I don’t know how Labour isn’t ashamed of the typical quality of person who supports it, quite frankly
December 3, 2012 at 7:12am
On timesofmalta.com’s comments-board, beneath the report ‘Higher fuel prices come into force’:
Kevin Seychell
Today, 04:47
There you go people PN hasnt even been re-elected yet and already the cost of living has gone up. can you imagine what is going to happen if he wins the election again?All he cares about is filling his pocket whilst the hard working maltese people are starving. Running this beautiful country is not a game, he is wasting our lives,i believe its time for a change honestly it cant get much worse.
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The answer to your question is that they do not know any better.
SM, surely you mean they don’t know any worse.
No. The answer is that many of them do not know any worse.
They have either forgotten that the last years leading up to 1987 were only cushy for those wearing rose coloured glasses (pun intended) and who were well taken care of by their government. Alternatively, they were kids or perhaps, even better, not yet born.
Rest assured that when Labour are elected (and frankly its “when” rather than “if”), it may one day dawn on these people that they did once know better. Of course, that is assuming they have some form of IQ, which between us, is something about which I also have my doubts!
What is the guarantee that the cost of living does not rise with a Labour government.
Canon, two of the three stooges did give a guarantee that W & E tariffs will be reduced as follows:-
Not in the first year
Maybe in the second
Probably in the third
Definitely fl-anno mai
Remember Antonella tal-Isnobby?
Where are these “starving people”?
Who made this country beautiful Labour under Dom Mintoff who distroyed only god knows how many historical sites on the Nationalist who are restoring many historical sites?
For Labour, running this country is indeed a game. This was explicitly stated by Deputy Leader Anglu Farrugia last week on a One Radio programme hosted by Glen Bedingfield.
When asked about the timing for making public Labour’s plans for lowering electricity tariffs, his answer was “this is just a waiting game”.
This is how they will run the country – playing hide and seek with the people.
“There you go people PN hasnt even been re-elected yet and already the cost of living has gone up. can you imagine what is going to happen if he wins the election again?All he cares about is filling his pocket whilst the hard working maltese people are starving. Running this beautiful country is not a game, he is wasting our lives,i believe its time for a change honestly it cant get much worse.”
The above is so incorrect.
1) The Maltese people are NOT starving. Their heads are starved with stupidity, but their tummies aren’t;
2) This country is NOT beautiful;
3) Running this country is NOT a game, true but neither is it easy to runt;
4) Your life is NOT dependent on the country, the government, his affairs and what’s in it – your life is totally dependent on YOURSELF!
5) ‘I BELIEVE ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE HONESTLY IT CANT GET MUCH WORSE’ – Change is good, as they say – but in order for change to be good, there needs to be a good change.
Got it?
Joseph will give this pea-brain the change he deserves, it will be from the frying pan and into the fire.
One of Mintoff’s ‘karta tal-incova’…
These people make one hell of a case against Darwin’s theory of natural selection. How do people this stupid survive?
They’re probably more prolific.
By living in an environment where intelligence is not a prerequisite for survival.
Actually, come to think of it, intelligent people usually have fewer offspring.
It’s called government largesse; the capable pay for the incapable.
Create a system which guarantees the party who promises the most handouts governs.
Just make sure there is a majority of people who are beholden to welfare of one sort or another and, hey presto: you have public princes instead of servants, a quarter/third of new births subsidised by you and me, subsidised this and that, pensions, unemployment benefits.
By getting social services handouts and, although possessing no brain, they’re usually amply supplied with brawn.
“…whilst the hard working maltese people are starving. ”
Joseph Muscat is not hard working enough then, because he seems to have added several kilos since 2008.
Mela jekk dan il-gvern jgholli l-hajja ghaliex Joseph ser izomm dan il-budget – biex immutu aktar bil-guh?
I watched NET TV’s transmission of the Deputy Leader’s election last Friday.
Honestly I was quite surprised at the antics of a good number of people (delegates?) who were acting in front of the camera as if it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be seen on TV.
Now to borrow part of your statement: Quite frankly I don’t know how the PN wasn’t ashamed of using such “quality supporters” as the front of its “day of renewal” !
It takes all kinds to make a world David but some kinds are more obvious than others. What would you suggest that the PN throws certain people out of the front-line ?
There is no guarantee – cost of living will only go up never down. As to people starving – go out on a Sunday morning/evening – see the number of cars, high powered motor cycles, ever increasing number of shops and supermarkets. That should give Kevin Seychell his reply.
Forgot to mention, restaurants, snack bars, bars, etc. etc.
I cannot understand why Franco debono is writing blogs during the weekend and then deleting them on monday morning?!!!!
weird or what?
how can you describe such a behavior?!
Guzeppi tal-mosta
kullhadd jafni
Franco has realised all the doors are now closed. He’s desperate now. I will no longer comment on his blog as I now genuinely believe he is not of sane mind, and it’s not right to mock sick people.
In retrospect he must finally be realising what a perfect prat he is making of himself.
Does Franco stand to inherit any family property eventually?
If so, all the more fool him.
That is , unless he trusts Joe Muscat more then Lawrence Gonzi to implement the positive elements of the budget.
Must think that it does not count at the weekend if he can start a clean slate Monday……Weirdo is as weirdo does
Another genius who couldn’t blow his nose if he had dynamite for brains.
Well this fellow is a Labour voter, but we Nationalists have one of these stars as an MP.
You should have a look at Eddy Privitera’s comments lately (or rather nothing has changed in his regard).
He has suddenly gone into panic mode.
He enlightens us with multiple comments (to any one article) on timesofmalta.com Franco’s blog, Maltatoday (you name it you have it) and I’m sure he’s pestering you with his wisdom comments here as well.
There was plenty of weeping and gnashing its teeth on ONE news today at the prospect of THE few paltry euro-cents Increase on petrol and diesel, which measure, accordning to them will make those ”fir-riskju ta faqar” even worse off.
They complete miss the positive effect worth tens of thousands of euros that most people (including those ”f riskju ta faqar”) will be benefitting from, with the removal of the stamp duty – which proposal the Labour Party and Franco Debono will be voting against, BIL-QALB.
Plenty of ”new poor” end up in that precise situation because on top of their already pressing financial commitments, they end up having to take out more bank loans to pay for stamp duty on inherited property.
The irony also is that most wage earners pay life insurance to help their heirs get by in case of their early demise,What was actually happening was that the benefits of the life insurance usually ended up paying for the stamp duty on inherited property instead!
How is it possible that the Labour party morons and Franco Debono would vote against such a proposal WITH A CLEAR CONCIENCE?
Does this man actually live in Malta?
‘Tis the Season. Here’s a little joke that will come in handy at those office parties, and get you that long-awaited fumble on the photocopier with the Unattainable Office Beauty;
– What did Franco say while stuffing his Christmas turkey?
– Hekk, hu go fik.
Who the hell is ‘HE’ supposed to be?
Re the heading: Muscat could not care less whether this Seychell is stupid or not. All he cares about is his vote. To be considered, however is the fact whether, in the face of such stupidity, this vote will be valid. Perhaps Privitera could enlighten us on this point.
How Franco managed to blog himself into political oblivion;
”This blog is heading towards its final days. I have much more important things to do than keep a blog. But I had to do it because of oppressive media in this country and a parliament that hasn’t got decent means of communication.”
Asta la vista
I’ll bet his last post is on 21 December.
It is high time that the PN explained in simple terms what the removal of stamp duty on property will mean to anybody who is a home owner or stands to inherit any form of property be it a humble dwelling in a slum , a garage, a town house , a villa , a huge block of luxury flats etc.etc.
This is one measure where cikku il-poplu will end up ”b’aktar flus fil -but ”- u flus ta’ vera mhux cicri.
In Malta, most people are home owners.
@ Kevin Seychell
Min jaf kif int mifqugh bit-talbiet ghax-xoghol bhalissa hux? Daqstant sigar tal-Milied u presepji, ikun hawn domanda tajba ghal stilel bhalek.
It can’t get much worse says this cretin.
No it really can’t. Wherever I drive to, cars are bumper to bumper.
I drive in London regularly. It is far worse here.
The affluence all over is reaching worrying proportions.
The price of petrol and diesel should have gone up by,at least, 25% and not by just over 1%.
That would have made more people use public transport or their bicycles. Or encouraged them to walk.
This could provide a clue,
Blame the Church, Whitehall, the Nationalists, anyone except one’s bipolar disorder, depressive make or break politics and constant bluff to avoid commitment to that which exists.
Why Labour has to revise everything to procrastinate the state is what fascinates me, no end to it, ever.
It’s as if they’re never willing to accept what’s there, an irrational, emotional, mood fit to imagine gestation instead. Let birth come later, someday.
It becomes vicious if one has to restrict totality to a single party, utterly incapable of seeing beyond their views.
Isn’t it what Joseph does?
How can they be ashamed if most of the party members are also that type of people.
Yet what baffles me is how the ex-Nationalists who have switched sides are not ashamed to hang out with Labour.
I’m not referring to social class at all. It’s more about the mind set.
No Labour MP, candidate, administrator, etc gives the impression that he is starving. Could Kevin Seychell provide us with a photograph of himself?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could reject votes from folk you don’t like?
“I don’t like the look of you, please do not vote for me”
That would be me and why I am a lousy politician.
You can’t really blame Labour supporters for desiring change.
They have lived for nearly a quarter of a century under the oppressive rule of the PN, bar those 22 months in which the government was stolen from them (through PN tactics), and so can only relate to how they lived during the Mintofian Golden Age.
Coupled with this they have a leader who apparently will be able to walk on water once he becomes PM so you can understand their eagerness for going carcading next year.
I suggest Kevin Seychell goes to Italy, Spain, Portugal or Cyprus to see if things can’t get worse.
In case of real emergency, he can ask his friend and fellow ‘Laburust tal-Azzar’ il-kugin ta’ Gorg Vella to give him a few bob from his recent €800’000 windfall, which, as a true socialist, he will no doubt do with alacrity.
Given the high prevalence of obesity amongst the adult population, the words “starving” and “Maltese”, used next to each other if you please, can hardly be convincing.
“It can’t get much worse” than what exactly? The jobs? The shopping going on at the moment in Valletta (I’ve just witnessed it), the full restaurants at lunch time (in Valletta), the impossible-to-get-an-appointment-at-short-notice salons and beauty parlours (or whatever they’re called nowadays)?
I simply cannot understand what people want. I really cannot.
‘People starving?’ Maybe that’s the reason why Lidl last Monday was overrun with people. Not a place to be found in their parking lot and a veritable crowd in the store. For a moment I thought they were giving stuff away.