Labour’s track record on the appointment of judges and magistrates

Published: December 13, 2012 at 7:01pm

The 22-month Labour government of the 1990s (that’s right, the Nationalists haven’t been in power since 1987) appointed two magistrates and three judges.

The magistrates are Miriam Hayman (where do I begin?) and Consuelo Herrera (enough said).

The judges are/were Patrick Vella (jailed for taking a bribe from a drug trafficker), Lino Farrugia Sacco (ongoing scandal re Olympic ticketing; Ombudsman asks Commission for the Administration of Justice to relieve him of his duties; Commission passes request on to Chief Justice for action; PM calls for his resignation; Justice Minister mentions impeachment) and Raymond Pace (today’s hot news – taking a bribe from a drug dealer).

Five out of five ain’t bad.

Now Joseph Muscat takes this abysmal, dismal track record and tries to turn it to his electoral advantage by saying that the incoming Labour government – is it wise to speak of it with such certainty? – will review the system for appointing judges and magistrates to make sure these things don’t happen.

I think they should start by keeping it simple: not appointing their friends or those to whom they feel they owe favours.

I would keep it even simpler: if they’re Labour, cross them off the list. This is not because I advocate political apartheid or discrimination, heaven forfend, but because of the screamingly obvious fact that one of the most basic requirements of a judge, after knowledge of the law, is good judgement.

A Laburist with good judgement is a contradiction in terms.

Labour’s good judgement 1: Magistrate Consuelo Herrera

Labour’s good judgement 2: Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco

Labour’s good judgement 3: Judge Patrick Vella

Labour’s good judgement 4: Judge Raymond Pace

Labour’s good judgement 5: Magistrate Miriam Hayman

136 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    Frightening. I was despairing about the dysfunctional PN but Labour must never be trusted!

    Voting LP is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.



      [Daphne – How many judges and magistrates did successive Nationalist governments appoint, Privitera? So one of them turned out to be a total dud (as expected, I have to say).]

      • Rita Camilleri says:

        Ghalfejn qed tghajjat, Eddy?

      • James Bartolo says:

        Eddy, it would be much better for your own sake to mind your own business.

        Your party has given us 16 years of corrupted minds and they are now sprouting like Brussels sprouts. Thanks to Labour. Not even the Nationalists have succeeded in eradicating Mintoff’s fascist and immoral legacies in the past years in office.

      • Angus Black says:

        @ Rita Camilleri

        Jghajjat min ghandu argument ‘fazul’ (kelma favurita ta Sant).
        Jghajjtu l-hamalli biex jippruvaw jinstemghu fuq min veru ghandu ragun.

        F’dan il-kas, il-Lejber fuq quddiem sew (hamsa b’wiehed) f’appuntamenti ta mhallfin u magistrati, li marru zmerc.

      • Ajma again says:

        Did he say Chief Justice lol ;) if you don’t want to post no worries

      • billy goat says:

        Ghax inqaras fil-laham il-haj!

      • Jozef says:

        Ghax m’ghandux x’jghid. Taparsi ma’ jifhmux punt u jippruvaw idawwru. Kollha hekk jaghmlu.

      • Are you sure that if the Whistleblower Act is finally on the statute books, there will not be more ???

    • Daphne: What have you got to say about The Commission for the Administration of Justice’s letter to the Ombudsman ? Will you now say that the Ombudsman should resign ?

      [Daphne – No. I will say that it is most unfortunate that the president of the Commission for the Administration of Justice was also Judge Farrugia Sacco’s defence counsel before that same commission (before he became president of the Republic) and that they are friends and political associates. This undermines people’s confidence and trust in the proper administration of justice in this case and generally. I respect the Ombudsman’s opinion on this matter. He is, after all, a former chief justice, and he was well respected in that role.]

      • Alf says:

        Eddy – Have you heard the Ombudsman’s reply to the Commission for the Administration of Justice. Using your question and just changing a word “Will you now say that the President (as Chairman of the Commission) should resign”?

      • Censu says:

        Eddy. Respect that good old adage.

        Bazwar ‘l hemm u bazwar ‘l hawn.

    • Daphne: Will you inform your readers for how many years the Ombudsman, when still practicing as lawyer before being appointed to the Bench, worked in the legal office of the late Prof. Gwido DeMarco- which can also be considered as a “political” office too ?

    • Rita : Forsi tisma u ddahhal ftit sens f’mohhok !

    • Paul Bonnici: So you prefer staying in the frying-pan ! Anyway, not for long now !

      • haga mohgaga says:

        Yes Eddy you’re right…soon we will be moving into Labour’s oven

      • haga mohgaga: Most of you GonziPN fans amaze me. You say you fought for “Freedom and liberty” but then are scared of even showing your real name under a GonziPn government !

      • Gakku says:

        Eddy, some of us work for companies/organisations which do not allow us to associate our names and hence organisation with a political blog. But I assume you know that already and are just blabbering away to try to score easy points.

        Oh and some are also worried about being targeted when Labour come to power.

      • Bendu says:


        X’jinteressak the real name of the bloggers.

        Ghal xi haga tkun tridu.

        Biex jekk Alla jhares qatt il-PL ikun fil-Gvern tpattuhilhom. Min se javdakhom?

  2. Rover says:

    Good god what a mess they made. And that was only in a matter of 22 months.

    Everybody out there, if there’s any good will, please stop and think.

  3. Tania says:

    Thank you, this should be clear for everyone to understand.

    There is one other matter which needs to be explained clearly so that there can be no doubt of the dishonest way the Labour Party, and especially Joseph Muscat, try to blame the Nationalist Party for the sordid affairs in which it is involved in even if it is only by supporting or backing the guilty person.

    [Daphne – Yes, which?]

  4. Tim Ripard says:

    Pardon my ignorance – am out of touch. What’s up with Myriam Hayman?

    • anthony says:

      Out of touch you say.

      You must have been on Mars for a very, very long time.

      How was it over there?

      Pray, do tell us.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Well, me too then. I’ve heard of the name but what’s the story?

      • Antoine Vella says:

        I think she’s somewhat of a bon viveur, to say the least.

        Wasn’t she also mentioned during the media attacks on police commissioner George Grech?

    • TROY says:

      Gozo is Hayman’s hunting ground.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Hunting? I hope she doesn’t chase after any species protected under Schedules I and II of the EU Birds Directive.

      • Troy: Jawaw qed tmur tnemmes ?

      • TROY says:

        Le ta, Sur Privitera, il-habiba tieghek Hayman u l-klikka li tkun mahha fosthom avukat u buisnessman li kellu bar gewwa Bugibba li int kont tifrekwenta ma gbintek, ta sikwit kienu jsiru ‘hara’ go bar f’Ghawdex, quddiem klijenti ohra fosthom jien.

        Ghalhekk ma kienx ghalfejn wiehed inemmes sabiex jisma u jara il-hammalizmu li kien isehh.

      • Go bar Ghawdex biss kienet tkun hara Mary? Mhux ta b’xejn tohrog mandati ta arresti bl’addocc wara xi lejl hara sa l-erbgha ta filghodu!

      • Jozef says:

        Michael Camilleri, you must be joking.

  5. Jozef says:

    Labour’s the conspiracy theory. An assortment of incidents of omerta’, clientelism and the dissolution of the state.

    Sometimes I wonder if Joseph’s appeal to the ‘real nationalists’ is a cry for help.

  6. WOW says:

    Patrick Vella and Consuelo Herrera are cousins.

    • mandango70 says:

      Scandal! How dare they be cousins? Off with their heads!

    • Reporter says:

      You mean to say Patrick Vella and JOSE Herrera are cousins.

      An all-in-the-family jamboree …

      We are forgetting the Gavin Gulia had appointed his own cousin Abigail Lofaro.

    • And the Ombudsman worked in the “political” legal office of prof. Gwido DeMarco for many years. This is the same office of Dr. Mario Demarco who contests the Hamrun District, the same district which the son of Judge Farrugia Sacco will be contesting on behalf of the PL. This was said by Dr. Franco Debono.

      [Daphne – You know that’s not what I mean, Privitera.]

      • Last Post says:

        Here you have Eddy:

        “I think they should start by keeping it simple: not appointing their friends or those to whom they feel they owe favours.

        I would keep it even simpler: if they’re Labour, cross them off the list. This is not because I advocate political apartheid or discrimination, heaven forfend, but because of the screamingly obvious fact that one of the most basic requirements of a judge, after knowledge of the law, is good judgement.

        A Laburist with good judgement is a contradiction in terms.”

        You may find her scathing and direct ‘judgement’ offensive but judging by the FACTS and the stats, it is spot on. That the Ombudsman worked in the legal office of Prof. Guido Demarco and was well respected in his role as Chief Justice JUST PROVES her point, however harsh it may sound.

      • mario sciberras says:

        Sur Privitera, nista nghidlik jien min hu David it-tifel ta l-Imhallef.

        Huwa dak li kien ikun il-kazin tal-Partit Nazzjonalista il-0Hamrun maghna u fdajnieh. Imma jew kien hemm ghal skopijiet personali, jew dejjem nispera li ma kienx, li jibghatu il-partit tieghek.

        Kelli stima ghalih imma sfortunatament mort zmerc.

        Mario Sciberras.

        Sorry David, imma ma xtaqtx li Eddy dahhlek fl-istorja.

  7. Courter says:

    Excellent point – actually 5 of them – you make here, Daphne. What’s the chance that Robert Musumeci deals with this topic in his next Bla Sustanza program on Souper Wan?

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    Labour’s choice of judges was an unmitigated disaster.

    • Aunt Hetty: And yet, Dr. Muscat has said he wants to change the system whereby Judges and Magistrates are no longer appointed by the government of the day. Gonzi has not yet said that he agrees with this. seems he prefers that it is HE who appoints Judges and Magistrates. Wonder why !

      • ciccio says:

        Eddy, I trust any judge appointed by Gonzi far more than any judge appointed by whatever smokescreen that may be invented by Joseph Muscat.

      • Angus Black says:

        Eddy, Joseph’s proposal proves that even he himself does not trust his and his party’s judgment when appointing judges and magistrates.

        He just wants to create a ‘paraventu’ behind which he wants to hide.

  9. anthony says:

    Baxxter, which one?

  10. David says:

    Who appointed Dr Noel Arrigo as a judge? Who appointed Judge Arrigo as Chief Justice?

    [Daphne – One out of how many, David?]

    • Homer says:

      One in how many years? That’s one in over a couple of DECADES, as opposed to five out of five in just a few MONTHS.

      Since you’re evidently a moron, one has to also point out the obvious – that the NP came down on Arrigo like a ton of bricks (as well they should), whilst the MLP continue to defend the lousy behaviour of Herrera, Sacco and Hayman.

      • Homer: A Judge or Magistrate may not be involved in acts of corruption. But can still finda devious ways how to decide cases in favour of the government which appointed him/her ! As long as Judges and Magistrates are politically appointed, there will remain suspicions on how certain sentences are given !

      • Neil Dent says:

        Eddy – correct. Especially if they happen to have been appointed by a Labour government, apparently.

        Thanks for pointing that out, ‘preciate it. Cheers.

      • Futur Imcajpar says:

        Eddy, you make physically ill and despairing of my nation’s collective intelligence. I’m sure you agreed with Mintoff’s treatment of judges and magistrates and the law courts in general, doing just about whatever he wanted there.

        And here you are now. Pontificating about how judges must not be beholden to anyone. Are you just plain stupid? Or do you think WE are? Or are you such a bloody charlatan that you don’t see how hypocritical your comments are.

      • Angus Black says:

        @ Eddy Privitera

        Yes, judges and magistrates MAY find a way to act favourably for a government irrespective of colour. Examples can be had by the systematic musical chairs played by judges during the Socialists’ ‘golden years’ when deciding cases involving the government.

        One exception was the ruling against the government in the ‘Blue Sisters’ case for which the judge involved was persecuted, threatened, leading to his untimely death (by natural causes).

        Today, courts are open, never suspended, not ransacked, files are not stolen or vanish and the judge appointed to hear a case is not determined by any minister, but by the judiciary system itself.

  11. John Schembri says:

    When people don’t know about a subject the best thing for them is to keep silent.

    A thermal overload relay (TOR) is a necessity in a motor circuit.

    Engineers select the right type of protection relay and technicians turn a small dial fitted on the relay and match the current with the rated current of the motor.

    If for some reason- maybe a loose connection in the circuitry, someone did not match correctly the current settings on the TOR or the TOR was defective – the current is slightly higher than the setting, the relay trips the contactor controlling the motor, and the motor which drives this blessed hydraulic pump stops.

    These things happen daily in industry all around the world. That’s why they employ electricians and not charlatans to repair machinery.

    Are The Times reporters going to report each time a motor trips in this power station?

    If their answer is ‘yes’, then it would be better for them to reserve a daily column.

  12. joe says:

    good night cos i have to Wake up early tomorrow ,, cos i don’t wont to stay fil Q GHAND TAL GROCER ,,, mhux hekk qal Dr Simon il qassis Busutill

    • Angus Black says:

      Ghandek xi haga kontra l-qassisin, jew kontra l-‘Q’s? Ikklarifika, jekk joghgbok.

      Mid-dehra, Simon qed jinkwetakom.

  13. Karen says:

    This is an excellent point you’re making – give it more prominence so that your young readers, who do not remember the dark years, become aware of what’s in the offing….potentially.

    • Karen : I suppose you still revel in ” Red under the bed” stories !

      • Angus Black says:

        Unfortunately the ‘Reds’ are not under our beds, they are all around us carrying a different label, these days since they seem to be too embarrassed by their former red label.

        Red labels can be exchanged for blue ones upon proof that one is a member of Muscat’s Labour Party by presenting their ‘tessera’.

        Backgrounds have changed from red to blue, ties are now blue and red has become scarce.

        Your Party can imitate all it wants and the NP is flattered, but the LP cannot hide as hard as it tries until it turns blue in the face.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The reds aren’t just under the bed, Eddy. They’ve got into it and are sodomising us in our sleep.

  14. P.Gauci says:

    Are judges and magistrates appointed after a vote in parliament?

    [Daphne – No. God forbid that should be the case. Just as we can never get a judge impeached, so we would never be able to get one appointed.]

  15. Jonathan says:

    In a very statesmanlike fashion Joseph Muscat sent a tweet saying he would back an impeachment motion of Judge Ray Pace.

    I suppose Muscat was at home in his pajamas and didn’t feel like getting dressed to make an official declaration so he took to Twitter on this trivial matter.

  16. mandango70 says:

    Been trying to catch up with all your posts and looked for your comments on the latest BWSC cock-up but didn’t find it.

    You never miss to comment on what hits the headlines, so I’m sure you’d have plenty to say about this choice of technology, linking this to the changes in the legislation to allow this, the emails proposing to go up the hierarchy (wink wink), the 4 million euros commission and the speed with which it was settled….so much to write about.

    Damn, can’t find your post. Can you please upload again?

  17. lorna saliba says:

    Daphne you are the PN’s secret weapon: You exhume the dead and make people smell the rotting carcasses of the past.

  18. Randon says:

    So what you are telling us that the Judges and Magistrates appointed during a Labour adminisatration are being targeted by the police for their misdemeanours and criminal acts.

    But does this exonerate the other judges and Magistrates appointed by a PN administration from such heinous bevaviour? Absolutely not.

    It only shows that corrupt practices are widespread but only those who are deemed inconvenient to the Establishment are being targeted for prosecution by the police.

    A case of ‘carry on Judge’.

    [Daphne – Targeted because they are Labour? Incredible reasoning.]

    • Randon says:

      Your statement ‘A Laburist with good judgement is a contradiction in terms’ confirms that Labour-appointed judiciary ave to be targeted by the police.

      Of course you may have far-right views that consider some sections of society as being of inferior mental and moral qualities.

      Very Dr Goebbels indeed! Jews in the Juduciary should be removed (and they were in Nazi Germany). Rings with Labour Judges are rotten apples.

      [Daphne – Look, if you wish to convince me that Labour voters are rational, try some other method. This one isn’t working.]

      • Angus Black says:

        Truth is, in neither case were the police targeting ‘Labour judges’. The criminals were being investigated and from such investigations the possible involvement of Judge Pace was revealed.
        In the case of Farrugia Sacco, his breach of the rules was exposed months ago but the CAJ dragged its feet almost understandably, due to a possible conflict of interest by its president’s relationship with the judge in question. Also, the latest controversy was fanned by the Times of London and NOT by our police.
        If you cannot see this, then you are hopelessly Labour.

    • La Redoute says:

      Targetted by Labour, yes, but by the Labour Party itself which overlooks the other – indeed, the essential – qualities required of a member of the judiciary.

    • Catsrbest says:

      This is Labour thinking and not incredible at all.

      Because as the Prime Minister aptly put it on ‘Iswed fuq l-Abjad’ yesterday when he was asked about the “power of incumbency” – he rightly replied – “tal-Labour ikejlu b’xibirhom”.

    • silvio says:

      For Heaven’s s ake,why are we so surprised with what is happening?
      These things are always happening in other BANANA states like Malta.
      What are we to expect when we see cases of ministers accused of , I won’t say corruption, but something similar,and they always get a way with it?
      As we say in Maltese:
      “Il-huta min rasa tinten”
      Who is to condemm these persons and pass judjment, another Maltese saying.”Biex tisgongra trid tkun perfett”

      • Jozef says:

        Il-huta minn rasha tinten.

        Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur.

        Ahjar taqleb lura ghat-Taljan.

      • Lord have mercy on us! says:

        You need to ask yourself who is accusing the ministers of near-corruption (which doesn’t even exist, because it’s either corruption or it isn’t)? The answer is ‘The Opposition’.

        The question that follows that is: where’s the proof? And the buck stops there because there is no real proof. The Labour Party has been incessantly crying foul on pretty much everything and everyone.

        The long and short of it is that vast amounts of time and energy were wasted on every single project the government undertook.

        The philosophy behind it is really quite simple. Sant once let slip that if you throw enough mud, some is bound to stick. And if you throw mud by the truckload, the mud that sticks grows proportionately.

      • Min Weber says:

        An intelligent comment, posted on the 14th December.

        Malta has become a Banana Republic.

      • RJC says:

        Silvio, bil-Malti nghidu “Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur’ mhux perfett. Hadd mhu perfett habib, imma tista’ tkun pur.

    • Daphne: Its not that “incredible” when successive PN governments have targeted thousands of people and committed all kinds of injustices against them, for the simple reason that they were labourites. I know, I was one of them and have a Tribunal sentence to prove it !

      Even Dr. Fenech Adami was found guilty of breaching the human rights of a certain Mr. Camilleri, who worked in the computer centre !

      • Futur Imcajpar says:

        So you have ONE proof. Where are the thousands you claim? How come thousands of Labourites are in high positions, already doing pretty much what they want, even when they are still in opposition if they have been held back and targeted?

        You don’t know the first thing about it. Ask the Nationalists who used to work at the Malta Drydocks. Do you remember how they were barred from making any overtime?

        I spent nine years as the lowliest of clerks at Mid-Med bank whilst the couple of Labourites I knew made their way up to the management levels during the same time, not to mention a certain minister’s driver who ended up as Manager 4 in half that time. And, I only managed to get in because I praised the Labour government to heaven’s high in my entrance examination essay.

  19. canon says:

    Labour made such a mess in 22 months. Imagine what they do in 5 years.

    • winwood says:

      In simple mathematics that would be around 1/3 of the mess they have done 1971-1987, only that wasn’t imagination, that was reality, even if that old fart Privitera thinks otherwise.

    • Canon: Dr.Muscat wants to change the system of how Judges and Magistrates are appointed. Dr. Gonzi has not yet said that he agrees with this. Why ???

  20. Claude Sciberras says:

    It seems many here do not realise that Daphne is yanking their chain. The appointment of magistrates and judges should only be based on competence and integrity – however difficult these two might be in today’s world.

    I’m sure that on both sides nobody would like to appoint a person who ends up embarrassing them however 5/5 is quite impressive.

  21. Eddy Privitera m’ghandux x’jaghmel u qed jimmalafama lil prim ministru mahbub taghna….

    araw naqra hbieb:

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta
    kullhadd jafni

    • Guzeppi tal-Mosta (Jien ma nafekx). Meta ktibet li Gonzi GIDEB kont qed nghid il-verita. Anki Gonzi jaf li kien qed jigdeb meta tkellem fuq Xarabanlk dwar il-Kumpanija Braziljana. Meta tkellem dwar il”friza tal-minimum wage”. Meta tkellem dwar id-data tal-elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli lokali…….. DAWN KOLLHA GIDEB . U jekk immorru lura is-snin insibu ferm aktar gideb, bhas, 7,000 impjieg fi Smart City ” “Diga gewwa ” !!! Sarli l-hin ghax kont inkomplilek : Il-lejl it-tajjeb Guzepp !

  22. el bandido guapo says:

    “A Laburist with good judgement is a contradiction in terms.”

    I have yet to meet one.

    As for the ones that appear to be smart, upon delving deeper into their characters one always discovers something that is faulty with their reasoning skills, unless of course the reasons for their support of Labour are purely self-serving which come to think of it is yet another flaw.

  23. GABS says:

    @ Eddy Privitera.
    Infakkrek li l-Ministru Karmenu Vella U John Dalli (LP) kienu nqabdu dehlin bil-yachts taghhom m imlijien bil-kundrabandu u qiesu ma gara xejn. Issa hawn il-kwistjoni tal-imhallfin li kienu maghmula mill-PL. U inti li fiz-zmienek kien hemm id-dbaswir il-Casino u taf bl-istorja qatt ma ftaht halqek. Ghidilna naqra halli kullhadd ikun jaf kif baswartua. Ghax ma talaqx halqek u ma tibqax it-tajjar bzieq.

    • TROY says:

      GABS, messu ma jafx privitera fejn kien jidhlu bil yachts Dalli u il Guy. Xejn ma xorob mahghom it TUNNY NET. Tiftakar Eddy hi?

  24. Antoine Vella says:

    Ironically, it was when the judiciary was mostly above reproach, in the 1970s and 1980s, that they were continuously attacked and vilified by the Labour Party.

    An exception was, of course, Joseph Herrera who was neither above reproach nor attacked by his friends in the MLP.

  25. john says:

    So – following Labour’s judicial meritocracy audit in 1996-1998 they came up with these fine specimens.

    You might think they couldn’t do any worse next time around.

    They can, you know.

  26. Nighthawk says:

    Interesting factoid about Ray Pace. When Alfred Sant asked the appropriate individual whether he was suitable for the post, way back in 1998, this individual said no (for reasons other than that of probity, I should mention).

    Result? Soon after, Ray Pace was (a) nominated (b) informed of the opinion that had been expressed to Alfred Sant by said individual.

    Moral of the story? Apart from the fact that they can’t be trusted to be discreet, amateur Labour don’t take advice from professionals, preferring their own amateur messes.

    Think of them in government and apply that reasoning across the board. That’s just great isn’t it……

    • bystander says:

      You just summed up my professional experiences in Malta and all under a PN government.

      Some see it thru red-tinted specs, other thru blue ones, whilst I see reality.

  27. Jozef says:

    Comments uploaded by Mr.Privitera:

    9:43am full caps and question marks, as per The Times
    5:22pm response to rebuttals and general mirth
    5:24pm question to Daphne, excuse for question marks
    5:30pm ditto
    5:31pm Rita
    5:37pm addendum to Daphne
    5:40pm Aunt Hetty
    5:44pm Homer
    5:46pm Troy
    5:48pm Paul Bonnici

    I suggest Daphne upload comments at a later hour, say, half seven?

  28. Ghal dawk kollha li bdew imadru lil lawrence gonzi u l-partit nazzjonalista u kienu jghidu li mhux kapaci jzomm il-weghda li jitfi l-power station tal-Marsa.

    Hemm ahna, smajtuhom l-ahbarijiet hbieb?

    Mill-lejla meta tixghelu d-dawl ahsbu ftit u araw li dak l-elettriku li qed tikkonsmaw gej mill-power station tal-bwsc li l-prim ministru taghna ghogbu jixtri biex tkun iktar efficjenti u ma nkomplux inhammgu l-ambjent fin-naha tal-Marsa

    aqra l-istorja kollha:

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta

  29. Gahan says:

    Now that the brand new power station extension has been commissioned and running on heavy fuel oil, aren’t our children in the surrounding villages supposed to be breathing container loads of fly ash ?

    As some illiterate PL elf wrote on the comments board today : “The proof of the putting is in the eating”!

    Only two years ago Joseph Muscat said : That the BWSC plant will produce 31Tons of toxic waste per day , that’s 12 containers!
    Joseph delivers… lies.

  30. BreakingNews says:

    PL has sent Franco Debono instead of Anglu Farrugia on Xarabank in a debate vs Simon Busuttil.

  31. xmun says:

    When Franco Debono wanted to REFORM the justice system

    To a simple question whether the proposed reforms include clauses to assist victims of crime, whether these same victims will be receiving some form of compensation possibly directly from the same criminals, Franco Debono simply refused to reply and requested the person asking the question to stop bickering on petty politics.

    If his reform to the justice system does not include any mention to victims of crime, what sort of reform is this?

  32. Claude Sciberras says:

    Are you watching TVM? Seems Like Franco Debono has still some more crap to say.

  33. Brian says:

    @ Daphne

    I am lost for words… What a sad tragedy – Surely this could this have been avoided….

  34. John Schembri says:

    Now Joseph Muscat prefers Franco rather than Anglu to face Simon Busuttil.

    It is clear that Labour have no one to match Simon , so they sent Franco.

    PL prefers shit steering, is this how Joseph will run the country?

  35. J says:

    On a completely different note, do people realise that they will also vote for our representatives in the Council of Ministers and the European Council?

    It’s pretty scary to think of any Maltese minister banging heads with representatives of foreign governments who are advised by Europe’s foremost academics and practitioners.

    I work with some of people who advise the UK government; I don’t look forward to what they will have to say in March.

  36. Brian says:

    Franco, just go fuck yourself. Please. Isn’t there some cock you could play with?

    I have no love lost for the P.N. However, you Franco Debono, really need psychiatric help. Tinqeda b’hadd iehor, u hadd iehor jinqeda bik.

  37. Mister says:

    Wow, Frankie Tabone has got a mental breakdown.

    The narcissistic prick can’t stand being called irrelevant. He is so full of himself that it’s the biggest offence one can shout at him.

    Anglu Farrugia? Chicken.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      The PN knew how best to pay him back for his disloyalty and treachery.

      I watched a whole programme yesterday on NET where they were discussing Anglu’s no-show at Xarabank, and not once did they mention Franco’s name or referred, in any way, to the fact that the PL had sent him instead.

      Issa INT hu go fik, Franco l-Irrelevanti.

  38. Monique says:

    Tonight I was as shocked as when I heard the song Run Rabbit Run on Xandir Malta in 1981. I cried again for Malta and for what might be.

    Labour has not changed.

    Do not be fooled all those who envisage a better future with Labour in government.

  39. Aunt Hetty says:

    This is the only sane and civilized Maltese forum left. Does it have to get spoilt by that Privitera insect on a 24/7 basis?

  40. M says:

    Fun and games on Franco’s blog. The ridiculous little man actually kept the hoax comment:

    Dec 15, 2012 @ 02:19:11

    Franco, u r d best. U make me go crazy when I c u on d tv. U show what is real men. I wish to meet u in private. Nobody is good like u. Handsom, clever and with 2 balls like d elephints.


    Dec 15, 2012 @ 02:25:06

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    What an utter tosser!

    So, serious issues are raised, but you censor them because you are criticised; I change my name and write a bunch of ridiculous flattery and you post it. You silly, silly little man.

    Dec 15, 2012 @ 02:15:44

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Yet again, the great democrat in action:

    Dec 15, 2012 @ 00:03:47

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Franco’s democratic credentials; one example of may:

    Dec 14, 2012 @ 22:42:46

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Iva, Franco, naf li mort twerzaq il-PBS; la tigi lura u tikkalma ftit, hu pacenzja u tellghu dal-kumment li nehhejtli tlett darbiet. Jekk joghgbok dejjem. Naf li int demokrata kbir u temmen fil-liberta tal-espressjoni:

    Dec 14, 2012 @ 18:18:14

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    And again, the great democrat deletes comments:

    Dec 14, 2012 @ 17:02:43

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Egrajna ha nilaghbu dil-loghoba Franco, oh xempju tal-intelligenza:

    Dec 14, 2012 @ 17:00:16

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Demm Nazzjonalist, li kien wiehed mill-ahjar imhuh, kien jistenna u jahdem l-affarijiet bis-sens. Il-Prim Ministru nduna li kien ikun dizastru li Franco sar ministru. Ghalhekk irriskja kollox u m’appuntahx. Kellu ragun; biss, qatt ma messu thalla jikkontesta, u qatt ma messu nxtara bi flus il-poplu (viz Assistent Parlamentari).

  41. Jozef says:

    Labour intends to deny the country its right to choose.

    To all those who read this blog and may not remember, imagine the same identical thing when they decided the referendum was a No vote.

    They intend to dictate which journalist should field the questions, they also intend to differentiate between these.

    They have no intention of presenting a manifesto, what was promised for the 7th, is now ‘at the opportune time following the 7th’.

    They are, to all intents and purposes into fraud. They will not stop at this, it will get worse. The measure of someone who won’t disclose the real intention, power.

    Since Monday, all one can see is distraction to polemic, Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi the latest frontman.

    Prosit Emanuel Mallia, Deborah Schembri and co. You are now part of it. Let’s have your legalese to justify the grotesque.

    Let’s see if Saviour’s willing to destroy his career, and accept to humiliate Peppi in this manner.

    There’s one other question to ask.

    What happens if they don’t win the election? The inverse, we’re all familiar with.

    Tal-Labour mahmugin mal-avversarju u wicc b’iehor ma’ taghhom. Ghandu ragun Peppi, insolentaw lil Laburisti. Ahna drajnihom, xejn gdid.

  42. Anthony says:

    Maybe you should make the same analysis of the ministers.

    DO you know that half of the people that GonziPN is presenting for re-election should have resigned?

    [Daphne – Really, why? Did they run about with drivers who deployed submachine guns, like Labour minister Karmenu Vella? Did they clap, bang, scream and shout in approval when PM Mintoff said he would arm his people, like Leo Brincat did? Pray tell.]

  43. perry mason says:

    Ma nafx ghaliex l-irrelevanti ma jorhrog mal-Labour. Isa, Franco, halli naraw kemm jiffutawlek il-socjalisti? Fahruk tant.

  44. NP IZNOG says:


    [Daphne – At what?]

    • silvio says:

      So now the ballon is burst.
      Simon is nothing but another chicken scared of facing Franco.
      Perhaps that is why he has aked Maltese woman, to try and convince others while at the grocer shop. He is afraid to face the women while complaing on the spiraling prices
      What a cowardly show, could be that is one of the reasons why some are refering to him as MR.HUMPHREY, you know the one who moves like M.Demarco and twists his lips like Casa.
      Franco 1
      Simon 0

  45. Carlos Bonavia says:

    Thank God for this blog – I can’t stomach watching the LP shenanigans on the box and I can keep up with the latest through Daphne’s blog.

    Another screaming shocker by Anglu Farrugia and the LP, and their elves maliciously turning facts on their head and presenting a totally opposite view of true facts.

    My question is, apart from their fanatical followers, does anyone else really believe their warped and abject lying?

    Do they really expect the floating voter or switcher to digest their insipid little lies? Awesome stupidity on LP’s part – incredible but true.

  46. canon says:

    Yesterday’s manoeuvre by the Labour Party to disrupt Xarabank’s debate between Simon Busuttil and Anglu Farrugia was a disaster for Farrugia. The only one from Labour who took advantage from this was Jason Micallef.

  47. Anthony says:

    What you are mentioning happened 30 years ago.

    But pray Daphne, don’t you think George Pullicino should have resigned with such atrocities happening at Wasteserv? and what about dolores cristina and tonio fenech? and austin gatt making such a mess in all those projects?

    We no no longer want Gonzi. We no longer want the PN.

    [Daphne – Speak for yourself.]

  48. Evarist Saliba says:

    Your comments are most apt.

    They are not meant to persuade blinkered persons who will never admit that the party that they support can commit such gross mistakes as appointing five members to the judiciary all of whom have proved to be so disappointing, to put it very mildly.

    For a person to try to balance this by quoting the behaviour of one judge out of several, if not many, that were appointed under other administrations, shows the unbalanced sense of judgement that such a person has. His arguments only go to damn further the party he supports.

    It is for the undecided voters to evaluate what lies ahead should the party that appointed these five members of the judiciary be returned to power.

  49. jae says:

    If Labour intends to convince the undecided by resorting to Xarabankesque gimmicks, then a PN victory is guaranteed.

  50. flin says:

    Why is everyone so convinced Labour will win the elections?

  51. GABS says:

    It’s clear that the LP are in a panicked state. The more we approach the elections the more they panic.

    Their electoral programme is still void and there are no solutions whatsoever.

    So now they invent anything to disrupt and distract. Joseph preaches that we should have a smooth election campaign, but unfortunately the majority of Labourites are still in their 80s mode.

  52. edgar says:

    Anna Caruana, both Dr. Gonzi and Dr. Busuttil are right. They are socialists, as the majority are from the old socialist party of the Mintoff days. The leader and the few new ones are Far Right Conservatives.

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