And then they get upset when I say that people with a low IQ are more likely to vote Labour
January 26, 2013 at 3:55pm
From’s comments board:
B Testa
Just bought a new A+ washing machine and it does not allow for use of timer. So how am I to benefit from such night tariff. Additionally one has to pay attention as if something goes wrong during the night they will not know until they wake up.
Now I am waiting for Lou and Peppi to ask our dear PM by when each of these promises will become a reality as they did on the utility tariff of PL.
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Look at the latest:
Muscat: PL proposes public voting for members of some government boards
Times of Malta
Will this be a Eurovision Song style voting? Expect endless discussions how voting should be done.
They can always use it for tax collection:
1. Voting by SMS.
2. Each SMS costs Euro 100.
I’ve long been saying how society in general has degenerated in all respects. Which is why the present election polls showing PL’s advantage come as no surprise.
[Daphne – You should have seen the election result of 1987 if these polls surprise you, Lupin. Or try the election result five years ago as it’s closer to home.]
There is one major difference between this election and that of 2008. Joseph Muscat is much more credible than Alfred Sant. And Lawrence Gonzi.
More credible – are you daft? How can anyone like Joseph Muscat be credible?
He was the faithful puppy of Alfred Sant. It was he who pumped out Sant’s twisted ideas.
There is no one else within the party who was so close to Sant as Muscat. And now we are being told that this is a new generation.
Very true and very unfortunate.
Freddy Portelli’s battle cry: “il-kbir ghadu gej”
Uff xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.
X’hin trid nitroducik ma’ corma cwiec Nazzjonalisti. Imdawwar bihom. Don’t think they even register on the IQ scale.
I envy you. I am surrounded by Laburisti who owe their present careers to a Nationalist government who gave them an education, despite the fact that they’re not over-bright.
They’re corma cwiec with degrees, which makes them even more ignorant than the village idiot who knows no better.
If what you are saying is true, which I seriously doubt, then the “corma” that you’re surrounded by cannot be genuine Nationalists, Mandango.
There cannot be a greater cuc than he or she who votes labour, including switchers (who choose to call themselves floaters), and of course, yourself.
Tina taghna taghtni tuta tajba…
Chill Tina, was there any need for the punch line there?
Dan tort ta’ Malta taghna lkoll.
We just bought one and it DOES have a timer. Why are people so keen to publicly confess their stupidity?
Ghax Laburist li jahseb li jaf kollox – l-ikbar tip ta’ injorant.
Did it come with a free iPad? If not, I’m voting Labour.
That’s a simple one.
Dear Mr. Testa, put an egg-timer on the washing-machine and set it to wake the machine up at the appropriate time.
As for something going wrong at night, well that’s easily sorted.
Install a Telecare system next to the washing-machine so it can call for assistance in case of trouble.
I am guessing he stands next to his brand spanking new washing-machine through the whole cycle, you know, just in case. U halluna.
B. Testa, you can always invest in a CCTV camera system and you can sit in bed watching your washing-machine as it washes your load.
I am sure all women in Malta sit in front of their washing-machine making sure that. you know, nothing goes wrong…
Some even sit on it, and pray that it goes all right, all night.
Some even call the repairman, just to check the pipes.
The great unwashed.
Good one.
Non-tech-savvy Labour voters can check out this site for timers, only Eur5.99 to ship to Malta.
Hope the instructions are in large print, for slow readers.
I think that some people need to have a licence to operate a washing machine just like they need one to drive a car.
You certainly need one to operate my neighbour’s machine, an ancient scary thing with a melted switch panel from an internal fire a decade ago. But, you know, “Tista tqabbzilha l-programm, u dejjem issib isewwiha. Tahli, imma issa drajtha,” is the sweet lady’s response.
Jowzaf, having spent my childhood and youth under Labour, I can say that the bAst was getting rid of the Labour bastards in 1987. After that, everything has been heaven.
It’s going to take a bit more than a few tablets to sort this out.
Did you hear of the latest PL pilot project – now individuals wishing to be appointed on government bodies can come forward and “the people” will choose them by email. Can you believe it? This is a government authority, not X Factor. And pray, why would a disinterested person come forward in the first place seeking appointment?
[Daphne – I have a column about it in The Malta Independent on Sunday tomorrow.]
I’d better start campaigning then.
Are you taking Pilates lessons?
Can you dance?
Yes I can, if tecktonik counts.
Seriously now, having “the people” choose, in some cases, cannot be worse than the current appointment-by-powerful-friends.
But “disinterested”? How is anyone “disinterested”? We’re all in it for the money, no matter how we try to dress it up on noble bullshit.
Yes Harry, it’s just not just in Malta that it happens. But in this effing place it hits home because the appointee is always someone you know, and you’d know the whole background story and the whole unfairness of it all. That’s something which no amount of “proposti” will ever change.
Totally agree, Baxxter. I know many ‘appointed Chairmen’, rewarded for past contributions here. As you say, not uncommon in other parts of the world. Done all the time in my home country.
Just more visible here.
Tecktonic works. Good on you.
This can be Baxxter’s chance to shine under his real name.
Go for it Baxxter, vote labour.
Can you imagine Astrid being elected on a couple of these boards, and talking about palazzos here and there, and baroque houses in 19th-century Sliema? Similarly we will end up with a couple of Silvio Parnises taking decisions on the boards of state enterprises.
Are they bloody nuts?
Oh dear God, he can’t be serious. Running governmental bodies like some village band club. Run by pruzuntuzi whose enthusiasm far outweighs their abilities. Vera l-ahjar fl-Ewropa ser inkunu, eh.
Great article that Daphne.
Just a small point. If Joseph, has already ignored a referendum result, do you seriously think for one moment that he would respect a director appointed by acclamation?
Especially when said director would not be a starry-eyed MLP follower?
A couple who were planning on getting married were hunting for a flat to live in, and they came across a nice place which they liked, the bride to be, noticed there was no bedroom, on asking the estate agent, his answer was.
” Come on miss, what do you need a bedroom for? don’t you know you will be working all day and up all night doing the washing and the other chores, , if you want to save on your elect.bill”
Not as funny as ,’Malta taghna lkoll’ silvio hi.
You could be right – after all is a matter of taste.
They were actually hunting for a flat to ‘live in’?
I do that already, not to save on the electricity bill but becase the night allows for quiet me-time.
Unfortunately, thanks to you and your buddies I will not be saving on my bills as you have other more volatile plans.
Could it be that you are one of those who stays up all night and then go and sleep at his desk?
Quite a lot of govt employees do it.
Dawn il-Laburisti qishom qattgha tigieg – jorqdu mas-sitta.
Even if I didn’t have a timer or didn’t know that any DIY store has timer-plugs for under 10 euro, I’d still be able to run a couple of cycles before bedtime.
Ghandikun l-unika haga li jaghmlu tal-PL huwa jahslu l-hwejjeg.
Qatt jghaddilhom hsieb fuq il-fabriki (li suppost huma mimiljin haddiem tant ghal-qalb il-Labour), il-bdiewa u r-rahhala (kollhom pompi, heaters u dwal), il-lukandi, ir-reverse osmosis plants u elf haga ohra?
Here’s Labour’s answer to Lou Bondi:
[Daphne – Yes, and he’s now on TVM, ghax dan il-gvern ghall-klikka biss.]
I remember when Brian was working as an OPC in timeshare. He was as spectacularly hopeless at his job then, as he is at his present one on television. His brother was cut from a different bale, though.
Just in case
When I was studying in London in1969, we had a storage heater to benefit from the greatly reduced night electricity tariffs.
These morons, 44 years later, still have no clue.
Maybe, B Testa’s A+ machine is not A+ at all. Most A+ machines manufactured in the last three years include a built-in timer as part of the main selector.
You’re being too harsh on B Testa. You never know what might happen to those poor clothes in the middle of the night.
They could be raped or murdered.
I’m not sure about what he’s saying that his A+ washing machine does not have a timer. Is it an antique A+ machine from the fifties?
Although, as far as I can remember, my mother’s washing-machines always had a timer, let alone mine.
Not on the subject: Just read Fenech Adami’s interview.
There are quite a few points with which to disagree. I think he still thinks as a President; apart from that, I think he does NOT read the contributions to the different blogs available, otherwise he would realize that there ARE people who ARE interested in returning to the past.
Edward Scicluna, Karmenu Vella, Debono Grech, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Grima, George Vella come to mind.
There might be others but my memory sometimes fails me. Eddie Said that today’s youths do not care less for the past. Well his efforts at reconciliation were PARTLY successful.