If you receive this email and you’re not a Labour voter or a switcher, ignore it or delete it

Published: December 12, 2012 at 4:18pm

The following email is being mass-mailed by the Labour Party in disguise. It has been picked up by others who think it is genuine, and mass-mailed out again in turn.


In light of the imminent elections, it would be good to go to the following link,
insert your ID card no and check if you are registered on the electoral register…
every vote will count!


(pass on to your family and friends)

That site is hosted by www.maltastar.com (the Labour Party’s official news site). See the technical information in the image below. My guess is that the Labour Party is doing this because it is one of the most efficient ways possible of building up an ‘exclusion list’ of Maltese citizens who are working or studying elsewhere in Europe, and who tend to vote Nationalist.

This is because the only people likely to check if they are registered are precisely the ones in that situation. The rest of us take our inclusion in the electoral roll for granted.

15 Comments Comment

  1. vanni says:

    Excuse me Daphne, but would like to remind people studying/ working abroad that the PN can confirm for you if the Labour Party has struck you off the register.

    Please follow the link, and fill out the details, and you will instantly receive confirmation if Dastardly Muscat has tried to stop you from exercising your fundamental right.


    [Daphne – You cannot be struck off the electoral roll without your knowledge and without proceedings in court in which you obviously have to be a participant.]

  2. bartilmew says:

    Hasra li anke fuq mychoice.pn issiba ukoll.

    [Daphne – Yes, but in that case you know that it’s your political party of choice. It’s not anonymous or fraudulent.]

  3. Tinnat says:

    I suspected as much. Thanks for confirming it.

  4. Qeghdin Sew says:

    e-This, e-That. Isn’t it about time the official Electoral Register is made available? You’d use your e-ID to access it.

  5. vanni says:

    The Dirty Tricks Department @ The Progressive Movement is at it again.

  6. chully says:

    How did the sender get the email address in the first place?

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Not an exclusion list. More likely precise metrics on electoral prospects. The Maltese diaspora is hard to quantify, and most of it is potentially PN.

    PN would do well to emulate their adversaries. If 1500 votes tipped the balance last time round, then every Maltin ta’ barra vote (NOT the Australians) counts.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps even more damning than that is to look at the source code of the site itself (use rightclick view source, or check how to do it in your browser) – anyway, I’ve uploaded it on this site: https://gist.github.com/4271608 and here is a screenshot:


    The first highlighted area shows that there would have been some text saying “for further information please call the Electoral office on 2124 9900 or send an email to myvote@maltastar.com

    The second highlighted area shows that they are using google analytics to track anyone who is using the site.

  9. John Zammit says:

    Daphne , Pardon my ignorance, what exactly should we do then?
    Yes I for one take it for granted that I am on the roll of eligible voters. But is this a regular practice? Where and how do we check on line about this?
    If I understand you well this should be very worrying.

    [Daphne – If you were on the electoral roll already, and have not received legal papers for your removal, then you are on it and there’s no need to check. You can’t be removed without your knowledge and without action in court. So basically, there is no need to check. That’s why this is an exercise in collecting information about people who might be living and working abroad.]

  10. JimBob Borg says:

    LoL – this reminds when we were kids and we used to play a game called Chinese Whisphers!

    Mrs Caruna Galizia, at the moment you are like the last kid passing the message to the original creator and the group – and you’d be extremely amused at how the message changed!! This was never started by the Labour Party in disguise but by someone disgusted that this service is not provided by the Electoral Commission themselves!

    [Daphne – The technical information cannot be challenged. The site is hosted by Maltastar.]

    • JimBob Borg says:

      The technical information was never challenged, that’s the most amusing part – the original message contained that information as part of the message!! :)))

      [Daphne – You’re a bit confused. That’s a screen shot I took of the technical information.]

      • JimBob Borg says:

        Not at all, I’m saying that the original message contained that the original site is hosted by Maltastar :))

        [Daphne – I’ve lost you now, sorry. Even if the original email message contained the information that the site is hosted by Maltastar, the current email message does not, and it is being passed around to people who are being hoodwinked into using it.]

      • JimBob Borg says:

        e.g. part of the original posting:
        For the paranoid, there is another way they could track you – By keeping the list of ID’s being checked, reverse look-up the IPs to see if the domains are out of Malta, build a list of names which seem to be checking their eligibility from abroad, and then try their luck with a court order to strike them off from the register. However that period has closed coz it was till the end of October (the PL already submitted their list) so you’re safe for the upcoming election.

        Possibly the OP was wrong regarding the end of October thing, the OP is not a lawyer and only got that information from the The Times and the EC website.

  11. JimBob Borg says:

    Yeah looks like it!! And all it took was two days. A social experiment at it best.

  12. JOHN BOWDLER says:

    Ms Caruana Galizia

    I have to follow the Independent online as I’m more often outside Malta than in. I can’t fail to see comments on your opinion pieces by one James Alexander Tyrell. Apart from coming across as a pompous bombastic hick (and venomous to boot) I would like to know whether he’s a resident of Malta, pays his full taxes, or whether he sits abroad making ridiculous and inane comments. That’s all. Thanks.

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