Imbasta bir-roadmap. What they really need is a dictionary and somebody who can speak d Inklent.

Published: January 11, 2013 at 4:51pm

The Labour Party’s official campaign website is, would you believe it,

And isn’t it wonderful.

Apparently, amending the party statute was a major milestone. announced it as:

The Party approves emendes to its statute.

You can see where they’re coming from here: emendi bil-Malti, mela bl-Ingliz jigi emendes.

They must have been rapped by the one-eyed man who is king in the land of the blind, because they’ve now updated it to:

The Party approves amends to its statute.


16 Comments Comment

  1. Lomax says:

    Can I comment by saying: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry I’m tired, dead tired, have had a long week, have a long thing I want to finish before I leave for the week but this post has me (I’m still laughing) in stitches.

  2. bookworm says:

    It’s ‘amendments’ or ‘endorsements’, you idiots.

  3. Jozef says:

    Leave them, how fit you are.

  4. Josette Jones says:

    What’s next? Amendings?

  5. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Either the party “approves” or it “amends” but not both simultaneously, for goodness sake.

    That cannot be done, not even by the political party that is trying to persuade us that it can pull off the trick of a brand new power station, providing electricity well beyond our needs, fully functional very soon and funded by some unidentified private sector benefactor so that our electricity bills would go down even before it is switched on.

  6. Neil Dent says:

    The same but different – this reminds me of a lady of a certain age, with fake talon-like nails and bright red hair, touting a radio on one of the ‘Telebejgh’ type programmes a few years ago, and it still raises a smile to this day.

    They would often repeat their sales pitch in English for the benefit of any non-Maltese viewers who may which to grab a bargain.

    Describing the radio, the fiery-haired talon-lady came up with: “It has eff-emm and ayy-emm sterrrjo, it is very najjjs, and it is very POLITE”.

    When I got up off the floor, to give her the benefit of the doubt, I decided the radio must have some clever device that blocks any songs by Eminem.

  7. Vanni says:

    Can you imagine?

    U iwaaaa, kemm gejja bil-paroli din, laqwa li ftehmna, hafna nglizati hawn. Int fimta u vera Nikita hiiiiiii? Int fimta Derston (Ajma x’naghmillek li kieku ma hawnx Krista)?

  8. Bubu says:


  9. bystander says:

    How are your doings?

  10. A, Charles says:

    There is a Sam Mendes, a British film director, who was married to Kate Winslet but no emendes.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Not even one week into the campaign and they’ve got the Rock laughing at them, due, of course, to your sharp eye.

    The next two months should be hilarious. The fools.

  12. Angus Black says:

    Maybe Joseph meant he wanted to make ‘amends’ for his stupid power station proposal full of holes, unknowns, miscalculations and plain lies.

    Maybe instead of ‘statute’, he meant atoning for the MLP past errors in front of an ex-minister’s ‘statue’ somewhere in Paola, following his fake ‘apology’?

    Imagine the impression these twerps will leave behind after some important meeting at the UN or EU (or Gozo, for all that matters).

    Enough to make one cry, dispair and wring his hands in sheer disgust.

    Turnips from top to bottom.

  13. thehobbit says:

    Isn’t that the San Francisco turnpike?

  14. Claude Sciberras says:

    For the past five years the PL has been making fun of GonziPN – but now their campaign is similar to the PN one 5 years ago with the leader’s name at the forefront. So all that bitching was just ghira.

  15. Not an idiot says:

    What about this post by Labour star Gino Cauchi?

    Someone give him a ‘colon’ please.

    Fl-1000 ser inkun fuq one radio fil programm SIBT IL-PUNT halli nispjegaw aktar u ahjar il-proposta tal PL dwar l-energija u t-trahhis fit-tariffi tad dawl u l-ilma. Napprezza l-kummenti taghkom qabel, waqt u wara l-programm.

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