Persecution mania: issa wehel ma’ rasu anke Simon Busuttil (“HE’S STARING AT ME”)

Published: December 3, 2012 at 1:37pm

Franco Debono’s latest blog-post:


Can Dr Gonzi’s special delegate explain to me why he expects me to vote in favour of the Budget? – maybe because he is staring at me? Go on Simon stare at me some more, I might get frightened.

Doesn’t he know there is a pending no confidence motion in the person with whom he doesn’t share a room for five minutes, and with whom I have had to share the House for five years?

Simon get real, and look real – get rid of that stare.

And by the way the Clique has branches – Simon sprouts from another branch of the same Clique – more of the same.

If you want change in the next election then go for change – forget the gimmicks.

Becasue I am part of the PN he said – how simplistic! Maybe I will resign from the PN the day before. So will that be fine?

After his declarations upon becoming Dr Gonzi’s special delegate by another name, I will not expect any of my numerous ideas to be included in GonziPN’s electoral manifesto for the next election.

Yes, it is more of GonziPN, and I know what I am saying.

The little parts of yesterday’s interview with the Times I have seen are pitiful strategic mistakes by Simon Busuttil – the Times gave him the rope, and he obliged.

42 Comments Comment

  1. M. Grech says:

    “If you want change in the next election then go for change – forget the gimmicks.” – Franco Debono is actually pushing for a Labour electoral victory without shame.

  2. Evarist Saliba says:

    Should this outburst surprise anyone? Not me. It is typical of the man.

  3. Jozef says:

    ‘I will not expect any of my numerous ideas to be included in GonziPN’s electoral manifesto for the next election.’

    I take it if Simon takes up ‘his’ ideas, (something Tonio Borg did in his white paper), he’ll do his bloody best to defeat the PN.

    Get smart Simon.

  4. xmun says:

    “This blog is heading towards its final days. I have much more important things to do than keep a blog. But I had to do it because of oppressive media in this country and a parliament that hasn’t got decent means of communication.” – Franco Debono

    such a pity, I enjoyed my daily dose of laughter

    • Anthony Briffa says:

      Ma jiflahx jaqa ghan-nejk izjed u qieghed igib skuza li ghandu x’jghamel.

      Whatever the outcome of the 10th December parliament vote, it is irrelevant for the PN at this point in time. Should Franco vote as he is planning, it is the people who will suffer and not the PN.

      The election is due in any case in early 2013. It is the people who are waiting to start to enjoy the benefits in the budget who will suffer.

      All the MP’s who will vote in favour will walk out of parliament with their heads high and really deserving the title of onoroveli. The rest, including Franco, will walk out with their heads down in shame

  5. Bubu says:

    Austin Gatt should resign. He’s not re-contesting anyway.

    By resigning he’ll force the Ghaxaq Crazy to vote in favour of the budget.

    In the process he’d also make himself into a martyr and a hero and make Franco Debono really look like the lowlife he is.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      I don’t agree; Franco Debono should simply be ignored by the PN.

      • Vanni says:

        Agreed 100%.

      • Vanni says:

        Austin should NOT resign. One should never give in to blackmailers, as appeasement doesn’t work.

        Anyway, it now seems that Tutti Frutti has set his sights on both Demarco and Busuttil. So what next, shall we get them to resign?

        Let him enjoy his swansong, as in a few days time he will be a nonentity (certainly in respect to politics, and I suspect also in his legal profession.)

        In the meantime we can only treat him as the joke he is constantly confirming himself as being.

        It isn’t even worth the hassle of attacking him any more. It’s like shooting on the Red Cross.

    • M. Grech says:

      If Austin Gatt resigns, Franco Debono will still vote against the Budget. He hates Austin’s guts with a passion and will not backtrack on causing the worst possible damage to the Prime Minister by bringing down the government.

      I say call his bluff and let him vote with the Labour Party and may they live happily ever after, the whole sorry lot of them.

      One thing is for sure: he won’t go strutting up and down Republic Street the next day. Instead, he will have to live the rest of his miserable days in shame.

    • TROY says:

      Bubu,kun ghaf, li Austin Gatt ghandu xi haga li Franco Debono qatt ma kellu: par bajd.

    • chully says:

      No, he will not vote in favour of the budget anyway.

    • Bubu says:

      It’s not about Austin Gatt’s balls, ffs. Everybody knows he has balls. He has nothing to prove to anybody. It’s about being the better man and putting the good of the country before one’s pride. At least that was the idea.

      After I wrote the above, though, I saw the basket case’s blog about not voting in favour of the budget even if Austin Gatt resigns.

      So now I have to agree with you guys. Debono wants blood and nothing will bring him to his senses. Given his statements, Austin Gatt’s resignation would be futile and even counter productive.

      Frankly I’ve so had it up to here with the moron that I can’t wait for the budget vote, even if it leads to an electoral defeat. At least Debono would be water under the bridge and we will be allowed to forget his sorry ass.

  6. el bandido guapo says:

    Actually really looking forward to the dissolution of Parliament.

    This guy is just one of those newfangled black mosquitos that persistently goes after your ankles and won’t give up till swatted.

  7. joseph says:

    May I humbly apologize to Simon. For the past weeks I feared that one day Simon might reconcile with Frankie Debono. But now I realize that there really seems no turning back for this guy. So, finally, I feel comfortable. Hopefully, after December 11, people will start saying ‘Frankie who?’

  8. QahbuMalti says:

    Franco is despairing. He is fast approaching his political abyss and is beside himself because he is that close to political oblivion.

    He wanted to come out of this unfortunate episode as some sort of hero – instead he is viewed by all Nationalists as a pariah and the sooner we get rid of him from the political scene the better off we all are.

    When all is said and done he will claim that he brilliantly masterminded the defeat of the oligarchy but all he will have done is brought about the downfall of a government and everyone, to a man – except the MLP – will despise him for what he really is – a narcissistic asshole.

    • observer says:

      No. even the MLP will despise him for what he is, have no doubt about that. He will learn that too, hopefully, but he certainly does not even realize it yet.

  9. bystander says:

    What’s the difference between the dinosaurs and Franco Debono?

    The dinosaurs didn’t know they were about to be made extinct.

  10. Allamana says:

    Araw ghal min warrbu lill Louis Galea

    To all the smart Alecs who wanted change – they changed from Louis Galea to this village lawyer.

    Change from a statesman to a cow-pat.

    Can this be a harbinger of things to come in 2013?

    All those who have ears, let them hear, all those who have eyes let them see.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      All those who are wearing heavy boots, let them kick him out of parliament and out of our collective political life.

  11. Zeppi says:

    The day this village lawyer is allowed to contest an election with the P.N., I will resign from my 30 year old life membership with of the Nationalist Party.

  12. Anthony 1960 says:

    Frankie Goes To Hollywood

  13. Francis Saliba MD says:

    ” … – maybe because he is staring at me?” (Dr Franco Debono)

    A typical paranoid delusion.

  14. Tony Agius says:

    Now that the 5 years term are over , Franco can do what the hell he want , but if his actions block the budget , every one will keep that in mind for ever , as we can see the Labour Party does not need his help any more now .

  15. `Go on Simon stare at me some more, I might get frightened`. says:

    `Go on Simon stare at me some more, I might get frightened`.

    This reminds me of the anecdote about the poor man who suffered from paranoia and was watching a game of rugby.

    He became absolutely convinced that he was being talked about during the game because the rugby players huddled together whilst trying to tackle the ball.

  16. WhoamI? says:

    Sbuxxlat dan.

  17. jaqq says:

    Franco Debono is fixated.

  18. George says:

    By voting against the budget, Franco would be voting for his own political demise and might even be endangering his law career.

  19. voter says:

    Franco will now feel more important: Mr Speaker has asked for police protection of this guy.

    I wonder how long this protection will last? Will it be perpetual, or till the last day of Franco being an MP?

  20. Rumplestiltskin says:

    The only thing that will upset this man is to just ignore him. It appears that he even relishes ridicule, so long as he is spoken about.

  21. Charles says:

    Nhar it-Tnejn kulhadd ghal hdejn il-parlament biex nirringrazzjaw lil grupp parlamentari Nazjonalista tal-kuragg li wrew matul din il-legizlazjoni akkost ta xi nies bhal Franco Debono li ma felahx jara l-partit tieghu stess ikompli jaghmel il-progress, allura sicca itellef. Ajjur ghal kulhadd.

  22. il- king says:

    Dear Daphne jista jsir post bil- lista tan nies li ha jghidulu Grazzi jekk nhar it- Tnejn jivvota kontra l- budget. Fuq net tal- lista il- “first time buyers”

  23. xmun69 says:

    It-tnejn ghal quddiem il-parlament hbieb. Ha naghtu prosit il-dan il-grupp li zammna lkoll fil-wicc. Grazzi P.N.

  24. S Borg says:

    Jekk ma tismax minnu, taqlahha.
    Jekk thares lejh int u tisimghu, taqlahha.

    Xejn sew.

  25. Joe Azzopardi says:

    “He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” – John Bright

  26. Joe Azzopardi says:

    mamma, he’s making eyes at me ………………….

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