Dear God, Franco is still bleating on about his personal misery on Super One TV

Published: December 11, 2012 at 8:08pm

I guess they’re going to carry on milking him until the general election, long after all sensible people have switched off and forgotten what he looks like.

My God, he’s wearing BROWN SHOES. He really must be having some kind of breakdown.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel Micallef on Super One is using a very cunning method of positive reinforcement.

    Let Franco speak, while smirking and giggling (same as they used to do with Norman Lowell) and then get a PL spokesperson (in this case Michael Falzon) to reinforce what Franco says and presents it to the ‘Laburist’ watching the show.

  2. Storiku Malti says:

    MIN HU FRANCO? Qatt ma smajt bih.

    • ciccio says:

      Franco Debono huwa dak li kien, li xtaq isir, u qatt ma sar u li issa ma ghadux.

    • Jozef says:

      Wiehed daqsxejn qarghi.

    • Angus Black says:

      Franco is a Maltese version of a black hole, astronomically speaking.

      A black hole. if my memory serves me right, is a massive concentration of negative energy which gobbles up anything approaching it.

      In this case it self-destructed and positive energy has returned and regenerated.

  3. TinaB says:

    Franco who?

  4. john says:

    Franco is more excitable than ever. His pills must be out of stock.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So help me god, the Christmas spirit has inspired another Yuletide joke.

    Q . Why is Franco like an undigested Christmas mince pie?

    A. He looked harmless enough at first, then spent a long time struggling against the system with a great deal of noise, and in the end, one December night, left quickly through the back passage.

  6. perry mason says:

    Kemm ghamel akkuzi, Franco.

    Ma ssostanzjax wahda li hi wahda.

    Bhala avukat missu jaf ahjar.

  7. TROY says:

    Dr. WHO.

  8. Taks Fors says:

    Which Franco are your referring to? Franko tas-Serduk, Franko tal-Form 2 jew Franco l-Irrelevanti?

  9. John Zammit says:

    Daphne your blog is as frightening as it is hilarious.

    Seriously, when I read your blog at times I get depressed when I imagine Labour back to rule us out of serenity and peace of mind.

    Enlighten me, I am not a fashion freak but what was wrong with the brown shoes?

    [Daphne – Brown shoes are for day, for the country, for relaxed weekends, and for use with casual outfits like cord trousers and tweed jackets. NEVER with a suit. Suit + black lace-up shoes. Oh, and fashion has nothing to do with it. Menswear has very strict rules.]

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    Time for frantic Franco to retire with his cock. If he strokes it tenderly, it should revive to fight again. Just has to find the right guy.

  11. Gahan says:

    Franco Debono is simply a useful idiot for Joseph Muscat.

    While Joseph delivers and serves pizza door to door and sometimes gets tipped, Franco would be the dishwasher who does the unappreciated donkey work.

  12. arthur magro says:

    Franco Debono is irrelevant.

  13. the happy one says:

    Dear Daphne,

    The brown shoes seem to be an Italian thing. I hate it too.

  14. Josette Jones says:

    This is Franco now:

  15. CIS says:

    I am looking forward to the day when he is invited on Super One and talks the way he talks on a Labour government. What a sight that would be.

  16. John Zammit says:


    I believe that the more we comment about him, is making his ego stronger. I think we should place him under the “I don’t ” pile.

    He delights reading your blog, and I am sure we are giving him too much attention and importance. Lets bury him for good, brown shoes and all.

    [Daphne – I don’t particularly care about his ego, either way. It’s also quite nice and liberating to be able to poke fun at him knowing that he’s not going to take it out on other people by phoning them to scream at them or threaten them, which sometimes made me feel a little guilty, to the point where I had to keep reminding myself that this is how bullies and blackmailers operate and that it is a great mistake to give in to them.]

  17. Ken il malti says:

    If only Daphne agreed to marry Franco then he would not be suffering this great continual angst and sheer misery.

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