How many tablets will an igloo buy?

Published: January 26, 2013 at 4:19pm

Joseph Muscat has worked out that his plan to give a tablet to eight-year-olds will cost Eur1.5 million.

Ah, so roughly as much as he has spent on billboards, stages, igloos, advertising, balloons, placards, marquees and other fripperies so far.

Jolly good value, I must say.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Lil veterani se jtihom il-Viagra tablets nahseb.

  2. davidg says:

    Min jaf dawn il-veterani x’ghamlu f ‘ hajjiethom ghal Malta.

  3. Wenzu says:

    I wonder if that EU flag was the same one these idiots burned? Malta taghna lkoll, my eye.

  4. ciccio says:

    Dawn il-hbieb ta’ Eddy Privitera li kienu fl-aqwa taghhom fil-Golden Years tal-Guy u Mintoff?

  5. old-timer says:

    Up to now I have not seen any comments on Fenech Adami’s interview with The Sunday Times. If I read correctly, at the end he said that he does not speak to people at all these days – very well said – I believe him – he is really and truly out of touch.

    I hope he regrets what he said about the dirty past during the Labour reign.

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