How Labour believes its own propaganda

Published: January 9, 2013 at 1:03pm

The most successful propagandists are careful not to fall into the trap of believing their own lies or swallowing their own propaganda.

But unfortunately, the Labour Party attracts to its ranks the less intelligent in our midst, which is why it feels the need to publicise their academic achievements in full knowledge that their IQ is not immediately apparent.

So anyway, yesterday evening I was seated in the press box at the Nationalist Party’s public meeting in Sliema, with my notebook and pen and my spectacles on, listening to what the speakers had to say and taking notes. The speakers – Ivan Bartolo of 6PM, merchant shipping law practitioner Anne Fenech and former Bank of Valletta chairman Joseph Zahra – made some excellent, sharp observations about Malta’s economy in respect of what is happening elsewhere, and the risks inherent in taking it all for granted instead of linking it to good/bad choices by governments.

I noticed that the Super One reporter – Anthony David Gatt – wasn’t writing a single thing, because he wasn’t there as a reporter but as a propagandist. Instead, he was doodling on his notebook and making mouth-shrugs.

Then I noticed that instead of concentrating on what the speakers were saying, he was using his mobile phone to film me. In these situations, you can’t do anything. If you ask them to stop, they film you asking them to stop and then broadcast that. If you put up your hand to cover their phone, they do the same thing. If you get up and leave (and why should you, anyway?) they film that, and if you use the choice expressions they deserve, they record that and put it on a loop on prime-time television.

And they think they’re smart. Of course, the thrilling footage of a 48-year-old woman in spectacles, jotting down notes while seated on a fold-out chair, was on Super One yesterday night, with the breaking news that FIL-MEETING SPIKKAT IL-PRESENZA TA’ DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA.

Errrrr, yes. I was in the press box. With the press. Because, errrr, I work for a newspaper and have done so for 23 years. And I also write a blog about, among other things, politics, that probably has a bigger audience than Super One news.

But of course, Super One’s half-brainers have soaked up their own propaganda so deeply that they’ve forgotten I’m a journalist and now think of me as a politician.

Isn’t it ironic? They are the ones who are NOT journalists. They are the ones who are politicians, working for a political party, but they think that it’s my presence – a political columnist with an independent newspaper – that jars and is out of place in a press box, at a political meeting.

Do they regularly host the Queen of Hearts and the White Rabbit to tea and tarts in the Super One newsroom?

Super One propagandist Anthony David Gatt, on left. The one on the right is going to be your prime minister in nine weeks. Really impressive.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Lestrade says:

    Two salesmen at the midgets convention ?

  2. Mesmes says:

    Do they regularly host the Queen of Hearts and the White Rabbit to tea and tarts in the Super One newsroom?

    Sure they do. That’s where they got their energy policies.

  3. Natalie says:

    Sure, and they invite the Cheshire Cat to demonstrate some tricks and gimmicks.

    Coming to think of it, I think Jason is their Queen of Hearts after he shouted, ‘Off with Anglu’s head!’

  4. Qeghdin Sew says:


    “Of course, the thrilling footage of a 48-year-old woman in spectacles, jotting down notes WHILE SEAT on a fold-out chair”


    while sat

    [Daphne – seated, actually, hence the typo. Sat is wrong, though commonly used.]

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      I only meant to point out the wrong tense. The confusion between the two verbs was my mistake after I took the phrase out of its context. But enough pedantry for now.

      By the way, is there some way we could have comment tracking over here? Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to remember which comments might have been replied to.

  5. cintura says:

    Nice photo. A clenched fist holding a rose or carnation coming out of ADG’s right ear. Wonder what went into the left one.

  6. Tim says:

    Eddy, do the honourable thing and please explain to your people that Daphne is a journalist and blogger and not a politician.

  7. Neil Dent says:

    Go on Daphne, post a pic of you in your specs, maybe nibbling the end of a pencil.

    Although maybe not, it may be too much for old Eddy P to take!

  8. thehobbit says:

    The mouth shrugs were being…well mouthed, because the general public are simply not interested in what intellectuals like Fenech, Zahra, and Bartolo have to say.

    The propagandist knows that as well as being aware that anything that they do or say is not going to change things one iota. He knows that when you are rallying public opinion you appeal to their emotions not their intellect.

    That’s the way it’s always been, and I don’t think it’s about to change now.

    • Angus Black says:

      “That’s the way it’s always been, and I don’t think it’s about to change now”.

      Wrong! Things will definitely change if Labour wins – for the much worse, of course.

  9. Christine says:

    Tant spikkat il-prezenza tieghek, that I was in the audience and – although I had a clear view of the press box – could not make out who was seated there, even if I had wanted too.

    Maybe Anthony David Gatt should have spent his time listening to what our prime minister had to say. It sure beats listening to Labour fairytales.

  10. Natalie Mallett says:

    Why does Joseph shrug his wife off yet he seems to be holding David’s butt?

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