Ara, how najs. Labour Party official Lydia Abela has round-robined me.

Published: January 23, 2013 at 12:00am

She gives a list of all the multifarious kinds of people who are swishing into Labour’s movement because they want this, want that, wants jobs, want change. And then she asks me to forward her message to a couple of friends.

I’ll go one better than forwarding your email to a couple of friends, Mrs Abela. I’ll put it up on my website and publicly ask whether you might also be hearing from people who want to freeload at San Anton Palace for five years or christen their children at Verdala Castle, or maybe even from people who want the MEPA legal services contract for several years.

Dear Daphne,

In the past couple of weeks, we have experienced a surge in support that is quite unprecedented for a movement in our country.

Maltese people young and old, business people and union members, people who have never voted for Labour before… all are flocking to our positive campaign.

Every day I am hearing from fathers and mothers, grandparents and children, single and married people…

… Who want to end the outrage of unchecked corruption and government incompetence that has driven our economy into the wall,

… Who want to support those – no matter what their background – who want to work but get little or no help right now: University students, working mums, young people and the long-term unemployed.

… Who don’t just want a small clique to have access to the best our country has to offer, while everybody else has to scrape by on the bare minimum.

… Who want aspiration for ALL in Malta: Better jobs, better careers and a better future for everyone who lives here.

All these people are coming together because they know that it is only together that we can make change happen in Malta.

We have to keep this momentum going – it is a long race to 9th March and our opponents have already shown how they will fight; as dirty and negatively as possible.

The only way we can set a new direction for the future of our country is if we vote for it.

That is the message we must continue to spread.

Are you in? Will you forward this message to two friends who may not have signed up yet? Every single person counts.

Thanks for everything you are doing to keep us going,

Lydia Abela

59 Comments Comment

  1. Allo Allo says:

    What are you doing to keep them going, Daphne?

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Lydia Abela forgot to tell you that if you forward her email to two friends, you can make a wish and it will come true within three days.

  3. Jozef says:

    ‘Thanks for everything you are doing to keep us going,’

    That is what I call epic.

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s what I thought. The Labour Party: ‘What you are doing for us.’ The Nationalist Party: ‘What we are doing for you.’]

    • Jozef says:

      Then there’s your English language tutorials, spelling, flags, protocol and everything related to ceremonies of the state, taste, etiquette, how to avoid diplomatic incidents with European monarchs, the list is endless.

    • Kennedy says:

      Think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

      • observer says:

        I presume one had better put it this way:

        Think not what you can do for your country, but what you can do for Labour, and f**ck the rest.

  4. Bob says:

    What happened to Konrad Mizzi? Has he been disappeared already?

  5. Trojan says:

    Dear Lydia,

    Will you please go straight to Verdala Castle and remove the plaque you left behind? Neither you nor your child is a historic figure.

    Thank you.

  6. Aunt Hetty says:

    Joe Mizzi , Konrad Mizzi, Louis Grech, Tony Abela, Mintoff Bland have been conspicuous of late, by their absence.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    By the way, this is the REAL Labour electoral song.

  8. Fanny says:

    In a year’s time there are going to be so many frustrated and deceived people, who will have to wait a long time before switching sides again.

    By then we’ll be banging on the EU’s door for handouts which we will very clearly need.

    Has it become like a ‘rite de passage’ to vote Labour?

    Something people have to get out of their system. I’m talking about the floater/switchers here, not the diehard Labour voters.

    • bystander says:

      Things are a lot different than in 96.

      The ‘floaters’ are unlikely to vote Labour, in my view.

      • Jozef says:

        Interesting, please expand.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You think so? Maltese floaters have incredibly short memories. The EU campaign was only nine years ago, and we have Joseph Muscat’s smirk to remind us, and yet the very people who voted for membership will now vote for the man who fought them all the way.

        Nah. Those floaters are more likely than ever to vote Labour.

      • bystander says:

        The internet is the difference.

        I simply don’t believe there are that many stupid people in Malta.

        By the time this campaign is over, people will see Muscat for what he is and will vote to keep him out.

    • mandango70 says:

      If we go banging on the EU’s door for handouts, it would say so much about the current state of financial affairs, managed by the same bunch of people more or less, for 25 years, more or less.

      Finanzi fis-sod my foot!

      • La Redoute says:

        If things are a mess now, it can only be worse under Labour, a party which can’t even manage its own finances and took out a begging bowl to pay its own employees.

        So do yourself a favour and go bury yourself in some dark corner. Your future beckons and, unlike orange, it isn’t at all bright.

      • mandango70 says:

        @ La Redoute

        Best if you bury the anger bottled up inside of you. I’ve nothing to bury or hide anywhere. As for you, it seems the fury inside is eating you bit by bit.

        Word of advice if I may: chill!

  9. matt says:

    Dr. Abela, what is exactly the MLP movement?

    What gay people want to do with their lives is not my concern. What exactly is this movement I ask, when at the helm you have a man who secretly went to North Korea to buy machine-guns and semi-automatic weapons so that the Labour police will fire on the citizens. Some movement indeed.

    I am concerned with where your party (not movement) wants to take Malta. Muscat was afraid to tell us on Xarabank, but seasoned Karmenu Vella and Everist Bartolo have already told us what direction MLP plans to take us – backwards.

    We have had enough of Labour’s record unemployment, intimidation and chaos.

    Yes Dr. Abela, I will join your movement, but the movement I have in my mind is the one that will cleanse the MLP once and for all. The country needs a serious Opposition.

  10. francesco says:

    Silvio Parnis tafu kif hadha il-proposta tal-power station?

    Tghid ghogbitu l-idea?

  11. MMuscat says:

    Elections here are lost or won with a few hundred votes, therefore with all the new surge of support for the nameless, anti-PN government movement, one can safely assume that Joe is not the underdog anymore.

    Lydia drives this point home by telling us that Joseph also enjoys the support of unions and businessmen with deep pockets. Thank you, Lydia, for clearing this one up.

    Exactly how does campaigning against the Prime Minister in Brazil football gear, a couple of ministers, a journalist and a political columnist be described as a positive campaign?

    Is a Super-One-hack crash course mandatory before becoming a politician with the positive movement? Of course, dinosaurs are exempted.

  12. Joanna V says:

    Sounds like we’re going to live in a fairytale.

    But we all know it’s going to be one hell of a nightmare.

    F**k off Lydia and go enjoy a cup of tea at Verdala Castle and say “I’m having this and can ONLY have this because Gonzi made my father-in-law president.”

    • verita says:

      Naturalment jien u int inhallsu ghal kafe li tiehu LYDIA u la bella kumpanijja.

      Bhal dawk it-Taljani li kullhadd rahom dehlin il-palazz ta’ San Anton bil-bagalji, granet qabel il-Milied, naturalment full board accomodation minn fuq dar il-poplu Malti.

  13. AE says:

    At least she bothered to insert your name in her template. I got “Dear,”

  14. maryanne says:

    “I’ll put it up on my website and publicly ask whether you might also be hearing from people who want to freeload at San Anton Palace for five years or christen their children at Verdala Castle, or maybe even from people who want the MEPA legal services contract for several years.”

    May I also ask for some advice from her husband. I wish to buy a ‘boat’. I never had one, so I’m voting Labour.

  15. Snoopy says:

    I received a similar message sent to my work email, that is not public. I wonder where thy got it from?

  16. Peter Galea says:

    Hi Lydia,

    Biex taghti ezempju ghandek tmur tnehhi l-plakka ta’ tifkira li ghamilt fil-palazz ta’ San Anton.

    Niskanta kif il-president halla din il-bicca xoghol issir.

    Diga ghamilt lil ibnek jidher bhala xi haga storika ghal Malta.

    Jiena wkoll nixtieq inwahhal plakka fil-palazz ta’ Verdala, imma tghid ghandi cans bhalek? Imma l-importanti li MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL mhux hekk?

    • Pro says:

      Peter, sfortunatament il-President ta` Malta m’ghadux taghna lkoll….anzi kif xamm l-elezzjoni gejja qed jaghmel min kollox sabiex jghin lill-Partit li kien u ghadu jissieheb mieghu. X’hasra!

  17. marcus says:

    If there is so much misery and people being refused help how come her father-in-law accepted to become President?

    And with the fund-raising campaign her father-in-law promoted so strongly over the last couple of years surely doesn’t indicate there are so much desperate people.

    On another note, I cannot stand watching Muscat lying to my face any longer.

    So now he has conveniently seen the light in the last few weeks of an election campaign, and Fenech Adami was good and joining EU was a good move. People have such a short memory but unfortunately they’re being duped into believing that Labour have changed.

  18. Leslie says:

    Labour never changes. they are the same as they were in 1971. Full of hatred and negative.

  19. RosanneB says:

    This letter is contradictory in itself.
    She writes:
    “Maltese people young and old, business people and union members, people who have never voted for Labour before… all are flocking to our positive campaign.”

    Then: “Are you in? Will you forward this message to two friends who may not have signed up yet? Every single person counts.”

  20. La Redoute says:

    Is Mrs Robert Abela one of the ones whom she says are scraping by on the barest minimum? If not, then she’s one of the Evil Clique Who Get Everything, so who is she to talk?

  21. Maria says:

    I received it too, and on my work email. Well, I will honestly say ‘Shove it, dear Lydia’.

  22. gigi says:

    Qeghda fl-oppozizjoni u ghamlet plakka il-Verdala, Mela jekk ikunu fil gvern xse taghmel?

    Xi plakka fejn it-Tunny Net meta tidhol bil-yacht bi zball bhal sehibha?

  23. Hello says:

    Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for your invitation, but I am completely out and have no intention of ever being in.


  24. ciccio says:

    Yepp, I’m INuIT.

    Where is the igloo?

  25. Alain says:

    D, the key word is in paragraph 2: flocking.

    They still view us all as sheep.

    Was there not a leader once who said he wanted to reach out to the lost sheep?

  26. observer says:

    I have read, re-read, and re re-read the round robin. I have a very vague suspicion that it was written by someone who lives light-years away from Malta’s reality.

    Will someone else persuade me that it is not so, please?

  27. frida says:

    Dear Lydia,

    Your husband said that you acknowledged past mistakes. That is not enough. Who is going to eliminate the pain in my back from which I still suffer after I was beaten at the Independence Day celebration prohibited by the Mintoffian regime of the 70s? I’m still in pain, Lydia.

  28. TROY says:

    Lydia Abela has shown us the green light.

    But let’s not forget how quickly it turns to RED.

  29. Chris Mifsud says:

    “while everybody else has to scrape by on the bare minimum”

    Who may I ask is scraping by on the bare minumum ?

    I am doing fine and so are most of my friends and I nor my friends are part of the ‘evil clique’ .

  30. Lomax says:

    I am really sick, really really sick of all these people who claim that the economy has been driven into a brick wall and they have carved out a stellar career for themselves during the PN’s (if you please) “reign”. For God’s sake, don’t they realise how ridiculous they look to us thinking individuals ?

    First we have Robert Abela who has the brass neck to address a PL meeting and complaining about the “klikka” when he is one of the chief recipients of the klikka (being a MEPA outsourced lawyer should be enough to put you fairly and squarely in the klikka, let alone being the son of the Head of State with free and uncontrolled access to what is the people’s property, at the end of the day). Then we have Emanuel Mallia li miskin jokrob il-ghaks when he has carved for himself a niche in legal practice in Malta. Then we have Ramona Frendo who has also a thriving law practice, and then she appears on that ridiculous PL video saying that she wants a “Malta ta’ kulhadd”. U jhalluna.

    They have become successful under a PN administration and thanks to the economic and conciliatory policies of the Nationalist Party. Fi zmienhom kont tkun nazzjonalist u avukat tal-MEPA!

    It is sad, so sad, to see people so deeply brainwashed. Taf meta Malta ma tkunx ta’ kulhadd? Meta ghax tkun nazzjonalist titlef hobzok. Meta ghax ma tkunx issihibt fil-GWU, jissoggettawk ghal tortura psikologika fuq il-post tax-xoghol. Meta ghax tkun Nazzjonalist issofri diskriminazzjoni sfiqa kull fejn tmur, anke biex tixtri television set illi ma jiswiex sitt habbiet.

    The reality is that TODAY Malta is taghna lkoll because if you want to go places, you can. You just need to work. You do not need to work MORE than somebody else just because you’re not “blue”. You just need to be willing to work, commit yourself to your dreams and you’ll make it.

    This is the Malta I want my children to be raised in. This is the Malta my parents have fought so bitterly for. And then this clown, this Joseph Muscat, tries to sell it to me, a product of the Nationalist Government, (self-made and enjoying all the good things a European life has to offer) that our economy has been driven into the wall and that HE will ensure that Malta will be “taghna lkoll.”

    Ma jdahhkux nies.

    They WILL win the election and when Malta stops being taghna lkoll, when to go places you will have to know somebody rather than be somebody (with a special note to Dr. Frendo) then people will want to turn the clocks back – but then it will be too late. The ship would have sailed.

    Then I will have the satisfaction to say to all those with whom I’ve having heated debates now: I told you so. For me it will be a victory though a pyrrhic victory of sorts of course.

  31. Brian Ellul says:

    I’m feeling offended ;) Never got that offer

    • ciccio says:

      Toni Abela, the Deputy Leader, must have restricted the circulation.

      • Robert and Lydia Abela: Il-Palazz tal-President Tieghi ukoll please says:

        `….let alone being the son of the Head of State with free and uncontrolled access to what is the people’s property, at the end of the day).

        I feel like sending an email to Robert and Lydia Abela telling them: `Il-Palazz tal-President Tieghi ukoll please`.

  32. Robert and Lydia Abela please note: Il-Palazz ta` San Anton u il-Kastell Verdal Tieghi ukoll please says:

    Let alone being the son of the Head of State with free and uncontrolled access to what is the people’s property, at the end of the day.

    I feel like sending an email to Robert and Lydia Abela telling them: `Il-Palazz ta` San Anton u l-Kastell Verdala Tieghi ukoll please`.

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