I see that Joseph Muscat ‘apologised’ as a campaign tactic. What a cheap and shallow tart.

Published: January 11, 2013 at 5:31pm

Maaaaaa, HOW COOL he is. Shame li kull ma jghabbi Michelle, Kurt u Jason.

I read in the press that Joseph Muscat met a group of young people today (Special Interest Group No. 100020) and told them that we are one nation and that he apologises for the wrongs done by Labour in the 1980s.

What a cheap tart. His apology is worth roughly jack. He’s been party leader for almost five years, and NOW he sees fit to apologise, on the eve of the general election, not because he means it or cares, but because he hopes it will cream off some more votes.

It’s the equivalent of a woman apologising to her husband for shagging the tinker, tailor, soldier and candlestick-maker, while living off his earnings, because he’s threatened to cut her off without a dime.

So heartfelt, I’m sure.

And he makes it worse by equating Labour’s horrendous corruption, violence and abuse in the 1970s and 1980s with the battle between the Catholic Church and Mintoff’s party in the 1960s, making out in the eyes of the fools who listen to him that the Nationalist Party somehow had anything to do with that. And bear in mind when I say this that I come from a family that was ANTI-Nationalist in the 1960s, so no political bias there.

How exactly does Muscat reconcile his sickening glorification of Mintoff, which has gone on far too long, with his rapid apology for Mintoff’s horrors today? He does so because he wasn’t really apologising at all, and he never mentioned Mintoff. The horrors happened on their own, a sort of apparition, to use a comparison he favours.

More transparently still (or at least, I hope I’m not the only one picking up on these things, but am quite sure I’m not), Muscat selected the audience for his staged and fake apology very carefully: first-time voters and others born after 1990, who hadn’t a clue in hell what he was on about.

So they wouldn’t challenge him, even if they could.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    It would have been too much having Leo, Karmenu and Joe Debono Grech sitting next to him.

    Perhaps he should get rid of that lot first.

    I watched that bit yesterday, inside a marquee with ‘I’m In’ printed along the sides. It looked like his latest refuge where to reminisce about all that he didn’t manage to achieve.

    Michelle kept biting her lips, blank expression under a new hairdo.

    The cracks are showing.

  2. Censa says:

    All of their campaign is staged. He is being hailed as the new Mintoff – why? It’s either because PL know that the majority of their voter base are sheep and they need a reference point like Mintoff to follow, thoroughly brainwashed or else because they truly believe in this sort of propaganda that this is how it should be done.

    Either way it’s irrational and dangerous.

  3. TROY says:

    Apology,not excepted.
    The only thing I’ll except from you on this eleventh hour, is to go and eff yourself.

  4. bystander says:

    I am considering voting the same way as Mintoff too.

    Voting against Labour in the vote of confid …….. sorry, general election.

  5. Mistura says:

    It was bound to happen.

    “L-Apoloġija” is exactly about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XezLAz6EtSU

  6. canon says:

    Message to Joseph Muscat:

    For heaven’s sake abandon the project of building an unecessary 600 million Euro power station and you will still win the election.

  7. Angus Black says:

    Joseph is as genuine as a three dollar bill.

    His sarcasm gives him away each time he opens his mouth or shuts it tight whenever a question regarding his own proposals is levelled at him.

  8. Futur Imcajpar says:

    He should really be apologizing to people my age, who he robbed of a proper education, shattering their dreams and ruining their chances of a proper career in the process.

    He should be apologizing for the many times his party and his idol put our lives in danger by letting their marmalja thugs run amok on the islands, beating us up and firing on us.

    He should be apologizing for the way Labour violated our peace of mind as one right after another was stripped away. As we were gagged and pummelled into submission,and reduced to grovel for crumbs.

    But don’t bother apologizing. It would only add insult to injury by the insincerity and shallowness, and in any case, I’m in no humour to ever forgive your party or your now rotting hero. Too much water has flowed under that bridge.

    As far as I’m concerned, you can all go to hell.

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How about apologising for his opposition to the EU?

  10. anthony says:

    Li kieku ikkuppjajna lil Cipru bhal ma qal Joseph, vera konna nigu laqwa pajjiz fl-Ewropa. Fil-fatt meta semma dak kollu li jixtieq ghal Malta spicca bil kliem li dik hi il-holma tieghu ghax hlief johlhom ma jafx.

  11. anthony II says:

    If Labour didn’t freeze the EU application for two years, we would be a lot nearer to having the gas pipeline with the EU paying for it.

    If Labour are elected to government they will have to wait 50 years not 25 years to have another chance to go back in with all the fuck ups they will do.

  12. old-timer says:

    I am sure that if elected, at some time or other in the (near) future, they will find some flimsy excuse to pull Malta out of the EU.

    Of course there will be opposition from the inside e.g. those who will be EU MPs. but the hate against EU is still there.

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