Grotesque Hollowman of the Year Award

Published: January 26, 2013 at 4:35pm

10 Comments Comment

  1. Joanna V says:

    What the hell is he doing in the first two pictures?

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Jeez, he’s an ugly SOB, inside and out.

  3. bob-a-job says:

    Is it my imagination or do they completely lose their impressive solemnity immediately upon leaving the PN to join Labour?

    Just look at Manuel Mallia in the two top pictures and compare them with the two lower ones.

    Please tell me it’s not me.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    Re the Dignified Retirement campaign piece and Manwel Mallia:

    The more I see of Manwel Mallia the more I think I understand his importance to the Labour den, and the less I appreciate his odour (not that I ever did).

    Thanks to the Nationalists there is a system well in place now. It functions well. Minus the political theatrics, people are generally doing well for themselves within a fair for all context.

    Just count the number and quality of new boats and marinas: As a comparison, there were times in the MLP 80’s when the number of boats on a Sunday in Blue Lagoon would be under 5. Up until more control was introduced last year it had become increasingly choc-a-bloc with mainly one sort of person – over-weight, noisy and Maltese as a first language. It was so full that it had become no different to parking in a jam-packed camp ground with a caravan. Requests for berths still run into the thousands I’m told.

    I’d say Malta has weathered the recession pretty well, so far.

    I never go to bed thinking: mmm I wonder what the NP Administration is concocting today?

    I never need to think: how honestly are data protection acts observed.

    But every time I think of the notion of Labour in power I have this sinking feeling that things will without doubt collapse. It is the only certainty I see in that option. That the framework within the country in the recent past – ie basic sense of security and normality – could be gone from one day to the next.

    What constitutes security today has evolved from 1986. It is more complex. Information is more centralised and accessible.

    The EU is thankfully there to provide some formal ‘back up.’
    But still, Daphne brought to our notice again this that Joseph considers it only a question of time before this second level “safety net” – that he and Co. never wanted – is to be blessed, again, by his on/off attention.

    Labour can’t exactly revert to the identical tactics in the same form, can it? But it can provision to ensure its back side is legally covered in its new handlings. Manwel’s specialisation and background would appear to put him in prime coveted position, officially stated or not.

    Suddenly the feeling is one of suspended claustrophobia in the 1984 sense.

    Again, no wonder RCC just had to be removed from the EU negotiating arena. To anyone wanting a different scenario he really was/is irritatingly proper and thorough. Who better to sniff out any tactical odours emanating around Manwel in an instant? Not to mention the statistical spaghetti attached to any “policy” plans.

    What a terrific arrangement.

    Until its time for the wolf to come out, they will continue presenting Manwel as a harmless lamb. Retirement my foot.

    More like little red riding hood rewritten.

    It really is a party that has attracted some very unsavoury characters to the helm – some would even count a good number of them as social misfits and I’m not focusing on gays etc. You could even less fairly and more squarely say some of them are NP rejects.

    The sad, sadder and saddest thing is that their own supporters see this goonie squad as role models, the creme de la creme. They think they’ve clinched “it”.

    For some of these people even watching a film in English is a challenge. Nothing wrong really – if that’s their choice, but don’t take advantage of it.

    For these people even Eurovision is cool. Nothing wrong really – if that’s their choice, but do explain how important lobbying has been here and how it works.

    Ask Manwel. He’d know.

    It’s not only consensus one needs. It’s values interwoven into long-term policy for the nation and positive action forward – three things Joseph and Co know absolutely nothing about.

  5. Leslie says:

    Ghax kien ihobb jilghaq. Laghaq lil Guido de Marco u laghaq iktar minn hekk. Sa ma qaluli int mintix ta’ klassi xbin. Bil-qerq ma nirbhux.

  6. old-timer says:

    The latest circus that came to Malta were looking for a clown – perhaps Mallia is very well suited for the job. – ETC please note

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This is a classic four-frame comic strip, and brilliantly done too.

    1. PN
    2. PN
    3. Meets glamorous Labour women. Is seduced.
    4. Labour

  8. afm says:

    Who removed the maracas from the last pic?

  9. observer says:

    I would swear that the red jacket in picture no. 3 is made of the same material his interlocutor lady is hiding behind her arm. Drapp tal-bicciet, maybe?

    I would like to know, moreover, when he is/was “serju, ta’ hila, u ta’ professjonalita” as in picture no.4 – barring at the law courts, of course.

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