Get your finger off that suicide button – for your sake as well as everyone else’s (including Laburisti, though they refuse to acknowledge this)

Published: December 1, 2012 at 8:58am

You know, my dears, what we really need is Karmenu Vella (who can’t remember what he said five minutes ago at a press conference) to run the economy.

And Joseph – now he’ll be really good. And Edward Scicluna of the Mintoffeconomics – wow.

Get your finger off that suicide button, for God’s sake.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Anthony II says:

    I committed suicide when I voted PN in 2003. I swore to never to do it again.

    I am voting Labour for the first time when this so called prime minister calls an election and I am proud of it.

    No more gonzi. No more PN.

    [Daphne – Had a problem with the results of EU membership, did you? Tsk tsk.]

    • MF says:

      Can t one have an opinion on this blog?

      [Daphne – Without opinions, there would be no blogs.]

    • Angus Black says:

      A typical Labour response. Always were and always will be Labour if it kills them.

      You regret voting PN in 2003? Why did you vote for EU when ‘Made in Brussels’ advised you not to?

      Now you will be voting for the same man who a dozen or so U-turns later and in hindsight declared that EU membership was good for Malta? That makes a lot of sense.

      While you assure us that you will be voting Labour [for the first time], you fail to point out what has bothered you in the last 8 years.

      By the way, do you mind telling us how you voted in 2008?

    • James Bartolo says:

      Let them vote Labour. How I would like that Labour is elected into Government … what you see is what you get. Look at Greece, at italy, at Spain at all the other Countries who are scrounging with austerity measures. Why shouldn’t we pay for the new power stations if we want light, why shouldn’t we pay for all the improvements in social services (free hospital care etc.) when other countries dont even have this commodity? the only pity is that I will have to bear the cross with these nincompoops. If only they will bear the brunt of labour’s follies I wouldn’t mind it at all. But knowing that I will have to pay for their Labour follies, I shudder to think about it.

  2. Jozef says:

    Zapatero’s greatest achievement, managing to create a state sponsored property bubble bringing down state administered banks in the process.

    He was the one who reduced a nation to a detente between minorities transforming government into a purveyor of rights, obligations out the window.

    The result today is Catalunia’s referendum for seccession.

  3. Jemima says:

    Partit skadut – lanqas tajjeb ghat tielet dinja.

  4. Consuela says:

    It’s hilarious what you’ve been reduce to :)

    [Daphne – The word is ‘reduced’. Try taking language lessons and then I might listen.]

  5. Natalie says:

    The problem here is ignorance.

    The other day, I overheard a conversation between two of my colleagues. One said happily that Joseph will keep all the good points in the budget. But what about the bad?, she asked. The reply was that he’s going to remove them of course.

    At this point I butted into the conversation and asked them bluntly what they supposed Joseph will do to finance the ‘good’ things in the budget, without increasing tobacco tax and all other measures to keep the budget balanced.

    They stared at me, until they one of them said that she’s sure that Joseph knows what he’s doing; she doesn’t understand how economics works after all.

    These are two healthcare professionals. It’s scary.

  6. Angus Black says:

    With a permanent confused look on his face, Karmenu Vella proved that he either cannot concentrate or he, unfortunately, has a touch of dementia, or worse.

    Listening to that clip was painful.

    Admitting that he ‘forgot what he had said’ barely three minutes before, was excruciating.

    Heaven help us if this bloke is writing Labour’s election programme. Worse, if Labour implements it.

  7. David says:

    You are right. The Eurozone unemployment rate is completely the fault of Mr K. Vella.

    [Daphne – Did anyone say that? Oh, I forgot: Labour voter.]

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    It really is reality time, people.. Do you seriously want a bunch of incompetents to run the country? The same bunch that fucked it up 25 years ago? (And, over the last few days, exhibited the same uselessness).

    C’mon people, please wise up.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Karmenu Vella at the height of his brilliant parliamentary career. With Labour, the past IS the present.

  10. canon says:

    Why don’t we go a step further and make it a direct contest between Simon Busuttil and Joseph Muscat?

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