Have you noticed that wherever he speaks, Joseph must always stand on a podium, a raised platform or a soapbox?
January 10, 2013 at 8:43pm
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He’s short and unimpressive, that’s why.
It’s only a matter of superiority. The platform is not used anymore in certain schools, so that the teacher is on the same level as the pupils.
“Biex ikellem erbgha minn nies joqghod jitla fuq platform, mela mhux superjuri wkoll”.
Dear Daphne, what’s the point, you seem to be getting a bit excited.
[Daphne – Bit bored, actually.]
Hyde Park wannabe.
Thats it ! I had been trying to think what he reminded me of – thank you, Jack.
Inkella jahsbuh vuci minn taht l-art.
He’s trying to avoid a dwarf-throwing competition?
For brainwashing purposes.
Forsi biex jara jismax x’qalet il-Madonna lil Tonio Fenech?
Tal-biki kien dak il-kumment tal-prim ministru futur taghna meta gie b’dahru mal hajt.
Mur gieb xi opposition leader jirrispondi b’dak il-mod gol-UK.
That’s what Mintoff used to do. When he’s not ripping off Obama, he’s emulating Mintoff
“for brainwashing purposes”: doesn’t the soap box by itself suffice?
He should stand on a pea, to match his head.
Those men look like they’re about to beat him up.
For the time being, they are just looking like that – until he awards the direct order for the Delimara gas plant, that is.
He should have asked Sarkozy to lend him his shoes.
He’s not fit to tie his shoelaces, let alone stand in his shoes.
Were they on their break?
e·go [ee-goh, eg-oh] Show IPA
noun, plural e·gos.
the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.
egotism; conceit; self-importance: Her ego becomes more unbearable each day.
self-esteem or self-image; feelings: Your criticism wounded his ego.
Answer is: so he can look down at people in the very sense of the word ! I suggest he contacts Sarcokzy to see from where he bought his raised platform shoes that make him look taller.
Did anyone notice the name of the bar in the background? “Happy Bar” – happy with what, I ask?
With lending an upturned box to il-ginger to stand on, perhaps. That way, at least, il-ginger can have someone to literally look up to him – willy, nilly.
Jekk il-Labour jitla fil-gvern vera hawn Malta ikun ghad fadal maggoranza ta’ nies injoranti.
They can change their tie and their logo and their colour, but their mentality is still the same.
To look down on everyone around him maybe?
I smell a slight Napoleon complex deep down somewhere.