So it’s goodbye, then, Franco
Another few days and Franco Debono will discover (as Pullicino Orlando has done already) the meaning of the words ‘totally irrelevant’.
Pullicino Orlando’s fan responses on Facebook have dwindled to a couple of losers, a Laburista policewoman and a Labour slander-page using a false name, a long way from the crowds of hundreds who used to cheer him on to do his worst, and who he thought were cheering him on because they loved and admired him.
The traffic on Debono’s blog is at its highest, and that’s to be expected because his big moment has arrived. But after that, it’s all over for him. He has nothing much to say, his ability to express himself in writing is limited, and his views are of no value outside his current context as a member of parliament holding the government to ransom.
On 10 December, nobody will care what he thinks any longer. He will have served his purpose as a Labour tool and will be despised by the rest, but only as long as they remember who he is. Eventually, people will no longer even bother to despise him.
Of course, he will have the great satisfaction of his ultimate “Ha, hu go fik” moment, and perhaps that will be enough to sustain him for the rest of his life.
As for his new interest in particle physics and the theory of relativity, perhaps somebody very kind and gentle can explain to him the limits of his abilities.
Physicists are not suddenly born at 40 after a lifetime of illogical thinking and difficulties with rational thought.
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I think that it is only fair that Francis Zammit Dimech should publish his Form 2 results.
good one Gorg
Yes its true, he might be irrelevant beyond this moment. But the pleb will still take over!!
With regards to discussions about particle physics…..that normally comes well after Geo-politics on nights out at the bars but funnily enough no local politics get ever discussed. It must be irrelevant to my friends and I.
Actually the theory of relativity is based on, amongst other things, the postulate that the speed of light is constant for all observers.
Surprise, surprise: Franco got it wrong.
Exactly, but given Franco’s penchant for anything absolute and subjective he just won’t grasp the implications. Imagine him trying to get Schroedinger’s cat, erm, cock, in and out of the box conjunctively. He’ll simply vanish in a puff of logic.
As for the results in CERN, these had to be corrected after a month long polemic to the nature of the calculations and observations made. Einstein’s principles hold and is essential if string theory can be pursued.
God does not play dice Franco, your lifespan is at its limit.
He’s got it all wrong. What an unbelievable idiot.
Oh nice! In a recent episode even Onslow was reading the same subjects.
It seems that the world has moved from the genius of Einstein to the wizardry of Franconstein.
Einstein’s theory of relativity: E = mc squared.
Franconstein’s theory of relativity: It’s all relative. My cock is bigger than your cock.
Here is the standard against which Franco’s Form 2c report should be measured.
It’s Albert Einstein’s matriculation certificate, with grade 6 being highest.
If our err…erudite Franco knows so much about the subject, then he must realise that he is perched (as cocks do) on his very own little event horizon.
Perhaps he will only be remembered when people utter obscenities like F’—- Debono.
I understand Franco has added to his haiku analogy, Almond Blossoms’, it’s called ‘Dead Leaves’.
It appears to be an instruction manual that teaches the reader to be just as dumb as him.
The thing is that he is still dreaming that it is the beginning … What a loser !
He is speaking on TX on One. Issa Tonio Fenech is the target.
Made a good filler, given that they had absolutely nothing to say, Konrad Mizzi trying to be smart with his back to the camera.
Kurt Farrugia got himself another billboard, ten minutes on the phone calling the PM a liar to a detail related to taxation and statury bonuses related to the minimum wage.
A certain Roberto Cristiano called Tonio Fenech a showman and Edward Scicluna contradicted himself at least thrice.
At one point there was Anglu Farrugia on screen promising us electricity bills will be reduced after changing to gas and the introduction of efficient technology. This within a few days, weeks, months, (he did) of something.
And what is with Labour reporters and ‘il-bini tal-parlament’?
Dak jissejjah il-palazz. Ja qatta plebej.
Fecking nutter! Bye-Bye Franco, love to say it was nice ‘knowing’ you, but well, you know….it’s been disastrous. Prick.
Franco, update yourself. Experiments at CERN were found to be faulty.
I cannot understand the simplest of things and decisions taken by this mindboggling Franco Debono.
He will shortly help the everlasting adversaries of the Maltese and Gozitans in the sectors of justice, health, education and family issue be elected to ruin Malta between 2013-2018 (if – and only if – it lasts….cf. Alfred Sant’s Eurosong when he’ll be an MEP ‘Those were the days…’).
It is sheer madness, an unacceptable rude act against the people to disallow them not to have their legitimately chosen government finish off its work properly until the end of its term.
Why shouldn’t citizens be entitled to take such a nonsense pseudo-poitician to our courts and accusde him of such an obscene deed against our free will?
As sson as he shouts or waves his hand or moves his big head in parliament on 10 December, he’ll have one smiling face (Joe Muscat) and absolutely nothing else…he will fortunately be forgotten or loved exclusively by a few sick minded ‘friends and supporters.’
Franco must bear in mind that sin is followed by punishment. In his case, it’s a grave one, so much so that history will cancel his name from the list of decent politicians.
Labour tool sums him up perfectly. The word tool meant in the vernacular explained on urban dictionary, p***k.
Ahhh…Daphne, one cryptic question for you :) What will happen at Villa Bighi on NYE 2013? The answer would make you smile, or cringe…..
The Irish have a fitting description of people like you: ceann cac
Enjoy your moment you supreme bigot, now rot in the hell of irrelevance for the rest of your life.
So it’s goodbye Franco
Farewell Leicester Square
It’s a long long way to Tipperary
But at least Franco is not there!
Daphne, dejjem jirnexxilek turina l-indannament li ghandek ghax taf li ha jcarrtuk minn hemm ezatt x’hin jitilghu. Nahseb mhux lil Franco ha jinsew in-nies. Tick Tock.
[Daphne – Icarrtuni minn fejn, qalbi? Mela jien ghandi pozizzjoni fid-don tal-gvern?]
X’;jigifiri ‘jcarrtuk minn hemm’ Daphne mhix politikanta u se jkollok titqanna biha trid u ma trid sa kemm Accetta il fatt illi kulhadd ghandu dritt ghal fehma politika tieghu. X’se taghmlu inthom tal PL – se timblukkaw l-internet halli hadd ma jkun jista jitkellem.
Matthew – grazzi tal partit Nazzjonalista ergajna sibna id demokrazzija – dan iffisser li kulhadd huwa liberu jghid li jrid minghajr reperkuzzjonijiiet, u Daphne hekk qed taghmel, issa jekk ma jogbokx hawn taf x’ghandek taghmel…
Daphne, I suggest you change the title. Franco might think it’s a death threat too.
Franco, remember that in life, there are ways of being clever, and there are ways of being stupid. Try to make the distinction.
Academic qualifications are not the sole or even the chief determinance of intelligence. Your exams rewarded the wrong things in you, things you thought, would make you move forward in life. This is why you are bitter.
Will he throw back the thirty pieces of silver and start looking for a length of rope?
On the way to Potters Field !
Or to Traitors’ Gate, possibly!
Skont Franco Debono huwa kontra a gatt b’ruhu u gismu. Pero jidher li qed jibla l-lixki tieghu. Li jivvota kontra l-budget ifisser li t-tort f’kaz ta’telfa ghal PN se jiehdu huwa minflok Gatt. Mhux hekk?
Franco qal li Gatt qed jghin lil Tonio Fenech u nahseb li dan huwa veru pero ukoll bela sunnara meta ressaq ksur ta” privilegg kontra l-istess Fenech. B’hekk ta’ vantagg lil Tonio Fenech.
Jiddispjacini ghalih li dahal fil-politika u ma kienx kapaci ghax ghadu immatur u ghandu difett iehor li jghaggel hafna – forsi din tigi ghax nahseb huwa ftit nervus.
Rigward it-thedded il-partitarji tal-PN ghandom jiftakru li huma carcru d-demm ghal liberta tal-kelma u hekk ghandhom jaccettaw li franco ghandu dritt jivvota kif irid dritt demokratiku li jaghmel dan. Wara kollox l-elezzjoni kienet waslet.
Il-fatt li l-PN jitlef vot tal-budget ma jfissirx li huwa ta’ hsara ghal pn imma jista’ jkun ta’ vantagg politiku.
Hasra li debono jasal li jibla sunnara li tlestiet ghalih. Veru li spara go saqajh.
Zgur li t-tmexxija tal-pn se twahhal fih imma dan xorta se jibqgha ghaddej ghax anki nahseb qalbu terbahlu mohhu.
Franco avukat tajjeb hafna imma fil-politika fl-opinjoni tieghi huwa falliment irid jammetti.
Kieku kont floku illum nirrezenja mill-parlament minflok nivvota kontra l-budget. Parir tajjeb li zgur mhux se jiehu.
Franco Debono qatt ma kien imissu daħal fil-politika għaliex ma jafx x’jiġifieri tkun tagħmel parti minn “team”.
L-ikbar żball tal-Partit Nazzjonalista kien li, qabel ma aċċettah fuq il-lista tiegħu, m’għamilx il-verifiki neċessarji u skopra eżatt xi jsarraf. Żball ikbar kien meta marrulu d-dar wara li ma marx jivvota fil-Parlament.
Dakinhar irrealizza x’poter kellu u li l-gvern kien f’idejh u seta’ jimmanipulah kif ried.
Issa Franco Debono daħħal lilu nnifsu f’rokna. Bil-Malti ngħidu: “Min xarrbu kielu l-bakkaljaw”. Li kieku tassew kellu għal qalbu l-ġid ta’ dan il-poplu ma kienx jagħmel dak kollu possibbli biex jikkaġuna kemm jista’ jkun ħsara lill-Gvern għas-sempliċi raġuni li ma ħax dak li ried u ma riedx jistenna.
Jekk kien hawn min ħaseb li meta vvota mal-Labour biex ineħħi lill-ex-Ministru Carm Mifsud Bonnici straħ, għandu żball kbir. Bil-mod kif jaħseb moħħu, l-ikbar feriment li jista’ jagħmel lill-Prim Ministru u lill-gvern li jmexxi huwa li jivvota kontra l-Budget fl-10 ta’ Diċembru li ġej, u dakinhar jissiġilla d-destin tiegħu.
Għal din l-azzjoni ma għandu għalfejn iwaħħal f’ħadd ħlief fih innifsu. Iktar ma jattakka lill-kollegi tiegħu, iktar juri kemm hu immatur u li s-siġġu li okkupa għal dawn l-aħħar snin ma kienx denju tiegħu.
Dwar dak li qal u ppreżenta l-bieraħ fuq il-mejda tal-Parlament, wieħed issa jispera li l-investigazzjonijiet tal-Pulizija jsiru malajr ħalli min hu responsabbli jinġieb għall-ġustizzja.
“Rigward it-thedded il-partitarji tal-PN ghandom jiftakru…”
Kif taf li min heddu-jekk veru thedded-kien partitarju Nazzjonalist?
Bizzejjed ikun hemm ,per ezempju , wiehed li qed jistenna li johrog il-hlas ta’ tender ta’ ftit eluf , u li ilu jahdem biex jehodha sena, biex jhedded lil Franco.
Psikologu m’hinix , imma l-hajja ghalmittni li ma’ min il-lingwa tieghu hija biss dik tat-theddid trid tfiehemu bl-istess lingwa, ghax b’dik biss forsi jaf jifhem.
Darba kont nahdem ma’ kumpanija fejn id-direttur ,hlief jghajjat ma’ kullhadd ma kienx jaf, hlief ma’ wiehed. Staqsejt lil dan it-tali x’kien is-sigriet, u qalli “ Jekk jigi jghajjat mieghek, ghajjat mieghu iktar minnu, hekk biss jaf jitkellem”.
Darba messet lili li jigi dal-bicca direttur jghajjat mieghi, beda jitkessah u jghajjat, kif strah biex jiehu nifs biex ikompli jaghajjat, ftaht hangra daqsiex u tajtu hasla quddiem kullhadd. Kesah, dawwar denbu u qalli biex wara mmur sal-ufficju, fejn komplejt naqlghalu. M’ghajjatx iktar mieghi !
Franco you are not representing me in Parliament but yourself, because if you are representing me you vote yes for the budget because this what i want not your stupids ideas. if you don’t want Austin Gatt so YOU resign and let our country move to another year with a good budget for me and my family.
Franco, at least “Say Goodbye” !
Clever kemm hu clever Franco ma ndunax li Austin Gatt ilu x-xhur li qal li mhux ser jikkontesta aktar u allura kien ikollu c-cans li jiehu l-Ministeru tieghu u jirranga kollox dak li skond hu ghamel hazin Dr.Gatt.
S”hemm wassallek il-mohh.