It’s not the promises that Muscat makes in public that should worry us the most. Those are open to scrutiny.

Published: December 13, 2012 at 1:11pm

No. It’s the promises he makes in private, to special-interest groups. Labour has segmented the voter-base into different special-interest groups and is tackling each one of those separately.

This is normal for political parties, and entirely acceptable and advisable.

The difference, of course, is that it should be done in public and in ways that open promises and messages to scrutiny.

That Labour is not doing this, and that it is keeping its promises to special-interest groups quiet, means that those promises are questionable and the methods more so.

Sometimes, bits leak out. People in mixed Maltese/Libyan marriages are being contacted individually and told to vote Labour, that the incoming Labour government will appoint Maria Camilleri ambassador to Libya.

They feel personally involved with Maria Camilleri because she has run the Muslim (largely Libyan) school at Corradino since it was set up.

Camilleri is a Labour politician and former Labour MP who for years was Dom Mintoff’s, well, friend. When under the Mintoff government Muammar Gaddafi built a mosque and adjacent Muslim school on land Mintoff gave him at Corradino (and continued to send money every year for both to be run), Camilleri was given the job of running it, which she has done ever since.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    Some ambassadors in most countries are political appointees so there is nothing wrong if she gets appointed ambassador.

    Her connection with Mintoff is another matter. I suspect there were some hidden deals between Mintoff and Gaddafi.

  2. The Phoenix says:

    That woman is notorious among Libyans for her overtly sexual infatuation with Muammar Gaddafi. The Libyans will NEVER accept her.

    • ciccio says:

      True. She still adores Muammar Gaddafi’s best friend, Dom Mintoff.
      She will be considered by Libyans a threat to Libyan democracy.

  3. Brian Vassallo says:

    First of all I want to make it clear that I am not a reader of this page !!!! But I have been directed to this by some friends who got very offended by this !

    Just a short reply to the boggers up here …
    Well I’ ve known Ms Camilleri (and not just Camilleri) for the past 13 years working very close to her in a fantastic educational project. I can vow she is a fantastic person with lots of talents which she has, so generously, put at the service of the people around her and the students under her care !
    I don’t care whether she is or has been this and that !
    What I care about is that Maria has worked for peace and cooperation between Muslim and Christians in so many aspects (which are too long to describe here). If it is God’s will that she’ ll be Malta’s abbassador for Libya, well good luck !.. Not for her only but for all citizens of this country who bady need a true direction ! Well done Ms Camilleri and keep up the sterling work !
    Brian Vassallo

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