Comment of the night (and at last, there’s no more electricity on television)

Published: January 15, 2013 at 11:52pm

Posted by Vanni, in response to Konrad Mizzi’s statement that he is not alone in working on Labour’s cunning plan for electricity, but the many civil engineers and others who are helping would prefer to keep their identity secret because otherwise they won’t get contracts from this government (which can’t give any anyway, not as a caretaker government, but you know, they’re hedging their bets in case the PN makes a surprise bounce-back):

I have had it up to here with this old hoary chestnut much beloved of the Muscat Labour Party.

‘They won’t be able to get a contract’ – my foot. Let’s mention two who come to mind who have (or had) been dipping their beaks into quite a lot of gravy, shall we?

Marlene Mizzi – Chairman Sea Malta (for a period of NINE YEARS under two Nationalist governments)

Louis Grech – retained as Chairman of Air Malta by two Nationalist governments

And a contract awarded to Labour man, married to a Labour Party high official: Robert Abela, married to Lydia Abela (national executive secretary of the Labour Party) – his law firm was handed the contract retainer to handle the MEPA’s entire caseload. They were paid €1.23 million until 2011.

And then there’s Robert’s own father, of course: former deputy leader of the Labour Party, Labour Party leadership contender, but made president of the republic all the same.

So that particular myth is BUSTED.

Marlene Mizzi – chairman of Sea Malta for nine years, under two Nationalist governments

6 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Konrad Mizzi was recruited by a Labour government. He stayed on for nine years. The Labour government didn’t.

  2. Ghawdxi Hazin says:

    Dr Robert Abela’s firm is handling Mepa’s legal issues. So that’s why Joseph Muscat’s Labour Party is confident that all his permits for an insane power energy plan will be issued in a short time bypassing safety issues.

    The more I hear of this election campaign the more I hear Joseph Muscat’s words echoing in my ears “Kieku sewwa tohrog ghall-elezzjoni maghna imma bhalissa ghandi bzonnok hemm.”

  3. observer says:

    Have a good look at Marlene’s picture. Is that a portrait set on a birthday cake? Tusk fors seems ready for a slice – of cake, I mean

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