HAY HAY LABOUR: “Maghqudin ghal rebha kbira u tal-PN jiehdu tkaxkira”

Published: January 31, 2013 at 9:55am

30 Comments Comment

  1. Polly says:

    Michael Falzon is due to visit my house shortly, on a routine house visit. I can’t wait to tell him what I think.

  2. Peter Mallia says:

    On The Times today there is a clip of Joseph Muscat signing copies of his book at the Junior College. It is astonishing how he can sign a book without even looking at the person holding it out to him. Something tells me this poor country is going to have its most arrogant government ever.

    • Mandy says:

      What a difference from Eddie. When he signed his biography for one of my children around two years ago, he took the time to make small-talk and gave her a genuine smie, despite being obviously tired and despite her being just a child.

  3. TROY says:

    Jekk il-PN jitlef, in-Nazzjonalisti jiehdu tkaxkira.

    Jekk l-MLP jirbah, Malta kollha tiehu tkaxkira.

    • Ivan Attard says:

      Nipprecisaw ….

      Jekk il-PN jitlef, il-futur fis-sod jiehu tkaxkira.

      Jekk l-MLP jirbah, Malta taghna lkoll tiehu tkaxkira.

      • Jonathan says:

        Jew ahjar….
        Jekk trid il-gid lil pajjizek, ivvota PN
        Jekk trid il-gid lill-PN, ivvota PL

  4. Oooooops says:

    two words… u le.

  5. Superman says:

    This application would really be useful here in Malta. It checks politican speeches for known facts from some database. Joseph Muscat 2013 wouldn’t have a chance with it. He’d be labelled LIAR LIAR LIAR…


  6. Horazju says:

    Hi Daphne, any article about this?


    Will be so much interesting when further more info is revealed.

  7. Mike says:

    ‘Innizluhom darba ghall dejjem il PN’ (sic)

    Nice sound democratic credential there. The underlying ant-democratic dictatorial tendencies that the PL portrays (however hard they try to hide it) is really scary.

  8. Yanika says:

    Is that photo of the iphone in front of Mosta Church an edit or is it the real thing? If it’s a PN ploy, kudos to them, they are finally waking up!

    • ken il malti says:

      That video actually shows a lot of truth in those few seconds as Labour is always in the dark and their ruinous rule was truly the Dark Ages for Malta and its people.

  9. matt says:

    My gut feeling is that the people have already decided to trust their future in MLP. Five years of blunders, austerity measures and back to partnership with EU.

    Don’t we ever learn? The next 5 years under the leadership of Gonzi have never looked so promising.

    I can’t understand why people want to bring back he Mintoffiani again after the mess they made during their years in power.

  10. il baks says:

    jiena niskanta b’certu nies. fejn huma il haddiema tad dowty, stainless steel products, ST, Methode li grazzi ghal Gonzi PN salvalhom ix xoghol fl-eqqel tal krizi. fejn huma l istudenti li qed jiehdu stipendji talli jistudjaw u mhux hekk bis, illum issib kwalunkwe course adattat ghalik u tispecjalizza fih jekk trid, ghax mhux talli ihalsek meta tkun qed tistudja imma jekk trid ghandek cans tiehu scholar ship. dawn ma jafux x’jigiefieri tkun studen taht il lejber? 20 punt, titghallem l gharbi bilfors, u jekk ma jkollokx lilu ma tmur imkien, trid parrinu biex tidhol universita, u imbaghad xi nghidu ghal student haddiem? kienu jibaghtuna jew go xi skola nizbghu l imwejjed tal hadid jew inbajdu l iskejjel, jew go xi fabrika tat tessuti u kienu jaqilhulek il fwied titbal biex itella il production u mbaghad imhallas bic ciccri. illum beda jghid li ma nafx x;se jaghmillhom lit teachers? min kien li taghhom interactive white boards f’kull skola, zieda fil pagi, kundizzjonjiet ahjar? fiz zmien il lejber taf x kienu jiehdu it teachrs, xi xebgha min ghand xi ministru, saqsu lil dawk it tfal li kienu raw it teacher taghhom imsawwat min ministru quddiemhom? issa irid idur ghat teachers, nesa li il gvern tal lejber keccihom il barra u hallihom bla paga u ahna bla skola? ara trid tkun veru kelb mieghek innifsek biex wara dak kollu li ghamel il gvern nazzjonalista tasal biex tivvota lejber. l istess nies li fiz-zmienijiet li semmejt hawn fuq kienu presenti ukoll. jidher bic car li certu nies lesti li jikkommettu dan is suwicidju politiku ghax hekk. il passat ma jistax jintnesa jghidu x’ jghidu? araw pajjizi ohra x’ghandhom u ahna il gvern jahdem biex johloq il jobs u jara kif ha jaghmlek nies.

    • Kris Grech says:

      Just yesterday I was left SPEECHLESS when Leo Brincat told Joe Mifsud ‘taqax fil-livell ta’ Bondi plus’ and then insulted him about the state of his voice.

      Viva l-Labour, qishom xi team tal-football.

      And Daphne, please continue doing what you are doing.

  11. ken il malti says:

    They even canonized Alfred Sant in a film by Dust on Couch.


    Worthy of more than being an MEP.

  12. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Did Anglu Farrugia author this video?

  13. Lejburist says:

    How’s this for taking things out of context? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151288491986775

    A 49 million deficit would indeed be a “qatra f’ocean” since it account for less than 0.5% of the GDP, even today, let alone in 2016. So yes, Labour Elves, the budget would practically be balanced even with a 49 million deficit.

    • Jozef says:

      I really think it’s time Tonio explained the scale of this country’s GDP, the number of banks doing business, that’s 27, the total amount of assets, funds and capital operating locally and how growth keeps a deficit proportionally in line.

      How the money redirected from drydocks, the PTA with their yellow Perkins, Airmalta’s luggage handlers, Seamalta and port stokers has resulted in a sector which employs 12,000 high earners ganerating a turnover of over 60 billion euros. Yes, that’s it, 60 bloody billion.

      How the UHM confirmed the 20,000 figure yesterday morning, and, just wait for it, how from 2008 until 2011, over 10,000 vacancies remained unanswered.

      10,000 jobs on the ETC list and no one felt like taking them up.

      Even if it means using a whiteboard. The irony of it all.

  14. bystander says:

    I saw this on youtube


  15. Riya says:

    Jekk il-PN jiehu tkaxkira il-pajjiz kollu jiehu tkaxkira tafux ghax aqta kemm nibku.

    Il-Labour ghamel il-pudini anke fl-opposizzjoni ahseb u ara fil-gvern x’jaghmel!

    B’ Joseph Muscat bhala Prim Ministru tkaxkir kbir ikollna ghax il-bniedem perikoluz specjalment ghal ambizzjonijiet personali tieghu u ma’ ninsewx lil dawk il-korrotti antiki li hu stess halla madwaru.

  16. Oooooops says:

    Apparently these people are dying of hunger, but hey ho they do have the money for a monstrosity like this…


  17. judy says:

    I wish I could honestly say that I don’t give a shit if Joseph and his cutting-edge buddies are elected, but than again if they fu** up everything wouldn’t I be fu****too.

    I love my Malta and don’t have the luxury nor the means and most of all the will to go live some place else because some stupid f***** decided that it was time for change.

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