The Labour leadership

Published: December 9, 2012 at 11:48pm




12 Comments Comment

  1. Matt says:

    Daphne, could it be possible that Anglu and Toni Abela did not appear on tv yesterday so that none would spill their plan for tomorrow: Joseph would vote for the budget while the entire MLP MPs will vote against it.

    Hence the budget measures will pass, the people will benefit and would drive the point that Muscat although he wants to desperately take over the premiership he is putting the nation’s interest first.

  2. ciccio says:

    Now watch them again and imagine the titles were:

    1. Malta’s Labour Prime Minister.

    2. Malta’s Labour Deputy Prime Minister 1.

    3. Malta’s Labour Deputy Prime Minister 2.

    The sickness bag is in the pocket in front of you.

  3. Luigi says:

    We are more interested in:

    1. Gonzi conveying the Brazil company
    2. Gonzi saying the minimum wage won’t be taxed
    3. Marthese Portelli saying that the leaflet wasn’t sent by the PN
    4. Simon urging people to speak and rise against people if they hear any kvetching about the government
    5. Austin GATT saying li he made pipi and Sonz, Piccolin and Ernest Tonna outside waiting

    Gonzi gab Partit tal Hamalli

    [Daphne – You might well be more interested in that, but then you’re a Labour voter so your judgement is seriously in doubt at the outset.]

    • Luigi says:

      It is precisely for this reason that you might well be interested in the above clips, because you are a GonziPN voter so your judgement is seriously in doubt too at the outset.

      I am not interested in any party. I don’t need to worry who will be at the helm. Let Gonzi and his friends worry. You should not worry either, I am sure that Taste magazine will still be in circulation if we have a Labour government and you’ll still be running this blog. So you should consider switching too. Have a good day and I must complement you for the good job of yesterday’s Taste issue.

  4. Joe says:

    Stooping to the lowest level possible – but on the other hand it will be a joke if these clowns are elected.

  5. David Thake says:

    The interesting bit in Joseph Muscat’s clip was when he asked “Father” if he is doing anything on RTK. When the reply is negative Muscat quips back “Issa nirrangawlek….”

    Maybe he thought the Head of News also engaged people?

  6. george grech says:

    Ezempju car ta’ kif se jmexxi:

    Kummidjant 1 – Fuq l-RTK m’ghandek xejn?
    Kummidjant 2 – Keccewni
    Kummidjant 1 – Hazin issa nirrangawlek

  7. Jason Tanti says:

    Dumb, dumber and dumbest

  8. etil says:

    Think twice all you switchers (not floating voters).

  9. Natalie Mallett says:

    Vera jaqq!

  10. Riya says:

    Mhux fuq tlieta toqoghd il-borma. Tlett fazulli.

    Jiena ma’ nafx x’esperjenza politika ghandhom dawn?

    Hlief hmerijiet u erezijiet ma’ johrogg minn fomhom.

    Noqoghdu attenti ghax il-PL bla pjanijiet ta’ xejn.

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