I see that they’re taking this ‘Alice in Wonderland’ thing really seriously

Published: January 30, 2013 at 11:43pm

11 Comments Comment

  1. Ed says:

    True….. except that they’re painting the roses blue.

  2. Jozef says:

    Off with whose head?

  3. bystander says:

    Oversized sickbag.

  4. Makjavel says:

    Mintoff painted the doors and windows of Kastilja RED. This guy will have them in polka dots.

  5. Edward Clemmer says:

    Who needs an electoral manifesto or even a political party (or magic mushrooms) when you have Joseph Muscat exclaiming his version of “reality” like the Mad Hatter over tea?

    “Don’t listen to that one!”
    “Forget the past.”
    “Party? What party? This is the new movement.”
    “Red? No red! Get that red out of here. Yes, white, all white, a bit of blue is fine.”
    “Oh yes, we’re disolving into fifty shades of BLUE, but only on the surface.”
    “Everything is an appearance.”
    “You’re every wish is mine.”
    “Don’t think, just vote.”
    “Don’t worry, I’ll worry for you.”
    “Aren’t we all happy!”

    • aston says:

      ‘Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.’

  6. Tinnat says:

    The way Joseph Muscat described his proposals for teachers this morning really shows how there´s no substance behind the words. No details whatsoever, just proposals.

  7. observer says:

    That grin on the Cheshire Cat’s face; it certainly reminds me of someone’s – particularly when that someone is trying to shrug off an uneasy-to-answer question posed by a no-nonsense journalist.

    Am I right, or is it just my imagination?

  8. Gahan says:


    Sometimes I watch this show on RAI UNO after the news, the name of the show is not Affari Taghna but Affari Tuoi (Tieghek).

    That round table looks like the wooden cable reel used as a table in Affari Tuoi where basically the participant is offered a reasonable sum in exchange of the unknown sum inside the shoe-box.

    People like to gamble, and people want more than they can actually have, just look at the polls . They think that the other box contains more than the one they have in hand.

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