Can you believe that these two slimeballs are set to become cabinet ministers AGAIN?

Published: January 28, 2013 at 8:29am

Or that the black-haired slimeball, Il-Guy, is WRITING LABOUR’S ELECTORAL PROGRAMME NOW? No wonder it hasn’t turned up yet, and no wonder either that the only three proposals to emerge so far are totally nuts.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew says:

    Can we please stop referring to the power station proposal as Joseph Muscat’s first proposal? It’s his second.

    His first proposal was the living wage proposal.

    The difference between his first and his second proposal is that, after being lambasted by almost everyone, he had enough time to quietly drop the living wage proposal (and promote a wage freeze instead).

    This time around he cannot quietly drop the power station proposal because he has too much invested in it and his political career depends on it.

    He will deliver it come hell or high water. There’s a fine line between commitment and obstinacy and Joseph Muscat is ready to cross that line even if his power station project bankrupts or blows up the country.

    He reminds me of Francisco Solano López who in 1864 led Paraguay into a war it was destined to lose. Even after losing the majority of able bodied men, he still insisted that the war could be won, going so far as to send children wearing fake beards wielding sticks disguised as guns into battle. Needless to say, the country took decades to start recovering from the resulting mess.

    If Joseph Muscat and his merry men are elected, all we can do is cross our fingers and hope that his mad proposal somehow works without a hitch. But if we take Labour’s main proposals since Joseph Muscat has been involved in the party as a yardstick, we shouldn’t hold our breath:

    Remove VAT

    Add another school year to primary school.

    Give a two month tax holiday to everybody if elected.

    Introduce a living wage.

    and the one that takes the cake… OPPOSE EU MEMBERSHIP.

    All have failed miserably. What are the chances that this time around they will get it right?

  2. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    “…min jibbaza kollox fuq l-armi u l-bombi, min jasal biex joqtol tfal innocenti ta’ hmistax il-sena…”

    What is he on about?

  3. bystander says:

    I hope they decide to give everyone a million euros cash.

  4. TROY says:

    Lord have mercy.

  5. Vinegar says:

    Ex ministers George Vella , Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat, Charles Mangion, Charles Buhagiar, Noel Farrugia, Joe Debono Grech, Michael Farrugia, Evarist Bartolo, Joe Mizzi, together with ex parliamentary secretaries Helena Dalli and Anton Refalo, and last but not least ex Prime Minister Alfred Sant, are part of the ‘young’ Labour team.

    Young people should look at the past.

    Tihux hall biex isirlek inbid.

  6. anthony says:

    With the degree of psychomotor retardation that seems to be afflicting this dinosaur, he will finish writing his electoral programme in 2018.

    Just in time for the election.

  7. SPAM says:

    Something is not right. Labour keeps sending new candidates against Tonio Fenech.

    He is currently on TVM2 with Chris Cardona. Shouldn’t it be Karmenu Vella or Edward Scicluna?

    • Gahan says:

      As long as the PL representative does not wear a red tie and as long as he interrupts when Tonio Fenech starts to give a good logic explanation, then he’s doing his job for Labour.

      Chris Cardona tried to mix up listeners on the 7% to 26% regarding the time for the night tariff. I think he partially succeeded.

      Labour is succeeding in mixing the GELA-Malta gas pipe which will be ready by 2018, and the RAGUSA Malta interconnector cable which will be ready by March 2014.

      Labour is avoiding the argument about the use of the interconnector which will turn off 70% of our ‘cancer factories’, by not even burning ANY fuels be it HFO, diesel or gas.

      I saw Joseph Muscat on an advert on TVM behaving like a Super ONE hack speaking about the preference of gas over HFO, when the choice is between a gas pipeline + interconnector against another €600,000,000 power station running on LNG.

      With the interconnector in place, factories will have a good cheap supply of electricity for eight hours, meaning that with a little expense they can introduce shift work and their machines can run 24/7 employing MORE people.

      Greengrocers and supermarkets can decrease the thermostat of their freezers before leaving so that during the day they can put the thermostat back to normal. Not to mention blast freezing.

      At present rates the night tariff can go down to €0.06 Tonio Fenech said – that’s 6 cents a unit.

      It would be interesting if the University’s Faculties of Engineering and of the Built Environment were to organise a debate at the university between two engineers, Konrad Mizzi and Mark Anthony Sammut.

  8. mandango70 says:

    Solo 3 proposte? Ma sei fuori?

    [Daphne – Brought up in an old-style PN family, were you?]

  9. Toninu says:

    Is this the Instagram effect?

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