You’re showing your age, Marlene (I point it out because I know it really matters to you)

Published: December 3, 2012 at 2:10pm

In between telling us about VAT-back offers (a Labour leopard who can’t change her CET spots) and magic discounts at her toy shop, Marlene Mizzi drew a deep breath on Facebook and shot out her views on Simon Busuttil.

“This boy”, “that boy”.

If Busuttil is a boy at 44, then at 48 I must be little more than a girl, though Mrs Mizzi would rather eat one of her plastic toy trucks and down it with poster-paint than call me one, because that kind of woman considers it a compliment rather than the insult it is elsewhere in the civilised world.

Well, I suppose to a woman of almost 60 a man of 44 is a bit of a boy. But then what does that make her 38-year-old Great Leader, li literalment jigi t-tifel taghha?

60 Comments Comment

  1. Joe says:

    It seems that Marlene Mizzi is doing great business at her shop since she can give a rebate on VAT. So where are all the starving people – buying toys instead of food?

    • Mhux ahjar taraw x’kiteb Franco Debono fil-blog tieghu ILLUM dwar kif Lawrence Gonzi ‘ttrikkja lil Tono Fenech biex jikkontesta lil Simon Busuttil ? U x’qal dwar l-istess Simon Busuttil u x’se jaghmel nhar it-Tnejn 10 ta’ Dicembru ???

      • george grech says:

        Int bis-serjeta, Eddy? Tridna naghtu kaz x’jikteb Franco Debono? Ghax ma tpoggihx f’dik il-vetrina ta’ figurini rhas u hamalli li ghandek id-dar u ghoqod tpaxxa bih.

      • ciccio says:

        Eddy, mur lura fuq il-blokk ta’ Franco, li ma jmurx jimmissjak.

      • TROY says:

        Li jikteb Franco arah int jekk trid, Sur Privitera.

        Like begets like.

        And as our friend Baxxter would say: hu go fik, Dward.

      • Bendu says:

        Ahjar thallik minn haddiehor, ghax ghadek ma qomtx minn dik id-damdima, u damdima kienet, li qlajt fil programm TVhemm.

        Dawn in-nisa hallewk bla nifs, tirtoghod u ttemtem.

      • George says:

        Sur Privitera nahseb ikun iktar ahjar jekk int tara x’inhuma jharbxu shabek fil-programm elettorali li l-Kap tieghek ilu jippontifika dwaru minn l-ewwel gurnata li lahhaqtuh kap taghkom. Ghaliex s’issa hlief tahwid, hmerijiet u kontradizzjonijiet il-partit tieghek ghadu ma semmhiex.

      • Allo Allo says:

        Qisu sar l-idolu tieghek Franco, Eddy. Ghax ma tipproponihx ghal depty leader tal labour?

      • TinaB says:

        Privitera mahruq, bhal Marlene, miskin.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Hu go fik, and a partridge in a pear tree.

      • RJC says:

        Veru jibla’kollox dal-buffu.

        Issa ilu jghid kullimkien biex naraw x’gej nhar l-Erbgha meta ser jitkellem il-kbir leader taghhom. Milli jidher qed jikteb r-risposta tal-budget is-sur Eddy biex jaf daqshekk.

      • martin borg says:

        Frankament Eddy , u kuntrarju ghalik, nigi naqgha u nqum altament minn dak li jghid Franco Debono.

        U l-istess ghal dak li ser jaghmel nhar it-Tnejn li gej. Iwaqqa l-Gvern jekk irid, u imbaghad kif jghidu l-Inglizi – CONSIGNED TO HISTORY.


      • Angus Black says:

        Eddy, int u Franco ghandkom l-istess mentalita. Illuzjoni spjetata, stupidita, w arroganza bla qies.
        Tahseb int li Dr Gonzi ‘ittrikkja’ lill-Tonio biex jikkontesta? Tahseb int li Tonio, il-Ministru tal-Finanzi li rnexxielu jzomm Malta il-boghod mill-inkwiet finanzjarju dawn l-ahhar snin, ma kienx kapaci jinduna bit-‘trikk’ ta Gonzi? Min hsibtu Tonio, xi Karmenu li anqas jiftakar x’qal hames minuti qabel?
        U x’ha taghmlu jekk titilfu l-elezzjoni li gejja w li kulhadd ir-rebha ghamilha fatta bhal ma ghamiltu fit-2003 u 2008? Se ttajru ras Gowzef? Jew terghu taghmlu bhal ma ghamiltu lill-Sant li wara li rrezenja mortu tibkulu biex jibqa il-mexxej tal-Partit, u rega tilef? F’min ha twahhlu did-darba?
        Jaghmel x’jaghmel Franco Debono, ma jimporta xejn ghax elezzjoni kienet se ssir. Ftit gimghat l-hawn u ftit gimghat l-hemm, il-mandat ikun fi tmiemu w definittivament wisq itwal minn 22 xahar.
        Mill banda l-ohra Franco jisparixxa, jintnesa hlief fl-istorja politika qasira tieghu li tispicca b’misthija. Wahda ta tradiment lejn il-Partit li tah cans u dan ic-cans li kellu sparpaljah fix-xejn. Dak li zera jahsad. Zera l-hurrieq u jahsad ix-xewk.

    • TinaB says:

      Bendu, u id-damdima li qala’ Privitera dakinhar jidher li mhux lilu biss damdmet – Siehbu, Is-sur Norman Hamilton, deher mahruq aktar minnu meta waqt “Bla Agenda” nhar is-sibt filghaxija irrepeta l-istess rimarki li ghaddiet wahda minn dawk iz-zewg sinjuri dwar il-kartanzjan u in-noll irhis biex titla Ghawdex, biex jipprova minn ghalih jghaddi z-zmien biha.

      Ovvjament, is-sur Hamilton ma qalx ir-rimarki li rrepeta kwazi bi precizjoni min ghamilhom, u fejn imma min ra il-programm fuq tvm seta’ jinduna mal-ewwel ghaliex ghaddieh dak il-kumment.

  2. bystander says:

    Is she the woman who uses the car paid for by the taxpayer to have her stuff ferried around?

    You’d think she wouldn’t want to draw attention to herself.


  3. A. Charles says:

    “Youth is a blunder; manhood is a struggle; old age is a regret”.

  4. A. Charles says:

    “Youth is a blunder; manhood is a regret; old age is a regret”
    Benjamin Disraeli:

    • A. Charles says:

      Sorry but in my enthusiastic urge to write something I made a mistake.
      It should say manhood is a struggle.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    She is actually trying to sound indignant on behalf of the PN.

  6. Nicky says:

    I can’t understand this VAT rebate thing. You receive a VAT rebate on the goods that you buy today the next time that you buy something from the shop.

    The thing is, if you use the rebate voucher (which you get from your previous purchase) when you buy something, you’re not allowed a rebate on what you’re buying and partly paying for with the rebate.

    This system is very, very strange.

    It would make some sense if it were called a discount, but a VAT rebate?

  7. Paul Bonnici says:

    She used boy to belittle him.

    • An “Altar-Boy” would have been more apt !

    • TinaB says:

      She’s got a cheek saying that she’s appalled at Simon Busuttil’s cockiness, arrogance and super super ego because according to her he talks too much about himself when Simon is not the one who posts stupid comments or photos of himself holding paintings or parrots, on Facebook, kull meta imur ghal holitejj, to mejk pipil geliss.

      As they say in Maltese, l-ispizjar minn li jkollu jaghtik.

      About time you grew up, Marlene ghax dalwaqt jasallek iz-zmien li terga ssir tfal.

      • Angus Black says:

        Jekk ha tikkwota xi jghid il-Malti, ikkwotah bil-Malti pur, TinaB.

        Din ta l-‘ispizjar’ ftit smajta, imma il-kwotaxin, “Il-qahba milli jkollha ttik” hija l-espressjoni korretta.
        Rigward l-istorja ta hawn fuq, din ta l-ahhar aktar tolqot il-musmar fuq rasu. LOL

  8. Neil Dent says:

    Another Labourite into whom Simon Busuttil strikes terror. Just like good old boy, Eddy Privitera.

    • Neil Dent He strikes so much terror that I have been criticizing him for yeras, and he rarely replies. Once , on Xarabank , while I was in the audience, he came up to me and told me: ” Eddy ghaliex dejjem taqbad mieghi ” ? I replied” Jien nikkritikak mhux l-aktar fuq dak li tghid, izda dak li ma tghidx ” ! Per ezeempju kien qaghad kwiet meta l-Prof. Gwido Demarco ( Alla jtih il-genna ), kien stqarr waqt mass-meeting, li jekk Malta tidhol fl-UE, nibdew nircievu LM100 miljun fis-sena mill-UE ( €232 miljuni) ! Flok bhala Kap tal-MIC hareg jikkoregi dik IL-GIDBA, qaghad kwiet halli l-poplu jibla l-lixka ! U kien hemm diversi affarijiet ohra, bhal l-garanzija li kien ta’ Dr. EFA lill-kaccaturi u n-nassaba etc… !

      Daqstaant ibezzghani Simon Busuttil !

      • george grech says:

        U daqs tant tbezzaw int li int stess ammettejt li qatt ma ta kasek.

      • ciccio says:

        Eddy, min qal li Malta tiehu LM1 miljun kontanti jekk tidhol fl-Ewropa mhux giddieb?

      • Alf says:

        Just in case dementia started taking effect on certain people, I suggest they view this clip:

        Tiftakarhom dawn l-affarijiet, ghaziz Eddy?

      • Allo Allo says:

        U meta kontu tghidu li l-ammont li se nircievu kien Lm1.5m qaghad kwiet ukoll?

      • TinaB says:

        Mhux bhal dawk iz-zewg sinjuri nisa li kellek jargumentaw kontrik fuq il-PBS ricentement mela, Eddy. Kif immutawk.

      • martin borg says:

        Apart from learning how to spell properly, Eddy, Simon, being the intelligent person he is, probably thinks that arguing with you and your ilk is wasting breath on waste of space.

      • Angus Black says:

        Mill banda l-ohra Franco jisparixxa, jintnesa hlief fl-istorja politika qasira tieghu li tispicca b’misthija. Wahda ta tradiment lejn il-Partit li tah cans u dan ic-cans li kellu sparpaljah fix-xejn. Dak li zera jahsad. Zera l-hurrieq u jahsad ix-xewk.

        Imma l-poplu ma belax il-lixka ta Sant li qal li mill-UE se ndahhlu Lm1.6 miljun!
        Alla jbierek il-Lm1.6 miljun il PN gebbidhom ghal 855,000,000 ewro!
        Hallina Eddy taqax ghac-cajt izjed.
        Issa Gowzef ghandu gejjin 650,000,000 ewro ohra ha jkollu x’jonfoq sa 2020 u ma jkunx refgha seba wiehed u jsib kollox lest.
        Naturalment jekk isir PM, jghid, bla dubju ta xejn li kollox sar bis-sahha tieghu u ta Scicluna. U l-imzazen bhalek jibilughuha sa grizmejhom.

  9. kevin zammit says:

    If she laughs at Simon as the vici-kap, what should she do when she remembers that her party has Anglu petlor, empire station, minix tekkniku iljunfanti as deputy leader and future deputy prime minister.

  10. bri says:

    It makes the Great Leader a toddler I guess.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      It makes Marlene Mizzi herself an elderly senior citizen.

      • ciccio says:

        Does that mean that she qualifies for the Euro 300 per annum of special bonus for the elderly as provided for in the budget which Joseph Muscat (and Franco) will vote against, but which Joseph Muscat will implement next year?

      • Antoine Vella says:

        She’s currently in the dawn of old age so despite her kartanzjan looks, I don’t think she legally qualifies for the bonus yet. .

  11. mark says:

    Xi dwejjaq ta’ mara.

  12. Mister says:

    Dr. Simon Busuttil as our Prime Minister – that would be my wish come true.

    Bighead Dr Simon Busuttil? He doesn’t even put Dr. anywhere on his website, and then you get an idiot like Anglu Farrugia putting Dr in every single corner he can imagine halli jiftahar.

    Dr. Simon Busuttil is worth more than all the Labour Party candidates put together.

    • Grezz says:

      It’s either “Dr. Busuttil” or “Simon Busuttil”, Mister – You still seems to have hang-ups from the days of Dottorrrrr Alfred Sant.

      Simon Busuttil becoming prime minister would probably be the day I would vote PN “kontra qalbi” (u bil-kbir, ukoll).

      I don’t find him convincing or sincere in the least – He comes across as more of an opportunist to me. As for the arrogance in his interview in The Times yesterday? It far outshines Austin Gatt’s perceived arrogance. Give me Austin Gatt over Simon Busuttil any day. At least, one knows where one stands with the latter.

      I will never abstain from voting, nor will I ever vote Labour in, but with Simon Busuttil at the helm (isn’t that what he’s aiming for, after all?), sadly, I will vote PN with a very heavy heart.

      • Grezz says:

        seem …

      • Catsrbest says:

        I also think that there are far better leaders in the PN fold than Simon Busuttil. He also does not struck me as being gifted with words, unlike Tonio Fenech and Mario Demarco.

      • Angus Black says:

        Nobody votes PN ‘with a heavy heart’. One either votes PN because he is convinced that it is the Party with principles and with better policies or votes Labour no matter what.

        It seems that it is in Maltese’ DNA that no matter what, no matter who, the first job is to find every little disagreeable trait to tear a person apart. We have still to learn to give a new person time to settle down in his new role.

        Simon comes with at least an 8 year record as MEP who delivered sterling service at the EP, was in charge of various committees and spearheaded a number of projects.

        Will he step on a few toes? I hope so. Will he please everybody? I doubt it, but give him a chance and I am sure that many ‘heavy hearts’ will be elated by his overall performance as Deputy Leader and as Leader when the time comes.

        One thing going for him from day one – Franco Debono will not be in his hair.

  13. Linda Kveen says:

    Marlene seems to have a lot of problems with her figures of speech.

    In the past, we had the “electoral banana” and now we have “do and end all” instead of “be all and end all”. I think we need to coin a new phrase, “Marlenisms.”

  14. ciccio says:

    Doesn’t Marlene’s rant fall in the category of “Attakk fahxi u personali fuq Simon Busuttil.” And if he is a “boy” as she says, isn’t she “attacking” a minor?

    She says “He is not the vici kap of my party, thank God.” Look who’s talking. Is she really inspired by Toni Rubber Puppets Abela and Anglu Taks Fors Farrugia?

  15. TV Marlene says:

    Poor Labour and poorer us once they get to run this place.

    Joseph should really send her to the EU to join Fredu as MEP when the time comes.

    I mean, she ran Sea Malta to the ground and she’ll make us all proud of being Maltese Europeans.

    Joseph may even appoint her to run Air Malta so we’ll end up without an airline too. Joseph is so lucky to have all these immensely-capable people in his troupe.

  16. Herbie says:

    Of all people surely Marlene Mizzi is the last person on earth to refer to other people as being big headed.

  17. Vanni says:

    What do expect from somebody who is almost an old-age pensioner and who needed the Facebook equivalent of a towel when she saw Balotelli posing?

  18. James Bartolo says:

    L-ghira bazwija jghid il-Malti. And Marlene Mizzi is surely mad that she didn’t make it to the gravy train.

    Simon got far more votes than this idiot dressed in boots.

    Besides Simon is now someone — and she’s a toy-seller who can’t even buy her own delivery van and has to use the car which the state provides to her husband the magistrate instead.

  19. martin borg says:

    L-Isbah wahda l-bierah meta f’ Bla Sustanza qalet li ghandu jitla l-Labour ghax minghajr alternanza ma hemmx demokrazija. Mela sabiex ikollna d-demokrazija f’pajjizna irridu bil-fors nitqannew b’tilja cwiec, basta jkunu Labour.

    Hallina Marlene

  20. george grech says:

    Mur ara Marlene jekk ma jilhaqx prim ministru jimxi fuq il-passi tieghek u jiftah toyshop

  21. sv says:

    He is not vici kap of my party, thank god – does this mean that shes comparing Simon Busuttil to Anglu Farrugia? One must be rather cuckoo to do that.

  22. Politics ... Makes the world go round apparently says:

    Daphne I truly cannot understand why you talk in such a manner when you are the very first person to call people names, and its not as though she called him something mean.

    Sorry but I personally think that if Dr. Busuttil actually believes that there is even the slighest chance of the PN to reconcile … Than yes he is a boy (and have a look at the context in which she used) , because anyone who has enough common sense can notice that the Party if falling apart, Franco who states he is going to vote against, JPO who resgins from within the PN, Members of Parliament not appearing in parliament because there is no trust in their leader above all.

    Daphne, stop commenting on petty stuff, talk about the main issues that are really and truly effecting the Maltese… let me tive you some ideas in just in case… the budget, the vote that is to be taken in Parliament, the political instabilty that the Nationalist Party caused and not spending your time spying on other people’s facebook. I understand that your job is to criticise what you think is wrong, but talk about the things that really matter to the people.

    [Daphne – There is a time and place for everything, and I’ll thank you not to tell me how to do my job. And if that, to you, signifies arrogance, then so be it. I am not a politician, am not asking you for your vote, and hence I am free to be as plain-speaking as I please. The petty stuff is the big stuff. It tells you the stuff of which those who are asking for our vote are truly made. The devil, as they say, is almost always in the detail.]

  23. Lomax says:

    “He is not the vici-kap of my party, thank God” she says. You’re right Marlene because the vici-kapijiet (ah no, you call them “deputati mexxejja”) of your party are so erudite, so classy, so smart and so hot that they leave us all breathless. I would prefer a 14-year old to Anglu Farrugia anytime. A three-year old would be more apt at leading (from the second-in-command position) the PL than the present clowns.

    Ara veru ma tafx tisthi.

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