Tony’s not going to be hoovering up the grub at the PM’s Christmas party
December 13, 2012 at 1:46pm
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No wonder. The guy’s full to the brim. Ja socjalist imdejjaq.
Yep. Just another pantomime.
My thoughts exactly. I guess the PM rang up the caterers pronto and told them to reduce the number of guests by 20.
I believe that Zarb did something similar when Eddie Fenech Adami was PM.
Just like he did with the British High Commissioner, biex waqa ghar-ridikolu. Hu u l-Unjonu flimkien mieghu. Bahnana mmexxija minn capo branco injurant.
Tony is probably setting his mind for some serious slimming. He intends to start now it seems. The rest of us will start post 9th March after Joseph and his three ‘economists’ will decide that there is a ‘hole ‘ in our finances and and we will have to impose taxes on food to finance our cheap electricity bills.
No you’re wrong. Tony is doing penance as part of Advent.
How ridiculous can they get. And to think that this is the largest trade union in Malta! Tony is going to miss the pastries though for sure.
Nista’ mmur minflokhu?
Dazgur. Gib tlieta minn shabek, sib XXXXXL suit, u idhlu kollha go fiha. Jekk tasal wara li jkun tqassam is-sherry, ma tingharafx.
“Issa daqshekk…partis,sakemm ma jistedinnix Joseph. Ghamilt rezulizzjoni li nibda dieta “