I think I am going to vote Labour this time.
December 13, 2012 at 12:44pm
I thought that would get your attention.
While I was out last night, I couldn’t help but notice that after months and years of bitching, kvetching, whining, moaning, grumbling and complaining, sentiment is once more turning round to this:
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My own bitching, kvetching, whining, moaning, grumbling and complaining has been minimal. Imma issa kemm sejjer nivvota PN bil-qalb on 9 March.
Dejjem PN ivvutajat, u xejn anqas din I’d darba. Il bierah il Prim kien formidabbli. Simon, ukoll.
Bar talk keeps revolving around how Joseph could have voted in the budget and then defeated government. Keeping the budget intact being a given.
‘Dan-naqra xahrejn, mur ara, issa b’daqshekk x’ha?’
He comes across as a capricious mummy’s boy to his hardcore. Something they don’t really take to.