I don’t know why I find this picture so funny, but I do
January 14, 2013 at 2:58pm
The bishops look sort of cute in their matching clothes, like a set of Babushka dolls, and Michelle, who is not at all tall, somehow looks huge and ungainly in her camel blanket, while her husband disappears into the background surrounded as he is by flashy dresses.
“U jekk Alla jrid, ikollna is-sivilunjins.”
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Why no outcry from the church about gay civil unions being promised?
Because Cardinal Levada, ex boss of bishop Scicluna in the CDF is in favour of civil unions for gays! Cardinal Levada was in Malta in the last few days for a private visit. I’m sure he met Scicluna.
Cardinal Levada had proposed civil unions instead of marriages for gays when he was Archibishop of San Francisco California. He argument is it is against natural law (not only God’s or church law) that homosexuals marry. Instead the state can provide civil unions like the Scandinavian model which are after all very liberal. Levada says that these kind of unions could be contracted even by unmarried brothers and sisters or priests living together to protect themselves legally. Imagine for example in Malta two xebbiet tal-muzew living together for years in the same house of their parents. Why shouldn’t their rights be legally protected by some kind of civil contract?
Obviously the gay lobby in California – which is very strong – was furious. They interpreted Levada’s suggestion as a machiavellian move and they wanted nothing less than marriage. I think Daphne should write an interesting post on Levada’s position which myself deem very reasonable.
Errata corrige; I meant to say Bishop Paolo Urso of nearby Ragusa, Sicily and not Cardinal Levada Sorry for this mistake!
It was this, the famous Levada Solution that had upset conservative Catholics so much who wanted an outright war on gay marriage & said that Levada’s position was immoral.
But this sounds very much like the co-habitation law that was presented to parliament and would have made through if The opposition had not brought down the government prematurely.
Ara kiekun kien hemm Daphne flok Michelle, ara xi hlew konna naraw !
Ara lilek ma narawx, ghax tinkiser il-kamera Eddy.
That’s easy for you to say.
Tridx nizzewgu jien u int, Ed, meta tghaddi l-ligi? Imbaghad x’hin inkunu fis-sodda flimkien spjegali naqra l-integration li siehbek ried MA’ L-ITALJA.
Eddy, dak il bajdollu bil-glekk issikkat min hu?
Zgur li Daphne qatt ma dawret kutra maghha u harget biha fit-triq qisha qamet f’nofs ta’ lejl waqt xi terrimot.
Ahjar minnek zgur, Eddy.
I do not expect the Catholic Church in Malta to speak out publicly for or against civil unions, because it is a CIVIL and secular matter.
Bishop Scicluna said so on Xarabank some weeks ago on the eve of his investiture.
What is it with Maltese men, their jowls, their overfed bodies and their inane grins?
This is what a man should look like: http://www.blog.risinggreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Mike-Horn.jpg
No way.
That cissy is wearing a cap and shorts.
They did, circa 7,400 years ago.
Is it true that there once was civilization on Malta?
No rosary beads?
Where was Bishop Grech?
In Gozo.
In this photo there are the topmen of the Archdiocese of Malta. It would be interested to see if Bishop Grech, head of the Diocese of Gozo, accepts to have a photo with Mich and Joe.
On another note. Did you notice how Mgr Mercieca kept his distance?
The Muppet Five. Fuck ’em all.
[Daphne – Tsk tsk.]
I don’t want to sound impertinent, but they are called Matryoshka dolls… they are often wrongly referred to as Babushka dolls.
[Daphne – Thank you. I suppose the babushka would be the type of woman they portray, rather than the set of dolls?]
I find Michelle’s smile is noticeably forced, and her attire deserves no further comment.
‘Babushka’ is Russian for grandma.
‘Matrioshka’ is a diminutive/affectionate term for ‘mother’ – literally ‘little mother’.
“Babushka” is “grandmother”, so yes, they portray your typical Slavic granny.
You just slighted ‘your typical Slavic granny’.
Yep, that’s how all your Russian girlfriends will look in forty years’ time.
Won’t care, I’ll be dead. (exhaustion)
Air Malta election flights to cost 35 euros.
Muscat has put on considerable weight and yet he is wearing the same suits – veru imkittef.
They’re both excellent in producing fake smiles.
Odd how Jowzef looks tall in this picture. Is it trick photography or is he standing on an invisible soapbox?
Haha, Siviljunins – best one of them all I think.
[Daphne – No, no. SIVILUNJINS. You know, like General Workers Unjin (not junjin).]
No blue cinctures? Tsk Tsk.
You crack me up, Daphne.
I see that Muscat has got Marco Cremona’s uncle standing on his right.
We can rest assured now that the gvern gdid will not install fashion police.