And for their other trick, they’re going to remove VAT
January 8, 2013 at 12:06pm
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I find this more pathetic than the removal of VAT to be replaced by CET and chaos. Energy tariffs are a burden, but being replaced by another burden is very worrying.
It now seems that Anglu Farrugia was right that only the electricity tariffs were going to be decreased. This is because they are only going to reduce the water tariffs by a token 5%. Therefore, it was truly not planned to reduce water rates. Poor Anglu.
…..and I feel even more annoyed when I read entries on FB that state, ”Vote PN = Higher bills, Vote PL = 25% discount”
How can people be so stupid?
NB: Missed you Daphne!
And what exactly does Joseph Muscat mean by saying that he ”assumes personal responsibility”?
Does it mean that if my bill isn’t reduced, HE PERSONALLY will pay the difference?
Does it mean that if this measure is a financial DISASTER he will fork out the estimated Eur 376,000,000 it will cost the country – and that’s just the direct costs?
How? Will he sell Michelle to some Arab shiek?
To replicate the Sant bravado act, with that ‘patt mal-poplu’, he will probably sign a deed assuming all financial responsibility.
So some kind soul is going to invest in an energy production company which will run at break-even. OK. Great. Instead of accepting funds from the EU. (I’m so proud!)
And therefore Enemalta is going to be responsible for less production. But they’re not going to fire anyone. So we’re going to pay for the labour (literally) component of generation twice?
Is the kind soul the same one paying for all the billboards?
I like the personal responsibility bit.
At my trial for non-payment: I wish to call my next witness, Joseph Muscat.
It’s like reading spam emails that promise to give you a bigger cock.
The figure of 25 per cent off the power tariffs is arbitrary which is based on opinion since not all the costs are known.
It is irresponsible of Joseph Muscat to stick out his neck for that deal.
It shows that on the second day of the election campain Joseph Muscat is immature and not fit to govern.
I wonder what “Muscat to assume personal responsibility” really means? Will he flog his kitchen furniture if things go pear-shaped financially?
Joseph’s road map to darkness.
Watch out, iceberg ahead. Vote Labour and the ship will sink sooner than anyone could ever expect.
Din it-tabella differenti minn dik li beda juri Anglu Farrugia fuq it-televixin. Ghax hlief tixjir ta’ tabelli ma’ rajniex dak inhar tad-dibattitu ghax sugu u fatti ma’ smajna xejn.
Ma’ naghmlux moghd li dwar din tad-dawl u l-ilma kull deputat ghandu pjan tieghu personali ?
Mhux ta’ b’xejn hadd ma’ jaqbel ma’ hadd!
S’issa Anglu kien il-haruf tas-sagrificcju!
Ha naraw ikunx hemm xi sorprizi ohra.
This proposal raises more questions than answers.
Wasn’t the PL consultant, Thomas Leonard, brought up in Marsaxlokk himself? I’m sure I remember him at De La Salle College. Hmm.