A close-up of the magic teleprompter

Published: January 31, 2013 at 2:28pm

17 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Is it possible to hack those things?

    ‘Irrid nghix f’pajjiz li jhallini nitqawwa bis-sighat…..’

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Jeez, I hope my friends at Enemalta don’t cut the power right now. I’ll be fucked.

  3. Grezz says:

    They need to adjust the script size before josephmuscat.com of the Malta Labour Party gets wrinkles trying to read it.

  4. ciccio says:

    If Joseph Muscat wishes to improve the literacy of children in (or is it from) Year IV, then shouldn’t he buy them each a teleprompter, rather than a tablet?

    Just look at how literate HE IS to read his mass meeting speeches every Sunday.

  5. AE says:

    He certainly has been running a perfectly staged campaign.

    He has been planning this a long time and as a media man who knows only too well the value of the media.

    I was just wondering if part of his strategy has been to position Elves in every sector of the media. I seem to recall there was a case which got uncovered of some woman at RTK who he told to stay put because she could be needed there. Perhaps there are Elves positioned at The Times too?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Elves? It’s the ruddy editors themselves! Just look at the list of columnists. Bar Mark-Anthony Falzon, they’re all Labour, Labour candidates or Labour-leaning. And don’t get me started on their journalists.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Why not, Baxxter? Are they not all fuck ups?

      • Gahan says:

        They’re more against Gonzi rather than Labour-leaning. They will come to their senses when their favourite pastime of Gonzi bashing will metamorphise into Prime Minister bashing.

      • A. Charles says:

        Mark-Anthony Falzon is the token non-Labour leaning columnist and he does a great job.

    • old-timer says:

      Of course there are!! The PL is good at this; the PN do not bother.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    If Joseph Muscat were clever he would have a laptop hidden on his lectern with the points of the speech and there would be no need for such an intrusive gadget as a teleprompter.

    At any rate, the fact that he needs a prompter, rather than a few words/phrases on a piece of paper, means that he’s not very confident when addressing crowds.

  7. francesco says:

    Maybe it’s Silvio Parnis who is writing the script, streaming live, and Joseph reads.

  8. Gahan says:

    It is becoming clearly obvious that the MLP delegates voted in Joseph Muscat to be the mascot for their new product josephmuscat.com.

  9. cintura says:

    I suspect there are. The main reason I stopped buying that newspaper.

  10. victor callus says:

    I stopped buying The Times as I just cannot stomach it anymore.

  11. francesco says:

    Maybe it’s Silvio Parnis who is writing the script, streaming live, and Joseph reads .

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