Campaign flyer of the day (please keep sending them in)
January 26, 2013 at 3:09pm
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I live in Birzebbugia and we have been receiving a lot of calls from Franco Debono and now we even received an envelope full of ‘mozzjonijiet’ and his card entitled ‘Par idejn tassew sodi’.
How can I send you a photo of these? Mind you, they are printed on government paper, and the brown envelope is of the House of Representatives. Thanks (please send me your e-mail).
[Daphne –]
First you have to live a dignified life and then you will be able to enjoy a dignified retirement.
Yes, and definitely to have enough time to look after the twins.
To preserve your dignity – get your nanny to go to Palace Square and get free water from the fountains there.
So he wants to be elected to ensure his own dignified retirement, does he?
He could start by paying for his own water rather than having his nanny’s steal it for him from public fountains.
If he wants a dignified retirement, why did he join the Labour Party?
The more I see about him, the more I am convinced that he should stick to his profession as a lawyer.
Is Manwel Mallia having a dignified retirement, bringing twins into the world at his age, and having their nanny or whatever she is fill bottles up with water from the fountains at Pjazza San George?
I see that La Redoute thought the same thing.
I am not surprised by Franco Debono’s leaflet as he is going to contest as an independent candidate on the 5th district.
I was more surprised to receive at Zurrieq a leaflet by John Attard Montalto, with no reference to PL and only outlining his work carried out in Brussels and Strasbourg.
Got one like that at home along with the Malta Taghna Lkoll crap.
Last Wednesday he expected to jump the queue at the paediatric dentist without even having an appointment.
He insisted it was an emergency – as though those having an appointment and waiting their turn were there for some thrill.
Turned out the emergency was not so much his child but the clients waiting at his office – this on his own admission.
He made sure he’ll have a dignified retirement all right. His kids will be just the right age to change his nappies and wipe his chin in a few years’ time.
And they will be just the right age to carry loads of jerry cans with fountain water to give him regular baths and prepare his broth and coffee.
To live in “dignified retirement”, first of all you have to learn what dignity really means.
Probably it’s all about ensuring a dignified retirement for all those in the Joseph & Co team: 1% cumulative here, 5% there, one time 10% there etc. Sleazy Manwel. Mhux ta’ b’xejn hadd ma’ qallek xejn meta staqsejt: he’d reached a limit as to the amount of information he could gets his hands on as a Nationalist but the doors tend to open if you switch? Skoprejt li kellek bzonn tkun taf?