So now Super One have begun their live transmission from parliament: when the speech is over

Published: December 10, 2012 at 7:12pm

Ah, and now they’re broadcasting edited highlights with commentary.

Rarely have I been so proud not to be a switcher.

7 Comments Comment

  1. AA says:

    A truly impeccable speech by the PM. Now the only thing that awaits is half a decade of doom and gloom.

    What a shame.

    The only thing that will give me some satisfaction will be Franco Debono’s last walk of shame out of parliament tonight. Good riddance Franco.

  2. Stephen says:

    So their followers can listen to the mad man’s rant. Because that is politics for them. Shameless, shortsighted and malicious jerks.

  3. qahbu says:

    And the carcades have begun, a reminder of a horrid past.

  4. MAX784 says:

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Hear that gloating prick talking ad nauseam about his stupid reasons. The speaker was about to switch his mike off.

  5. Riya says:

    Hope they will not start destroying bill boards as that is the way they like to celebrate.

    Hope we do not experience such vandalism as from now.

    • Village says:

      These are not the true Socjalisti Mintoffjani we know.

      Joseph has so far masked them well as Labour fears a loss of votes should their true violent character come out to the fore again.

      These fundamental elements should be provoked. It is in the interest of the country to expose them.

  6. Makjavel says:

    Good riddance to Franco: he sounded like Hitler blaming the Jews. We shall all rest in peace.

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