It’s really worth busting a gut for people like this, isn’t it?

Published: January 10, 2013 at 12:19pm

Bajli Power

Kem manahmlekx ostja gonzzzzzz kiku nista minfejn jaddi likapuljat nadik pu al wicccceeekkk liba kollokkkkkkkkkk

Moviment gdid, indeed – as though anyone in their right mind has the lack of dignity and sense to join a ‘movement’ with ignorant scum like that on board.

JosephMuscat2013 is embarrassed of its own politicians. It’s embarrassed of its party emblem, it’s embarrassed of its party name, and it’s embarrassed (with very good reason) of the sort of people who support it (hence all the emphasis on daft switchers, ghax puliti).

What is there left? That’s right. Nothing.

51 Comments Comment

  1. Nighthawk says:

    Darwin Award for publishing photo of self smoking under No Smoking sign.

  2. Manuel says:

    Check his profile

    work : “marric nahdem”,
    about bajli: “fuck the police”.
    Schhol: “marric naf bia”

    tipikament laburist-mintoffjan.No wonder his Maltese is horrible.

    Probably he lives on the “rilif” that this Government gives him and probably he will live all through his life on “rilif” ghax dak, taf int, ivvintah u dahhlu Mintoff Malta.

    Poor Malta.

    [Daphne – I don’t know about the social security cheque. Check out his photos. He drives a massive car.]

    • DNA says:

      All three of the people in this picture are known to a certain division of the Police.

      Let’s say they are entrepreneurs in import/export.

    • Danton says:

      Irmixk bhal dawk issibhom bhalissa, jimmonopolizzaw il-forums u comments-boards lokali kollha.


      • giraffa says:

        If I could plagiarise an expression I came across recently, which fits such scum: “Their brains are in two halves. On the left side there is nothing right, and on the right side there is nothing left”.

      • mariorita says:

        Sorry ta….ghandom miktub li huma labour fuq mohhom ?? forsi wiehed minnhom iva , it tnejn lohra ma nafx .mela ghax wiehed minnhom halla kumment fuq fb ghandom jehlu shabu kolla ? forsi shabu nazzjonalisti ? bir rispett kollu lejk daphne darb ohra gib ir ritratt ta dak li huwa ikoncernat biss u mhux ta shabu ukoll,,…. idahhalx nies li ma ghandomx xjaqsmu fl-istorja.

    • Beauty and the Beef says:

      Drives when he shouldn’t be driving, as well, for the record: born 11 May 1995, so he’s not even 18 yet.

  3. DNA says:

    9-3-2013 is not only a political battle for Malta, but a cultural one too.

  4. Vanni says:

    Smoke and mirrors, Daphne. Muscat is nothing but a cheapo magician, but hey some people will fall for it.

  5. Luigi says:

    Ah because Nationalists are all well mannered. I suggest you to have a tour to some villages in Malta. PN managed to get away with Hamalli because Labour never exposed them. You are suppose to be shredding Labour’s proposals right now and not wasting your time on idiots. Exposing this behaviour on your blog is irrational because a rational person will ask whether these citizens, voted or vote or will be voting to Franco Debono or AD or Labour. How sure you are that they are labourites if not made up? Some Labour supporters disliked Sant as well and that’s how they spoke about him. Now don’t say that I am an Elf.

  6. jack says:

    Voting should be reserved to anyone with a certified IQ of 100+

  7. thehobbit says:

    Imma dan bis-serjeta dar-ragel?!

    “Dr Muscat said the association had legal advice that the change could be made by amending regulations despite the Budget not passing through Parliament.”

    Can somebody either shoot the legal advisers he’s talking about or the man himself? If the budget wasn’t approved thereby bringing about an automatic defeat of the government how could the regulations be amended in this legislature?

    How is it possible that with so many lawyers on board the PL keeps getting it so wrong? I’m inclined to believe that in fact these aren’t mistakes at all.

  8. bystander says:

    I hope this isn’t a stupid question but please are there any online links to the parties’ manifestos in English? Thank you.

  9. thehobbit says:

    Ma naghmlux mod li dehret lil Joseph Muscat il-Madonna ukoll issa -jew dawn ghegubijiet rizervati lil membri ta’ kabinett Nazzjonalist:

    “Gas tank location was only one of other options

    Addressing a news conference in Fgura later in the morning, Dr Muscat said the location of the two gas storage tanks was only one of other options where they could be located.
    Asked by The Times whether any studies were undertaken to determine whether the location was appropriate, Dr Muscat said other options were available on the same footprint.
    “We are confident that the identified location is feasible but it is one option of others available on the same footprint at Delimara,” he insisted.”

  10. Galian says:

    This photo provides such a stark contrast to the billboards peppering Malta.

    The people on the billboards do not seem overly concerned that Malta is not ‘taghna lkoll’.

    They are all 1.) happy 2.) well dressed and groomed 3.) employed.

    Even the two farmers pictured on the T’Alla w Ommu hill seem like they are ready for Sunday mass.

    But maybe, after all, they are that way because they know that, notwithstanding PL’s doomsday evaluation of life in Malta, we are living in one of the most decent countries around.

    • bookworm says:

      Those two ‘farmers’ apparently are one and the same person. One of them has been Photoshopped, to look like they used two men for the campaign. My, my, Joseph Muscat is so much into saving.

  11. Jozef says:

    What this idiot doesn’t realise is that if Joseph is elected, he’ll find himself in another of Labour’s cunning plans, the continuous training thingy.

  12. Attard says:

    “Scarface” ta’ Malta (Modified)

  13. Shorty says:

    No, it’s not worth fighting for people like these.

    I fight for my children, and to protect their rights and their future.

    They are too young to vote, but I will do my best to ensure that their future is not as fucked up as that of my generation was under Labour.

  14. C Mifsud says:

    What a FUGLY hamallu.

  15. TinaB says:

    Before Facebook I had absolutely no idea that there was still such a great number of scum like this among us.

    It would be very interesting to know where all these illiterate, unemployed individuals, many of whom are known to the police and ex prison inmates, or are out on bail, are actually getting the money from.

    Take a look for yourselves – in most of the photos they put on facebook they are always in bars, holding glasses and bottles of alcohol and cigarettes, God Bless.

    Kif qeridhom il-gvern ta’ Gonzi. Imsieken.

    I wish I had the authority to send them all to a camp on Filfla for intensive behaviour and education courses and not let them go back to the mainland unless they prove that they are fit to live in a civilised world. I’m afraid that that’s the only way there is to avoid ruining our society completely.

  16. ken il malti says:

    How I wish these people would stop reproducing. Low-lifes.

  17. *1981* says:

    Not to burst anyone’s bubble – but the PN has its fair share of such individuals, after all they make up the majority of this country !! Go to a mass meeting and ull find replicas, just in blue.

    [Daphne – Not really, no. People with that sort of attitude are almost always Labour. It’s because of the attitude that they’re Labour and not the other way round.]

  18. ron says:

    I am stocking up on Vaseline in case of a Labour victory.

  19. TROY says:

    Sugar and spice and all that’s nice, is certainly NOT, what new PL is made of.
    Hillbilies, night out.

  20. il-Lehja says:

    foxx imnihrek (daphne caruana galizia) ….xqal bdaqshekk!? u dak li qal li jghix fuq ir relief xiz zobb tindahal ? halluh jaghmel hu! …. dak min hal qormi ta! ….if you ain’t from qormi you can’t act like us! ….. kburin bnies bhal dak u jekk dak ikun qed jaddieh mil magna tal kappuljat jien inkun in naha l-ohra nilqalu fil boroz!! ….u inbilli intom kollkom inglizati? dik tamilkom puliti!? qed tigildu ghal pajjiz u qas tafhu titkelmu bil lingwa taghha! .. u fejnha ic-censura!? gimgha ilu fuq xarabank amlu panik shih fuq ic censura suppost wicchom mghotti le!? ghala matejtulomx ghax ala oxxok!? aaa sahhara!

    • TROY says:

      Said the monkey to the chimp.

    • giraffa says:

      @ Il-Lehja – no doubt you are a typical specimen of the Labour governments, at your best (worst) by throwing insults at others whom they consider superior.

      The class hatred sown by Mintoff and KMB in the 70-80s is still alive and kicking, and raring to come out as soon as the PL wins an election. God, please spare us. Sorry for responding in English but I could never match your horrific Maltese.

    • TinaB says:

      Lehja, bil-Malti nafu nitkellmu daqsek u ahjar minnek – u ghal kuntrarju tieghek, nafu niktbuh tajjeb ukoll.

      “L-Inglizati”, u ghal xi uhud minnha, zid xi tlieta jew erba’ lingwi ohra maghhom ukoll, ma jaghmluniex puliti izda permezz taghhom jirnexxielna nintegraw u nikkomunikaw ma gnus ohrajn ukoll, faccilment – dan apparti il-fatt li jghinuna bil-bosta f’dak kollu li jikkoncerna opportunitajiet tajbin fid-dinja tax-xoghol.

      Taf int, ahna nies li dejjem hdimna biex mantnejna lilna infusna u lil familji taghna minnflok intfajna b’idejna fuq zaqqna nghixu minn fuq it-taxxi tal-poplu.

      Jien kieku lilek nighatek Filfla maghhom biex ta’ lanqas titghallem ma tkunx pastaz.

      • il-lehja says:

        pastaz? ha nejdlek jien basta kollkom lingwi u cerimonji! …. jien mil labour ma jinteresanix min nazzjonalisti anqas u min dil kerha anqas! …jien hadd ma jigi jitfali il flus fil but! … haga nghidlek! ….i’m always busy making money! … nassigurak li jekk irid nitkellem blinglizz u b2 lingwi ohra kapaci daqshekk u aktar minnhek! …. imma jien ghidt fatt li hadd ma semmih!! …fejnhi ic-censura? :)

  21. Anonymous says:

    Therefore what you and most of the comments are stating is that approximately 50% of the Maltese are scum? It is not fair to generalise the many by the actions of the few. I know followers of the nationalist party who are hamalli and followers of the labour party who aren’t hamalli.

    It irritates me to see that instead of critically discussing the campaigns of both parties, which is the most important, you talk about how laburisti are hamalli in an attempt to give strength to PN.

  22. Verita says:

    This is unfortunately a stereotype. It’s true that many Labour fanatics are like this but there are many Labour supporters who are hardworking citizens or even decent and high earners who are definitely not like this and its this arrogance and snobbish behavior that the Nationalist Party supporters are stereotyped with.

    You can’t just simply put all Labour supporters in one group as much as you cant put all Nationalist Party supporters in another group.

    But unfortunately that’s how Malta is and thats how it will stay. Basically my point is Malta is screwed either way, whether Labour or PN are elected.

  23. Jonathan says:

    Daphne, I really don’t know from where you get these amazing statistically correct facts. You must have a miracle source or something, because I can’t imagine supporting a political party for stupid reasons, like ideology or something like that. By the way, don’t elude yourself that the devoted GonziPN followers have a high I.Q. or don’t fall under the classification of “hammalli”, which is a cultural trait influenced by the fact that we are in the Mediterranean sea. Now feast your eyes on your noble mates screaming for Gonzi

  24. Daniel Demicoli says:

    Ur legendary Daphne!! Keep on doing this

  25. Jordy says:

    Why don’t you use your blog for useful purposes such as discussing the latest news regarding proposals of both parties rather than focusing on irrelevant (pun intended) issues, if they should be called issues? And it’s pure stupidity to act like only one party has these kind of people. But if only your mind could cope to something that complex.

  26. ciccio says:

    On 10 March 2013, them three will be an integral part of Malta’s ‘new middle class.’

  27. :) says:

    Tasal Daphne, tasal , ma nafx kif ghadom ma xehtukx go gallinar tal fniek u imlewk comb.

  28. Roger says:

    Jiena Roger il Balont wiehed minn tar-ritratt.
    Jiena qatt ma ktibt xejn kontra Gonzi jew il PN, ghalhekk qabel ma tippubblika ritratt bhal dan u titfaw ghal gudizju tas-segwaci tieghek ara l-affarijiet kif imorru. U by the way il-Laburisti u il-Qormin mhux kollha xorta.


  29. Anonymous says:

    I would like to point out something…not all people from Qormi are like this :S I myself am from Qormi and do not want anyone to think that all people from qormi are this low class!

  30. Qormi Nazzjonalist says:

    Proset Roger, well said habib

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