Exactly what does Edward Mallia have to do with it? Is Labour THAT desperate?

Published: January 14, 2013 at 9:06pm

21 Comments Comment

  1. just me says:

    Konferenza stampa indirizzata mill-Ministru Tonio Fenech illum fuq rapport li għamlet il-kumpanija internazzjonali KPMG.

  2. Giovanni says:

    The Fat one Joe Grima jaqa ta’nejk on Close up

    • Jozef says:

      Who’s that Mercieca who wants the power station in Gozo?

      He said from an accounting point of view the pipeline and interconnector would be shorter ergo cheaper.

      Mulej hudni.

    • Gbow says:

      I hope no one watched it. The program lowers the overall national intellect. It is beyond belief.
      To be fair Ann Fenech did her best to compensate.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      What I found quite amusing was Grima’s comment that if Joseph says that this can be done without a tender, then it must be true. Because Joseph is an expert in EU matters, you know, because he spent two years there.

      Ma kontx naghmlu daqshekk fidil, is-Sur Grima, jahasra.

  3. Justin Beefer says:

    What’s Anglu Farrugia next to Konrad Mizzi?

    Remember Anglu? Facli din, mhix ovvja, cara daqs il-kristall.

    Konrad Mizzi: Grazzi tad-domanda, good question, ser nirrispondik, kollox ser nghidlek, ara ser nghidlek kollox, ghal kull haga ser naghtik risposta…

    • Jozef says:

      Ahna mhux bhal ministru, tghaddi siegha, u nibdew naghtu facts.

      U jharbat mill-ahjar li jista’ il-karti ta’ quddiemu.

      • Justin Beefer says:

        Grazzi, Jozef. Osservazzjoni importanti, Jozef.

        Imma ir-rapporti mhux ser nippublikawhom.
        Ghax they contain sensitive commercial information.

        Grazzi tal-ossevazzjoni, Jozef.

  4. pm says:

    Daphne, qieghed nara il-konferenza ta’ Konrad Mizzi u l-kelma li l-iktar inghadet hija “kunfidenti”.

    Meta wiehed jiehu biljett f’lotterija ikun kunfidenti wkoll li ser jirbah.

    Id-diffenza hija li biljett f’lotterija jiswa ftit euros waqt li l-biljett ta’ Konrad jiswa miljuni lil poplu Malti.

    • marcus says:

      U fuq kollox jekk il-pjan tal-Labour immur zmerc kif qieghed jghid il-PN, minn se jhallas, Muscat? Mhux il-poplu kollu jrid ihallas.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    I don’t know much about Edward Mallia’s case but to me this whole situation is simply a case of reverse engineering.

    In my mind the 25% reduction in electricity bills did not come about as a result of the workings carried out by Labour but rather the 25% reduction is a political decision taken by Joe Muscat and the workings were reverse engineered to fit that.

    Come on let’s be serious, no workings available, 25% reduction exactly. How obviously false it all is.

    • Jozef says:

      Oh come on, we’ve had the best week so far, Qatar, China, the future of the EU, the island’s a buzz.

      Now that Anglu’s gone.

  6. Gbow says:

    To be fair with people like Prof Mallia, Marco Cremona and others, PL should stop selecting bits and pieces of their statements to try to populate PL’s camp with experts in various fields.

    No self-respecting somewhat technically oriented person, but more so scientist, engineer and the like could believe these proposals after having looked at a couple of slides during a presentation.

    On a different note, Dr Mizzi has already failed to deliver within his own stipulated timeframe. Friday on Xarabank he promised TV presented Norman Vella examples of long term purchase contracts “before Monday TVHEMM edition”.

    Well the day arrived and surprise surprise he presented none.

  7. Randolph Peresso says:

    In a comment below the opinion piece by Alex Tranter http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130113/opinion/Labour-s-energy-roadmap-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly.452983, Prof. Mallia went as far as saying “A divisiion between pipeline and LNG is hardly possible.”

  8. canon says:

    Konrad Mizzi wants us to take his word as a fact without providing us with written declarations.

    Every time he is challenged to publish the studies he always refers to the publishing of his presentation, which is not a study.

  9. old-timer says:

    Too many doktors, too many professors too many people waiting to be appointed to some position when Joseph takes over.

    • Two points: Both sides practise the easy art of selecting bits and pieces which suit their case. The clip by Net television is a good example. SOME of the quotes by PL people provide others. But it was only ONE TV that actually doctored a soundbite to make it sound as if the speaker (not I but in my hearing) said the very opposite of what he actually said.

      I am not ‘waiting to be appointed to some position when Joseph takes over’, not least because I am not at all sure that Joseph is going to take over. Which is why — if you go by each sides quotes — I seem to be hedging my bets.

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