50th anniversary of the Mortal Sin Election (u kemm hu najs il-long blek kowt)

Published: January 26, 2013 at 2:53pm

24 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Why is he wearing a coat indoors? Who does he think he is, Batman?

    And what an utterly stupid (and in this case, morbid anniversary). By his token, we should mark 4 September 1800 alongside Jum il-Helsien.

  2. Jozef says:

    That would be the one that opened the way to Independence.

  3. Kevin Zammit says:

    Ghax il-moviment ma jahsibx fil-passat imma mohhu biss fil-futur. Kemm il-anniversarju ghadda mindu l-partnerxip rebah?

    • maryanne says:

      Le, huma ma juzawhx il-passat. Imbasta tigi Deborah tferfer idejha u takkuza li l-PN mohhu biss fil-passat.

    • marcus says:

      Din is-sena huwa l-10 anniversarju ta’ meta rebah il-partnership, u fl-2016 l-20 anniversarju ta’ Bidu Gdid.

      U dan ir-rtiratt din is-sena jew sentejn ilu?

  4. La Redoute says:

    I thought he said the past is gone, that it’s a closed chapter, etc, etc

    So when is he going to mark l-elezzjoni misruq tal-1981? Or l-elezzjoni dizastruz ta’ 1996?

  5. J Abela says:

    Il-passat fejn jaqblilhom biss jiftakruh. Mur ara in-Nazzjonalisti jibdew jikkommemoraw l-aniversarji ta’ hnizrijiet li ghamlu tal-Labour.

  6. caflanga says:

    It’s confusing how Labour is treating history. Talk of wrong timing.

    They are telling the public to forget the 80s while in the same breath remembering the 60s.

    There are either too many people dipping their foot in the PR pool or they are under a panic attack and trying every idea that flies across their noses.

    I can think of one pseudo-historian and failed candidate who’s trying to prove his worth to Joseph by reviving Labour’s past, such as promoting labour poets and Maltese literature.

    Otherwise it’s plain Coconuts. Joseph must have been hit by a tablet in the head to have accepted such a stupid idea.

    • kissinger81 says:

      erm, What’s wrong with promoting Maltese literature? They may not all be booker material, but if it helps make reading a bit more accessible, what’s the problem?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The problem is that most of it is romantic self-pitying tripe. Is-Sud tas-Sud, Triq Balzunetta, poplu mjassar and all that.

  7. observer says:

    Anything goes, as long as some more could possibly be enticed to follow him and his jerky ‘reasoning’. Ninqdew b’kollox, ghax hekk ghandna bzonn.

  8. Tumas-Muscat says:

    And why do they celebrate/commemorate that event exactly?

  9. mandango70 says:

    Semmai its “blekk” not “blek”.

  10. edgar says:

    He talks of 50 years ago and refuses to talk of the disaster years of 1996 to 1998.

  11. Gahan says:

    Meta jaghmel diskors bil-qalb , Joseph ma’ jkollux bzonn teleprompter.

  12. anthony says:

    When the PN delve 30 years into Malta’s political history all hell is let loose.

    The PL not only go back 50 years, but have a great big almighty celebration of the event with impunity.

    Partit tan-nejk daqs kemm hu il-kowt ta’ Joseph.

    Eden hat jonqsu.

  13. Mikiel says:

    What is this anniversary for? Malta was still coming to grips with the devastations of WW11.

    Is he trying to attract the 70+ voters who have enough money to go to the Casino or play lotto on their very dignified pension?

    Or their great grand-children whose only notion of history is Viva Mintoff, kemm kien salvana?

    Can we organise a mass party to celebrate the ninth anniversary of becoming members of the European Union? That’s a true national celebration. He and his deputy Louis can join in too since both benefited from the high EU salary andpension, ghax Malta taghna lkoll.

  14. etil says:

    A long coat to make him look slim and tall ?

  15. just me says:

    Maybe we should start commemorating this and other unforgettable occurrences during the “golden years” too.


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