Husband gives interviews saying PN must lose election; wife goes to mass meetings and cheers

Published: January 21, 2013 at 1:29pm

Mrs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando II (dark hair, looking straight at the camera) at’s mass meeting in Rabat yesterday.

16 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Oh come on, she does not look out of place with the other chavs.

  2. observer says:

    Nice piece of goods. I am told that looks deceive, however.

  3. DNA says:

    Look, there’s also the plagiarist.

  4. Jista xi hadd ifakkarni x’kienu ghamlu u qalu tal-Labour fuq l-iskandlu tal-Mistra? X’parti kellu dak iz-zmien Joseph Muscat tas-Super One? U ghalfejn kien beka Jeffrey fuq it-television? X’kienu ghamlulu, miskin? Is-sinjura tieghu (pick and choose) fejn kienet dak iz-zmien?

  5. RosanneB says:

    I noticed one other thing during Labour meetings. Candidates are always in front of him down below instead of on stage behind Muscat. ‘Team maghqud’ my eye.

  6. Il-Pestezz says:

    He wants to be retained as chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology despite knowing sweet FA about science. Village dentistry is not enough for his illusions of narcissistic grandeur.

  7. P Shaw says:

    She is standing there in the middle of the ‘VIP section’ reserved for MLP candidates.

  8. Leslie says:

    il-gakbini li kellna ma saqajna kollha kixfu l-maskri taghhom. Tant ahjar. Kulhadd jaf fejn qieghed issa.

  9. mandango70 says:

    What’s new?

    JPO has been saying this for months now, and his wife’s been seen time and again strategically seated behind Muscat in the taht it-tinda meetings.

    So should we be surprised now? I mean the “wow” wore off months ago. Why should people not be consistent in what they do and say?

    [Daphne – My point is that neither of them is consistent. You know, I really get tired of having to explain simple concepts to Laburisti. I think I might just take a leaf out of Joe Debono Grech’s book: dal-blokk huwa miftuh biss ghal dawk li ma jivvutawx Labour ghax sid il-blokk xebghat tispjega affarijiet semplici u normali.]

  10. canon says:

    We will soon be having the fifth anniversary of the Mistra scandal by Jeffrey Pullicino and we hope he has something to say about it.

  11. Eman says:

    What about Qormi mayor, always seated behind Joseph?

    [Daphne – She hasn’t got a chance in hell. She’d be better off trying it on with one of the randy old goats left over from Mintoff’s bin.]

  12. Allo Allo says:

    Was there an apparition of the type Muscat spoke about a couple of days ago?

  13. U Le! says:

    Change comes by shedding dead weight. PN is now free of some dead weight.

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