Why isn’t Super One broadcasting live from parliament?

Published: December 10, 2012 at 6:36pm

Do they truly believe that if they don’t broadcast the proceedings, we won’t watch them on another station?

You’d imagine they’d wish to show the government being brought down live on poxy station, but no. The prime minister is speaking far too well for that.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Maria says:

    I am listening to him and he’s amazingly good.

  2. Leli says:

    Veru nies bla karattru, Super 1 jibza juri l-VERITA.

  3. M. says:

    It’s probably because they’ve got all their cameras trained on Juliet’s balcony down at the Labour glasshouse in Mile-end.

    A policeman was already on duty there this morning, ensuring that any vacated parking spaces were marked as a ‘no parking’ zone, presumably in anticipation of frenzied fans awaiting the great speech on Juliet’s return from parliament.

  4. Evarist Saliba says:

    Obviously, they do not want their faithful followers to listen to the other side.

  5. anna caruana says:

    It s on NET and NET2, sorry TVM

  6. bluejeans says:

    Haha! My reckoning exactly!

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