Comment of the week

Published: January 28, 2013 at 8:28am

Posted by Maacduff:

You know what cost Cyprus its economic well-being? Yes, one single explosion at an arms depot.

Labour’s mad proposal intends to build a power station, an LNG terminal and two massive gas storage tanks in one cluster adjacent to another power station, the existing fuel tanks at Benghajsa, the oil-tanking facility and Hurd’s Bank just off the coast.

One mistake and the whole of Malta would be blown to smithereens, you fools.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Bid-disprament li ghandhom, infexxu jivvintaw il-gideb.

    Il-bierah kellhom lil John Cassar White jghid li l-Interconnector mhux se jkun lest qabel hames snin ohra.

    ONE news diga’ beda’ jtambar, ‘L-Interconnector ikun lest fl-2018 ghalhekk tehtieg azzjoni minnufih’

    Tal-Labour malli turihom s-sewwa jippruvaw inehhuh.

  2. U Le! says:

    Is there any fireworks factory (legal or illegal) anywhere in the area to ‘enhance’ the explosive cocktail?

  3. A. Charles says:

    Yesterday, my family and I had lunch in one of the many restaurants on Marsaxlokk waterfront and the place was choc-a-bloc with patrons eating and enjoying the scenery.

    I was thinking about how the scene would change with in power. What folly.

  4. Mister says:

    The Cyprus explosion story goes like this:

    Cyprus intercepts a ship carrying weapons from Iran en route to Syria.

    Cyprus seizes the cargo and with no place to store these weapons, decides to store the containers in a deserted place… albeit still not far away from one of the countries power generating stations.

    The temperatures rose ( hello…. summer ) and the weapons exploded …. damaging badly the nearby powerstation.

    Then I quote:

    “Electricity Authority of Cyprus Chairman Charis Thrassou warned that it would take a long time to repair the Vassiliko plant and added that an emergency rationing plan would be put to ministers.

    CNA reported him as saying billions of euros may be needed to restore the plant to normal and power outages have already hit large swathes of the island.

    The loss of supply also prompted the closure of desalination plants which had allowed the gradual abandonment of summer water rationing over the past two years.

    The Nicosia Water Board announced that consumers in the capital would now be supplied with water for just 12 hours in every 48.”

    God forbid one of Joseph Muscat’s tanks explodes and takes out our power station with it. THAT IS WHEN WE WILL HAVE HUNGER AND POVERTY SUR MUSCAT ! No Electricity, No Water, No Freeport, No Nothing !

    CyprusJoe wants us to have the same fate? How can one not see the similarity between this case and Malta’s case…..

  5. Niki B says:

    The explosion was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    Since Cypriot banks were heavily exposed to Greek debt, plus the fact that the Communist president was unwilling to take any measures to cut spending on the heavily bloated civil service, had already contributed to the economic downturn. T

    his in a country which has no free medical care and has recently discovered deposits of natural gas. To think that Joey wanted us to emulate their “success” a couple of years ago.

  6. observer says:

    “Glen, issa wara din il-mixja trionfali, nigi sal-Birgu niekol ghandek – ghax ftaht l-aptit f’dil-kesha billi nsejt nilbes il-kowt”

  7. ciccio says:

    What was the photographer trying to do here? Impress us with Joseph’s family jewels?

  8. silvio farrugia says:

    How come nobody complained like us the people of Marsaxlokk and Birzebbuga ,when the first power station was going to be build there for spite ? Where were you hypocrites .

    • Mister says:

      So now you want ANOTHER power station with two Mosta dome-sized gas-filled tanks, just to spite your face?

      Seriously, what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this to yourself?

      You didn’t expect Labour’s power station to be built on the moon, right?

  9. Riya says:

    Min erba’ boloh li hlief kirba ghal poter u ghall-interessi personali taghhom x’tistenna?

    Din tal-power station il-gdida hija prova cara xi jsarfu dawn in-nies! Hargu b’gennata u jkun miskin min jemminhom. Povri it-tfal taghna!

    Il-gvern prezenti ghandu progetti cari u bis-sens ghal futur, u mhux dwar il-provvisti tad-dawl u l-ilma biss izda ghanke ghal impiegi, ghal-edukazzjoni, u ghas-sahha, u dawn il-PN harighom fil-berah fil-programm elettorali ghal-l-iskrutinju tal-poplu kollu inkluzi ghal-Laboristi.

    Issa sta ghal poplu sabiex jiddeciedi min hu serju sabiex nibqghu nghixu fi trankwillita’ u ghal futur fis-sod li ilna nghixu hekk minn mindu fil-pajjiz kien hawn gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Facial recognition software: a new heuristic approach (Baxxter, H.P., IEEE Journal, 2013)

    Flat feet: check
    Fat thighs: check
    Danglies: check
    Gut: check
    Double chin: check

    Yep, it’s him.

    • Mister says:

      Beep… beep… ERROR. Multiple Match Detected.

      Please try again…. one at a time please.

      Thank you for using Baxxter, H.P. Inc.

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