • yor/malta says:

        Crackpot is the English version (some are potty yet lovable) , our Maltese version is a ‘ ziblu min qih fossa ‘ and definitely unlovable .

  10. dudu says:

    GonziPN, please don’t de-humanise us, make all of us Maltese Ministers of Government.

    U rahsilna il-kont tad-dawl kif tkun fil-venja.

  11. Leli says:

    Kemm hu batut bhalissa.

  12. Paul Bonnici says:

    Does this man know the meaning of ‘self-deprecation’? He should try to put it into practice.

  13. Be afraid… Franco is showing off his massive crown jewels again..

  14. ciccio says:

    I do not understand why Franco Debono still plans to vote against the budget because of Austin Gatt.

    Once Simon Busuttil is installed as Deputy Leader of the PN later this week, Austin Gatt should resign from Parliament and hand his seat to Dr. Busuttil while together they focus on the electoral campaign which will follow shortly.

    At this point, Franco Debono will have no option but to vote for the budget.

  15. canon says:

    Qalbu ghada marbuta ma’ dak ir-rapport.

  16. Pro says:

    Can we get a break from these flipping form 2 reports! I’m honestly getting nauseous now.

  17. TROY says:

    Dear Franco,would you like to pawn your certificate or sell it?

    We just looked it up on ebay, and guess what?

    It’s worth f**k all.

  18. TROY says:

    OMG, now he’s quoting John Merrick.

  19. Grezz says:

    He’s got so many chips on his shoulder that it’s surprising he can still strut around like that.

  20. canon says:

    If Franco behaved well as MP , he would have taken Tonio’s place.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Good God! Can you imagine him showing them his Form 2C report at the interrogation? I blush at the very thought. First Dalli, then Franco. We wouldn’t be able to show our faces anywhere.

  21. TinaB says:

    The root of hatred is jealousy. If one refuses to seek professional help it will be almost impossible to eradicate it.

  22. George says:

    Dr. Debono you made a big mess of your life which is becoming more boring, desperate and problematic by the day.

    And it’s only your fault although you point fingers towards anyone who comes in your way.

    You should realize that everyone you tried to ruin is still enjoying the people’s and the party’s esteem and trust contrary to what is happening to you which after all has been inflicted by none other than yourself.

    I dare advise you should start thinking on what you will be doing with yourself after Parliament is dissolved when you will disappear from the public’s attention and go into oblivion.

    The irony is that it is your who are speeding up this journey towards limbo. I’ll sincerely pray our Lord be with you to protect you from committing bigger mistakes.

  23. L-Ghawdxi says:

    I feel pity for this man. The least said the better.

  24. Min Weber says:

    Many of you are making fun of this sad case. This is very unfair.

    Many people go through a sort of metamorphosis at the age of 13, when they enter puberty.

    Apart from physical changes, children also face great psychological changes at the age of 13; they might feel confused or have strong emotions. They might feel overly sensitive or become upset easily.

    They want to be independent, worship idols and care about peer recognition and acceptance. Sometimes they may be very happy and full of confidence, but sometimes they may feel depressed.

    With children facing puberty, we should show our concern to children, be considerate, receptive and supportive, listen to them and share experience with them. When they have problems, help them to face and allay their fear and queries, so that they can go through the stage of puberty happily.

  25. Village says:

    Franco tkunx iblah. Taf kif jahsbuha n-nazzjonalist. Meta qasam il-kamra Alfred Baldacchino. Ghandhom sal lum jistmerruh. Titlifx giehek.

  26. Gahan says:

    I can imagine the little Franco being bullied on the school bus, making a hit list and giving it to mummy who in turn handed it to Father Rector at San Alwigi.

    When my kids came from school playing the victim, and sometimes they were victims, all I did was to make them aware of the consequences if they hit back or report such grievances to the headmaster.

    They grew up like other kids and BTW they never worked hard like Franco says he did.

    I never pushed them to be first in class in religion,on the contrary I encouraged them to participate in extracurricular activities. Their success is that now they behave like grownups.

  27. Jozef says:

    Read this and contemplate the future.

    How, in the name of everything sane and normal, does the tone used become safe for business?


  28. Turnip says:

    Jiena qatt ma gibt 90s u 100s fl-iskola. Dejjem gibt marki accetabblu ghaddejt u komplejt dejjem miexi. Le minix xi stilla tal- klassi, qatt ma kont.

    pero tghallimt l-aktar haga importanti f’hajti li nirrispetta lil dak li jmexxi, minkejja li f hafna drabi jkolli ideat differenti dejjem poggejt bil-qeghdha u tkellimt u esprimejt dak li nahseb li jkun l-ahjar. Drabi hareg li kelli ragun u drabi ohra li jien ma kellix u anke sahansitra meta kelli ragun imma ma mxejniex ma l-idea tieghi r-rispett lejn ta fuqi dejjem baqa shih.

    le minix xi stilla lanqas xejn imma r-rispett ghalija huwa kollox. Dr. Debono int min dan ghadek ma tghallimt xejn. mhux ic certifikat jaghmlek ragel imma l-attitudni.

  29. Li Ding says:

    Ought there not to be some sort of mental or psychological evaluation for members of parliament, our country’s descision makers?

    It’s understandable that nutcases like Franco can deceive unknowing voters and get themselves elected but surely some form of standard psycho-vetting process would have certified him unfit.

    This disillusioned schnook obviously suffers from something… NPD, perhaps; I’m not qualified to tell… or is the fashionable inclination towards positive discrimination now also including mentally-challenged persons into the decision-making machine?

  30. Albert Farrugia says:

    @Leslie Darmanin: min se jwaqqa’ l-gvern? Parliament’s term is more or less over anyway.

    The legislature is simply coming to a natural close. PN governments before have traditionally called elections earlier rather than later. This one, however, has preferred to present a budget in December, with debates dragging on almost till Xmas Eve, and in spite of having to call an election immediately after anway, whatever Franco Debono does.

    This affair is simply a grand PR exercise by a government in agony. By staging losing a vote in Parliament, and having the budget defeated, the PN will play the game it is so good at: pretending to be the victim.

    To play this game the PN will not have much qualms in effectively beginning the electoral campagin on Xmas Eve. And all this from a party which used to accuse Labour of “ruining our Xmases” because of the budget! O tempora, o mores!

  31. Just me says:

    I too feel sorry for Franco. He either has no sense of reality or else he really hates himself.

    Isn’t he intelligent enough to realise that his words and actions are mostly harmful to himself? He has ruined his political career and also severely damaged his professional career.

    His positive vote on the budget will be his last possibilty to redeem himself. I hope he realises this before it is too late.

  32. GIovann says:

    Pero dan miskin ghandu bzonn tabbib ghax nahseb tilifa ghal kollox…..

  33. Evarist Saliba says:

    Yes, he is a sad case, a very sad case, in fact. The pity is that his behaviour has hurt others and will go ondoing so, until he is removed from the position where he can do this.

  34. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    Call the gentlemen in the white coats and tell them to bring the straitjacket with the very long sleeves that tie at the back if they can’t find the hypodermic syringe.

  35. Crockett says:

    Folks, give the man a break, God is helping him…

  36. Don Vito says:

    I am completely not interested in which party comes to power…whatever anyone says, they’re both similar with no significant differences.

    However I must say that Franco is an idiot. A very stupid kind of idiot.


    • Snoopy says:

      I hope that you would still think in the same way if the Partit tal-Likes, of Hamburger Joe, grasps power and t.he economy goes down the gutter. I only wish that if that happens, it would only be people like you that suffers, alas, you and others of your kind shall f**k us all.

  37. Angus Black says:

    From village lawyer to village idiot.

    He boasts that he has ‘worked hard all his life’.

    But he cannot boast that he ever worked smart.

    Pity him? No.

    Just (politically) bury him and forget him. He deserves nothing but scorn. Not fit, even in Joseph’s skip, and that says a lot.

    Why does the Luqa sculpture always reminds me of him?

  38. Rumplestiltskin says:

    What a sad, sad, sad individual.

  39. Allo Allo says:

    Is that certificate adequately insured? At least he should have it bubble wrapped.

    • Jozef says:

      Imagine if he were to lose it, or worse, leave it in his trouser pocket and put them in the wash.

      What political implications would that carry?

  40. Gahan says:

    Vote for change for a better Malta, here’s a good option.How I wish we had a candidate like him in our district.


  41. J Abela says:

    I’m starting to pity him, miskin.

  42. silvio farrugia says:

    Leave him alone ..yes he acted in a wrong way in trying to put some things in Malta right ( most of them we all agree with ) The certificate drama was stupid and I do not agree that he should go against who elected him and vote against the government. At the same time he was the only one who cared and talked about the environmental catastrophe that is unfolding in the south.

  43. mattie says:

    What a Block Head!
    You need certain things to be deemed clever. Fancy certificates aren’t enough.

    The outward symbols of intelligence are often different than what’s on paper.

    Many people who go to University are no different and no wiser than people who don’t.

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