Campaign video of the month

Published: January 27, 2013 at 10:33am

45 Comments Comment

  1. Natalie Mallett says:

    Dan wiehed milli mietu bil-guh taht il-gvern Nazzjonalista?

  2. Kevin Zammit says:

    Hidma Ghaqal Lealta – u naqra mixi u dieta ukoll, forsi.

  3. Unbelievable. The first part of the video seems to have been copied from the way they used to do pre wedding videos back in the 90s.

  4. Natalie says:

    Chubby at birth (most babies are), overweight at 3, obese as an adult.

  5. Carlos Bonavia says:


  6. Natalie says:

    May I digress onto tablets?

    First of all, it’s hilarious that Joseph Muscat had to explain to the people attending his talk, that tablets are not a medicine, but rather a technological device. (According to an article on timesofmalta: Tablet talk under Labour Dome.)

    On Year 4 children getting a tablet: most children start learning how to use a pen in Year 4, now we’re expecting them to use a tablet intelligently and responsibly.

    Has anyone noticed how Labour’s billboards are not saying “Tablets ghal tfal FIL-Year 4”, but rather, “Tablets ghat-tfal MILL-Year 4”. Just another strategy to confuse people.

    A more important educational and healthy measure (in my opinion), would have been schools finishing later to include a compulsory daily sports hour. Children would be able to choose from a variety of sports including traditional sports, aerobics, dancing, plain running around (Catch or Tag).

  7. bob-a-job says:

    Admittedly, this may not be the finest campaign video around but from an agricultural point of view, it certainly presents a deep insight on how to grow a turnip.

  8. GiovDeMartino says:

    So sign of starvation here.

  9. Peter F says:

    Why, Daphne, why?

  10. Rover says:

    A few brisk walks up and down Mellieha hill would do wonders for Dario. Preferably walking on the opposite side of that lovely pastizzi shop halfway down.

  11. Futur Imcajpar says:

    I’d vote for him to remain in a “biggest loser” show. He certainly needs to lose some.

  12. judy says:

    Mamma mia, x’ misthija!

    That’s what I do with my pictures to entertain the kids.

    Rest assured I will give you “in-number one”. Tsk tsk.

  13. Lupin says:

    L-aqwa nitfghu glekk u ngravata ha nimpressjonaw.

  14. il-Ginger says:


  15. Charles says:

    Makes a lovely personal album. But, when it comes to elections……. Daphne, he can’t be serious.

  16. David S says:

    Ah well . He could be a future leader of PL . They have a knack of choosing great leaders .

  17. Sad but true says:

    Tacky and tasteless are understatements.

  18. RosanneB says:


  19. Jo says:

    What on earth has the video got to do with a political campaign?

    Where is his programme for making Mellieha a better place?

    It’s more like a strong advert for “how to get a paunch from babyhood” – and a Joseph look-alike, midriff wise.

    Surely not something to include in the tablet for year 4 pupils.

  20. Vanni says:

    How sweeeeeeeeet.

    Now excuse me while I puke.

  21. marcus says:

    The best bit was at 2:06 with the great leader, which is probably quite recent with no goatie, in some fun park. The jester hat at the top would have fitted nicely on both.

  22. ian says:

    Is it normal that I felt sorry for him?

    [Daphne – I did too, in a way. I know exactly what you mean.]

  23. Paul Bonnici says:

    My God.

    Is this real?

    Maybe he is trying to appeal to paedophile voters. Miskin.

  24. edgar says:

    He gets bigger and bigger with every picture that unfolds. Soon he shall become the size of his grandmother.

  25. TROY says:

    OMG, what a wanker. This is what you get when you interbreed.

    Bla dubju, tort tal-bajja tal-Mellieha.

  26. David Meilak says:

    Wow, this guy is original.

    He actually knows how to grow up, year after year. Just incredible.

  27. David Meilak says:

    Joseph is not going to be very happy with this guy with all the RED background in his video.

  28. Chris says:

    Once a fat f@#k, always a fat f@#k

  29. Joseph Caruana says:

    X’inhuma tas-saxx tal-lejber. Gharaw 2:04 tal-vidjow.

  30. steve bonello says:

    Good God

  31. Dave says:

    Must move to Mellieha by the 9th March..:

  32. Luke says:

    This guy is embarrassing me and other locals.

  33. old-timer says:

    If I happened to be on a plane watching this video “Grazzi Ghas=-SAPPORT – notice the “A”, I would ask for a vomit bag.

  34. Marco says:

    So these are the diamonds and pearls that will make the new tomorrow, according to Joseph’s new (borrowed) anthem.

    The new anthem in English, of course, u mhux dik ta’ Meri Spiteri, ghax dak old fexxind.

  35. il-kink says:

    Please tell me it’s a joke?

  36. AG says:

    I thought promotional videos were meant to show the best of one’s self.

    But then again I don’t vote Labour.

  37. bookworm says:

    Nispera ma jigix ihabbattli miskin.

  38. sasha says:

    Oh God, yet another mummy’s boy.

  39. david says:

    If I needed convincing this did it.

  40. Lupi says:

    At least nowhere in the video there is someone stating ‘Jien nemmen f’Dario ghax Dario jemmen fija’.

    Overall way better then PL’s official music video.

  41. Oh God says:

    If you thought this video was bad, wait till you read this interview.

    Embarrassed guy from Mellieħa

  42. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You know, that theory about Neanderthals having survived….

  43. Maximus Aurelius says:

    Listen to the first few verses of this song, “get up, slow down, do nothing for now……”, boy did he follow that advice.

  44. Lupi says:

    This just got posted now ! A breath of fresh air don’t you think?

    What a difference !

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