Franco: isolated with Labour in his final ‘Ha, hu go fik’ moment
December 1, 2012 at 9:08am
So a journalist finally bothered to ring Jeff and Jazza (it was Christian Peregin at The Times) to ask them point blank how they plan to vote on the budget.
They both said they will vote in favour.
Franco has been left out on a limb.
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Another ‘ha, hu go fik’ moment for Franco yesterday was that amazing banner that the newly graduated LL.B. students paraded during their buscade.
Franco should really just go into hiding permanently – these days, he simply can’t be mentioned without being ridiculed.
His latest awfully written blog piece is filling up with people assuring him that ‘Simon’ will soon be calling his magic crack-berry, persuading him back into the PN fold in time for the election.
Others are telling him to go back to the PN where he belongs, as if the choice to stand for election on the Nationalist ticket is HIS choice to make.
Franco’s latest blog … mistakes galore
Now he i
then end of Austin Gatt
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mritocracy ad equal treatment
Clique ad the Oligarchy
te same urnames
Franco Debono: the has-been everybody loves to hate.
I’d say: ‘everybody loves to laugh at’
Reminds me of “either/or” questions in college tests.
Will GonziPN MPs be ” laughing” at Franco Debono on December 10 or 12 ???
Will he and his form 2c result feature in this year’s pantomime?
I think time will prove us wrong. Franco is not that stupid.
I agree Giov, I think Franco will be back with a bang.
If Franco ” will be back with a bang”, then Austin Gatt will be OUT with a bang too !
I’d love to go out with a bang. During a bang actually.
Hu go fik, Eddy Privitera.
Franco will be out forever blasted by the PN people, while Austin Gatt will retire with full honours for all he did within the Government which neither that idiot of Jesmond Mugliett had the guts to do, nor that nincompoop of Franco ever did in his 5 years sitting pretty in Parliament hurling insults to his leader and PM.
Itlob Giovann !
Eddy, kemm ser indum nighdlek biex ma tindahalx.
Nahseb iktar int qed titlob, Eddy, ghax min jaf kemm l-weghda qed taghmel eh?
Kellek bzonn ghandek par cookies bhal ta’ Austin, Sur Privitera.
there is no easy way out.
Min jaf kemm se jzid ‘friends’ Laburisti Franco ?
Forsi issa ma jmurx jivvota kif ghamel ghal-elezzjoni tal-vici kap.
Ghandi “gut feeling” li xi hadd mill-Labour se jivvota favur. Ghax wara kollox jekk jitla’ l-Labour Joseph se jkompli jwettaq il-bagit u jekk jitla’ Simon (sorry Gonzi) ikolna iktar kontinwita.
Franco is no fool. Those he deems his enemies have been defeated so why vote against the budget now?
Besides if he abstains it will be of no consequence since the Speaker can step in. I doubt Franco would actually vote with Labour and would be extremely disappointed if he did.
That said if the budget goes through it will give more time for all cards to fall into place including facing the electorate in a united fashion to the benefit of all except Labour.
Hopefully good sense will prevail.
Taf x’jonqoskhom ? Tappellaw biex fil-knejjes madwar Malta u Ghawdex isiru velji ta’talb fid- 9 ta’ Dicembru !
Sur Privietera – m’hix se taqa id-dinja jekk il budget ma jigix approvat bis sahha tal PL. Pero il poplu se baghti ghax il beneficci u incentivi fil budget, illi anke il PL joghgbuhom se jintilfu.
U tghidlix illi nehduhom wara ghaliex iridu jagghdu min lanqas sitt xhur sabiex il PL jipprepara budget, tigi esaminata mil UE u imbaght tigi approvata fil Palriament – forse anke sitt xhur huma ftit.
Izda immagina il kaos li ser jinholoq. Forsa jaghmlu sew jekk il PL jerga jahsbuha li jivvotua kontra.
Jekk jivvotaw favur allure nahseb illi veru jahsbu ghal poplu l-ewwel u mhux ghal interessi personali taghhom.
Ejjew PL nisfidakom ‘Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox’.
Sa’dum tghid cucati, Privitera. B’dak il-kunjom wiehed kien hemm dicenti fil-Labour – Salvinu.
Eddy is the swirling of a fluid and the reverse current created when the fluid flows past an obstacle.
I Will leave it to everyone’s imagination what the fluid might be.
Sur Eddy,
Jekk il-Budget ma jghaddix, l-elezzjoni probabli isir fl-ewwel gimgha ta’ Marzu.
Jekk il-Budget jghaddi, l-elezzjoni probabli ukoll isir fl-ewwel gimgha ta’ Marzu.
Fejn hi d-differenza?
Fil-fatt aqwa minn hekk ghal-Labour:
Jekk il-budget jghaddi, il-PN se jitlef l-elezzjoni.
Jekk il-budget ma jghaddix, il-PN se jitlef l-elezzjoni.
X’inhi d-differenza?
Good move by Christian Peregin to ignore the git.
Franco who?
Franco, it is now the time to give up your parliamentary seat in favour of Simon Busuttil.
So it is all set: on 10 December 2012, Franco will commit ‘suppuku.’
Can’t he wait for another 11 days until 21 December 2012?
Malta Today online quoted Franco as saying “I now want to regain the position I had in the party before Austin Gatt hijacked the Nationalist Party”.
The same source says “However, minutes after being elected, Busuttil shot down any chance of reversing the electoral ban, insisting that he had “no intention to revoke the decision taken by the executive to ban him [Franco Debono] from contesting the next general election on the party ticket.””
So, with Jeffrey and Jesmond declaring their vote for the budget, it seems Franco will go down (not only in the history books) as the one who brought down the Government on 10 December.
Franco will have good reason to celebrate Republic Day with his coalition partner, the PL.
Yet in his twisted reality he probably prefers it this way………
“Franco has been left out on a limb.”
No, he has been seen dangling at the back of the bus.
The headline of this story is a classic example of bad editing and reporting. The student was commenting on some study units, not courses, and the fact that some lecturers do not follow the study-unit description to the letter, which is true enough.
I would have been surprised if they said that will vote against.
The proposed removal of the stamp duty on inherited and donated property will save them and their heirs, several hundreds of thousands if not millions of euros.
Who in his right mind, would want to vote against such a measure?
I am sure that this budgetary measure and the election of Dr Busuttil will see the PN back in the race with more then a sporting chance of winning the next general election.
On ONE radio this morning, on Manwel Micallef’s show, the guest speakers dissed the proposed removal of the stamp duty on property from next year.
Their point was that it would have been fairer if it was backdated to the last six months of this year to cover the denunzji made by heirs during this period.
If I was Dr Gonzi, I would do exactly that, i.e. include the denunzji made this year on inherited property to save them the stamp duty.
Could it be that Labour want to appease Dom Mintoff’s heirs with this proposal?
What had happened to that land deal in the Zejtun ODZ? Did it expire in November?
Trid tkun mignun skifuz u ippatentajat bhal Franco Debono biex proposta bhal din tivvota kontra.
Mela mhux kullhadd hawn Malta ghandu xi propjeta tieghu. anke l-aktar imqammel li jghix f’ housing estate.
Kieku kont kostitwent ta’ dak il-hasi ta’ Hal Ghaxaq u ghandi bicca propjeta li irrid inhalli lil uliedi, kieku ma niehu gost xejn bih jekk jivvota kontra din il-proposta.
Re l-eredi ta’ Mintoff, naqta rasi b’imhatra li il-Labour fil-gvern (Allahares qatt) jestendi ittnehhijja tal-boll biex tibda min dis-sena, halli ipaxxi lil ta’ Mintoff.
Aunt Hetty: Explain how an opposition which has no confidence in the government, then vote in favour of the budget thus showing confidence in that same government ????
Just watch Dr. Muscat’s speech next Wednesday and you’ll learn quite a few things, not just about this budget but previous budgets as well !
Seem like you write his speeches…stupidagni bazwija.
By what you wrote, it appears that Joseph is consulting with you, Eddy, in which case we are not surprised at the confused state of mind he is in, these days.
It seems that the election of Simon Busuttil as deputy leader of the NP is playing tricks on Labour’s minds. Gone is their cockiness and doubts are slowly creeping in their minds, of a sure win.
While the NP make wise choices even if difficult ones due to the quality of the contestants, the LP did exactly the opposite when they had a clear choice of a better one to lead their party but instead they chose a two but media hack to muddle them on with an antique team (by his own choice) around him. As for deputy leader?
The ‘Taks fors’ is work in progress, or should that be ‘regress’?
If only the LP had the same luxury, same quality choices and same calibre of leaders as the NP has.
Eddy , your friend the Guy needs help in refreshing his memory. You should go and help him.
Yes Sur Eddy – I have learnt a lot of things about Dr. Muscat and not very nice ones either, but I am still hoping that he will learn a few things too.
The opposition can still vote in favour of the budget.
They can say that whilst they do not have any confidence in this government they will vote in favour and that they are doing so Malta can carry on without any hiccups.
The PL could garner some votes by doing that.
Aha, so now we know who writes Joseph Muscat’s speeches that end on the teleprompter. Who would have guessed that it’s the one and only Eddy.
He’ll look even more ridiculous if he votes against the budget and then adopts it. But what am I saying, Joseph Muscat can’t look any more ridiculous than he already does.
He hasn’t given anything away because he doesn’t want the Nationalists copying his ideas and then he takes the PN’s plans, lock, stock and barrel, and presents them as his own.
Eddy, if you see nothing wrong in all this, you really have no idea of political decency. But we know this already.
The truth is that only a few days back PN were heading for a sure loss – now there is a dim chance they might win.
On the other hand the PL were heading for a definite victory – now there is a dim chance they might lose.
The 12% difference between the major Parties means that the PN can close the gap at the rate of 1% per month – Not an impossible task at all.
Joseph Muscat must be truly desperate to sink so low as to have you as a consultant, Mr. Privitera.
Who cares about past budgets you ”figlio di una buona donna”?
I care about THIS budget and how my immediate family are going to be better off by several thousands of Euros thanks to the removal of the stamp duty.
It is even better then making a good win at Super Five or Quarterno, as far as I am concerned,
All those of my family (including extended family) who were Labourites or disgruntled Nationalists are going to vote ”BILL-QALB” for the PN, thanks to this unexpected Christmas windfall.
”Hu go fik”, Mr. Privitera.
Franco does not understand that he has been left out on a limb. He believes that he has attained heights of solitary excellence beyond the reach of the rest of humanity. There is a medical name for it.
This is becoming embarrassing for me; if Debono votes in favour of the budget, will I have to like this person a little, little bit?
Daphne – xi hdura madonna ghandek!
[Daphne – Not a bit of it. I am merely factual. The hdura-ridden are individuals like Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and his second wife (but not his first), Jesmond Mugliett and a couple of others. That’s real hdura, my dear, but I don’t expect you to see it.]
Hdura li tivvota kontraq budget li kulhadd jaqbel li huwa budget tajjeb KOPRICCOZAMENT. Hdura immirata lejk, lejja u lejn il-poplu kollu. Dik hdura.
Ir-REGINA TAL-HDURA taraha f’haddiehor izda mhux fiha nnifisha !
[Daphne – Oh God, Eddy, you are so boring.]
Eddy is in a state of panic he is all over the boards answering those who are seeing the lite in the tunnel for the PN, together with those who are now realising that Labour won’t work. ” Eddy those pensioners told you so on TVAM Labour won’y work” .
Colour blind Eddy wants us to watch the boy from Burmarrad (or is it ‘Minn San Pawl’ now) deliver his budget speech, because it’s gonna surprise us all.
This Benito Mussolini impersonator is delivering the speech of a lifetime.
Ara tiftakarx, Sur Privitera, meta darba Mintoff irrefera ghalik bhala’ dak il-hmar’.
Hmar kont u bqajt.
Nithassrek Eddie – spending the best part of 25yrs exuding nothing but spite and misery must be pretty depressing for you, and the poor souls around you.
Sur Xewka, il-hdura kontra il-poplu Malti kollu qed jurijha kull min ha jivvota kontra li titnehha it-taxxa tal-boll.
Franco can also opt to prove us wrong.
Will you bet 1 euro that within 3 years of the elections, Franco will not have a meltdown of Sandro Schembri Adami proportions?
Does Debono have any home owners, prospective heirs or prospective first home buyers in his constituency?
If I lived in his constituency and gave him my vote last time, he would be my most favourite person right now.
It’s the Arsenal offside trap! :P
Quite right, too – why boost this man’s ego further?
Jump to 1:00 for big Il-Guy gaffe:
I wouldn’t trust JPO no matter how many assurances he gives. He’ll turn around and back stab everyone faster than I can say “hu ġo fik”.
Not this time. The removal of the stamp duty on donated and inherited property will mean that his family will stand to save millions of euros when he kicks the bucket.
I bet he is voting Yes BECAUSE HE DOES NOT TRUST JOSEPH MUSCAT’S assurances that once he is prime minister, he will keep the positive proposals of the budget.
Same goes for Mugliett.
It is that silly daft childish Franco Debono ”li baqa fuq li xkaffa” and has no wife or children of his own, who is not bothered about the financial advantages that come with the removal of the stamp duty. Hence his insistance on voting NO.
The PL is going to vote against the budget so what this effectively means is that they are willing to let the people lose all the benefits and incentives in this budget just for the sake of pique.
Some socialists they are.
If, on the other hand Joseph Muscat or some other of his parliamentarians decide to vote in favour of the budget, then the PL might gain some brownie points.
What do you think dear Eddy – is pique or the fact of having an election a couple of months before its time, is really worth all this.
As to laughing at Franco, I will never laugh at Franco because quite frankly he is the one who is committing political suicide by his actions.
If I have to pray, I will pray that he will come to his senses and think of the party that he is supposed to love and on whose ticket he was elected as a parliamentarian, loyalty also to his constituents, and the repercussions of a budget not being approved.
So go for it Franco, and for once think of others instead of yourself.
Have you noticed that he remove tiltles whenever he wants?
It is true that it’s his blog, however a blog is a space where you endorse your beliefs.
If he deletes the articles from the blog proves that his articles aren’t that strong and even though being the best criminal lawyer he can’t back up with a concrete answer.
BTW today’s targets are the president and the church. Maybe tomorrow it will be Obama or Ban Ki Moon, who knows?
I’ve always worked well with Austin Gatt, though I tend to end up disagreeing with him after spending five minutes in the same room. But we respect each other and I’m prepared to work with him if he’s prepared to work with me.
Daphne I may be way off mark here. I have a nagging feeling that in light what has happened on Friday Austin Gatt may resign and relinquish his seat to Busuttil.
Since Gatt is not standing for the next election he may do this as a noble gesture to prevent the government from falling.
Now, the budget would be implemented, if you take Franco’s word, and in the process would trap Muscat. If MLP gets elected than Muscat would be hard pressed to keep all his unattainable promises.
Undoubtedly a nightmare for Muscat, similar one to Sant. People would be so angry with the austerity measures that MLP will fall again into the abyss for many years.
Daphne, did you see Franco’s comment today?
So first he tried to praise Simon because he thought he will help him remove the ban of the PN executive on him.
Now that Simon has made it clear that he has no intention to work for the removal of the ban, Franco turned against him and is attacking him in his blog.
Jiena nistiEden lil Eddie PrivItera jmur jAGHmel ezami tal-kuxjenza l-Casino u jibda jimmedita meta kien l-ahjar zmien ta’Malta.
Jiena kont nahseb li dan EddY immatura, izda f’dak Li qed nara mill-kitba tieghu rega koppi.
kemm hadt pjacir narah jaqa ghac-cajt fuq TVHemm meta kien fil-kumpanija ta’ Liliana u Josephine.
Meta titkellem bis-sens niehdu gost bik, imma meta tkun partigjan, mur inheba.