What did I tell you, my dears?

Published: November 2, 2012 at 5:52pm

Never negotiate with a total c**t

Franco Debono is John Bundy’s SPESSHHYALL guest tonight on Super One TV. Are we meant to believe that he fixed this after reading the Nationalist Party’s statement at 10pm last night, about how they’re not for turning where he’s concerned?

Tragic Bundy prepares his shows way ahead, otherwise he gets confused.

So while elements in the Nationalist Party talk of reconciliation – I believe conciliation would be a better word because things have been bad with this bastard from day one – the bastard himself is in negotiation with the enemy for more star appearances on the enemy station, which he will use to attack what are supposed to be his people.

You see?

There’s another point. There can be no reconciliation, in any relationship under the sun, without the starting-point of regret, apology, forgiveness and the making of amends.

Franco Debono is capable of none of these things. He is what British idiom calls a c**t.

44 Comments Comment

  1. Cloud 9 says:

    Hanzir taqtalu denbu hanzir jibqa.

  2. Jozef says:

    There you have it.

    Let’s have him condemn Labour’s move to cancel voters off the register, on the One TV show tonight. Dik zgur Affari Taghna, Franco.

    But then, as if anyone’s missing Xarabank tonight to watch him. How convenient, sympomatic: Joseph, dreading his appointment with the PM, uses Franco to distract the audience.

  3. ciccio says:

    On his blog, he is behaving like a cornered rat.

  4. silvio says:

    If the missing letters are what I think they are, and the meaning of the word is what I know it is, I think you did quite a disservice to your sex.

    [Daphne – Silvio, it’s British English idiom with a very specific, perfect meaning. There is no other word which suffices, strangely enough not even in Maltese, where the very same word has a totally different meaning and is used for man (too) who is the precise opposite of a c**t.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      What is it with these language Taliban?

      Balls, Silvio! Now, am I doing a disservice to my sex?

    • john says:

      God. First he asks what pudenda are – and now this. What fucking ignorance from one so long in the tooth.

      And then there’s that other geriatric, Privitera, all over the shop and boring the pants off everyone.

      Standards are slipping. Even kev is keeping his distance.

      • silvio says:

        @John. I tend to agree with you that standards are falling.

        In my days persons writing in the tone you write were considered as the style used by persons of “ta’ wara s-suq”.

        Well, after all, you really sound like being one of them.

        Background and upbringing always manage to come to the surface.

        [Daphne – Oh Silvio, if only you knew.]

      • silvio says:

        If I only knew what Daphne?

        Whether “John” is related to the queen of Shieba, or more likely one of Darwin’s missing links, he has no right to call others ignorants.

        End of story.

      • john says:

        Sheba Silvio, Sheba.

    • Silvio, I have written what you have written about Daphne, but I used the word ” DISGRACE” !

      • silvio says:

        May I point out that I wrote nothing “about Daphne” – what I did was question her choice of words.

        What I would have chosen was “F.. king pr..k.’

    • Brian says:

      @ Silvio

      It’s just like when some asshole of a driver cuts you off on a lane change….And you say to yourself, ‘Kemm hu pufta’.
      I am sure you don’t mean that he is gay, it’s just a unique local phrasing.

      • Min Jaf says:

        It also allows the recipient of the insult to run you over with his car if you say that in Mellieha.

      • silvio says:

        Perhaps that could be the difference between a man and a mouse.

        A man would open the car window and make sure the”asshole” heard him calling him pufta.

        A mouse would say it “to himself ” and that is when the word pufta, gets its real meaning.

        [Daphne – Silvio, the unreconstructed man from the Austin Powers generation.]

      • Brian says:

        @ Silvio

        Well, with your reasoning, I suggest that you keep your car window wound down for the duration of your drive.

    • Frank says:

      I think we do have an equally powerful Maltese equivalent to c**t. It is h**a. Where I come from, it is exactly how we would describe someone like Debono who is vicious, vindictive, jealous and above all dishonourable.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Poxt, maybe Daphne? Although not nearly as satisfying to say when addressing such a c**t.

    • Steve Forster says:

      I am English, and personally I prefer twat but c**t does seem to fit better in the circumstance with the prefix “complete” in front.

  5. Bubu says:

    Stupid, full of shit, fucking nuts.

    Take your pick.

  6. ciccio says:

    It’s nice to see the future Deputy Leader of the PN attacking his colleagues in the party from the studios of Super One. Truly reconciliatory on his part.

    • ciccio. Have an entertaining evening !

      • ciccio says:

        Sure, Mr. Privitera.

        I will be watching the debate between the PM and the PM wannabe.

        I hope to see Dr. Joseph Muscat explain to us how, when, and by how much, he plans to cut the electricity tariffs.

        That should guarantee the entertainment.

        I’m getting the popcorn ready.

      • ciccio says:

        Another thing, Eddy. I think it’s John Bundy who will not have a very entertaining evening today. I hope he carries an adequate supply of paracetamol. He might even need counselling after the trauma that I expect he will go through tonight sitting next to that awful man and having to listen to him.

    • maryanne says:

      He’s thinking of his future. Maybe Mangion will appoint him Ambassador to Rwanda, once the PL is elected.

  7. Miss O'Brien says:

    The Dumb and Dumber Show

  8. Alex Grech says:

    They should call the show Lanzit Taghna not Affari Taghna.

  9. TROY says:

    We are in for a surprise on NET NEWS at 7.45 tonight.

    The suspense is killing me.

  10. A Montebello says:

    Just read this on FB:

    “Franco Debono’s words…it really shows how the guy really cares for Malta and its citizens..so even if the budget is great for Malta then he would still vote no…how arrogant is that..

    “Budget ‘bye bye’,” Debono said. “Austin Gatt has to go. I stand by what I said over the budget. If Gatt remains minister I will not vote for it, even if the budget is manna from heaven,” he said.”

    You can drop the asterisks – the guy’s a fucking cunt.

  11. Jozef says:

    When Joseph has to face the music, there’s always JPO and Franco in the news.

    Keep those spotlights where they belong everyone, at least we get to plan contingency, not that he’ll tell us.

  12. Brian says:

    Can anyone in here with a criminal law degree (F.D. excluded) explain this argument for the defence to me

    Quote of the day

    “His barrister, Peter Gower QC, argued that although Farrow was not mentally ill at the time of the killing, he was suffering an “abnormality of the mind” which diminished his responsibility for his actions.”


    It certainly ain’t a crime of passion… Thank God that this psychopath did not have any Mellieha roots…

  13. C says:

    Ma fiha xejn hazin li Simon Busuttil jitkellem b’ton rikonciljatorju, anzi hekk ghandu jkun.

    Pero’ Simon qal ukoll li wiehed irid jerfa’ r-responsabilta’ ta’ ghamilu.

    Rikonciljazzjoni ma jfissirx li Franco jerga’ jithalla jikkontesta mal-partit.

    Dik il-linja jiddecidiha l-ezekuttiv tal-Partit. Zgur l-maggoranza assoluta jaqblu li Franco mhux postu bhala kandidat. Il-hsara li ghamel lilu nniffsu ma’ numru kbir ta’ nies fil-partit hija irreparabbli.

  14. Adrian says:

    Reconciliation my foot! Who in his right senses would want him to represent the PN?

  15. Min Weber says:

    Imxiet kelma ma’ Hal Ghaxaq
    li kif jitla’ Joe Muscat
    se jaghmillu mafkar gholi
    ghaliex lejh tassew hu grat

    Franco ghadu ma sarx jafha
    din l-ahbar ghalih tad-deheb
    imma l-kelma lahqet waslet
    miz-Zejtun sa Bir id-Deheb

    U tal-Lejber ghamlu weghda
    m’Angelik f’Borg in-Nadur
    li ghal Franco jsemmu gnejna
    jekk sal-Bagit hu le jdur

    Isemmuh Gnien Franc Debono
    u jhawlulu sigar sbieh
    b’radd il-hajr ta’ kemm paxxihom
    tahom il-gvern u pajjiz hx**h

    – Aluwett XIV

  16. Lord Lucan says:

    Franco Debono is like a character from Alice in Wonderland.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is mad, too.

  17. Libertas says:

    Didn’t watch a second of it. Was glued to PBS watching Gonzi demolish Muscat on Xarabank.

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