I’ve always wanted to know what Elve Central looks like. Now, I do.
January 8, 2013 at 10:20am
Watch this video. We get an insight into how Elve Central works – including the room full of volunteers on laptops, posting comments on the internet, which is JUST how I pictured them.
“Ejjew l-ahwa! Hemm storja fuq it-Times. Malajr, bil-kummenti! Wake up and smell the coffee! Le, bilhaqq, dik tas-sena l-ohra.”
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He’s even using the same Obama “finger pinch” gesture now.
What is your criticism fit labour’s energy policy. Now they gave you the proposal. We are waiting for you now. Leave the elvesx aside please.
What’s new about the phase Three Delimara project?
Gonzi’s government seems to go for a natural gas pipeline instead of storing liquified natural gas in enormous tanks.
Pricing: Gonzi’s government is responsible, and wants to pay the debts of Enemalta by factoring it in the electricity bills not with declaring Enemalta bankrupt or some accountancy trick.
Joseph’s solution is to keep EneMalta out of the formula.
Gonzi wants the consumers to pay the cost (which is common sense) while Joseph wants to right off EneMalta’s debts either by declaring it bankrupt or from our coffers.
What goes round has to come round , someone has to pay for our debts.
L-ENEMALTA TAGHNA LKOLL, bid-dejn b’kollox.
Gonzi wants the EU to finance the gas pipeline.
Joseph’s copied project is a short term (electoral) solution, leaving many unanswered questions.
When Gonzi talked about gas Joseph did not encourage him to do it, because it was his ultimate weapon to become Malta’s youngest prime minister.
Just imagine how Fitch and Moody’s will react if Joseph bankrupts EneMalta.
But I digress. Joseph is after breaking records: youngest PM, worst credit ratings, high unemployment – who cares.
Kemm jaf jitkellem il-Guy.
On Close Up yesterday evening, he said he sees Malta like an aeroplane with two engines. One blue and the other red. When Labour is in government the blue engine is switched off and PN switch off the red engine when in office. How stupid.
If only he thought about this for just a few seconds he would have realised the irony in what he’s blabbing about. He must have forgotten that his new Deputy Leader was in fact Chairman of Airmalta for years when PN was in government.
If I’m not mistaken, he was also given a generous golden handshake.
But PN need to be more original – http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130108/local/Parties-show-their-colours.452378
Spotted on timesofmalta.com’s comments-board this morning:
Cornelius Murphy
Today, 08:17
“Do not fear change,” said Joseph Muscat at the stroke of midnight. “Carriages to pumpkins… Horsemen to rats… Do not fear change.”
It’s elf.
[Daphne – Here we go again. No, actually it’s elve, in Labourspeak.]
The Story of Elve:
Better still – http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/elve-sic-generator/
It’s Labour’s Maltese translation for elf: elve.
oops sry missed that one
Apparti tobzoq il-velenu fuq kullhadd, int ghal Malta x’gid qatt ghamilt??? biex tparla fil-vojt tajba biss, fuq l internet u fuq il-gurnali.. kritika biss.. qajjem sormok tal-plastic minn hemm sib job u uri kemm int kapaci!! ghax s’issa parlajt biss!!!!
[Daphne – Oh hello, darling. Dull day at Elve Central, is it? Gather your fellow elves round your leptopp and watch me raise a finger. But please don’t ask which one.]
Kemm hi intelligenti, anabel mangion, God bless – ghadha ma ndunatx li Daphne ilha li sabitu il-“jop”.
Ahjar tmur tghid lil dawk il “full time mommies and prowt” li bhalek, il-maggoranza taghhom jivvotaw Labour, isibuh il job. Jew dawk biex jaghmlu xi nofs tuzzana tfal ma xi sitt irgiel differenti u jrabbuhom mit-taxxi tal-poplu tajbin biss?
Tidher li tivvota Labour.
Xi dwejjaq ghandek, anabel.
Daqshekk inkwetati tal-Lejber?
Ghandkom biex, sabieha, ghax kull meta jiftah halqu Gowzef, hlief cucati ma johorgux.
Issa mur stahba taht xi gebla go hajt tas-sejjieh, minn fejn gejt.
Il- hidma “ingibuwwa”.
Duk l-accent ta’ Bumarrut.
Issa daqt isir l-accent ta’ ufficjali ta’ Kastilja, u tal-PBS ikollhom jibdew jitkellmu hekk. “Ghadha kemm dahlitilna ahbar u se ngibuwwa direttament go djarkom.”
Yes, Ciccio, but I cannot for the life of me understand how someone who aims to be our next Prime Minister is not able to switch to proper Maltese when he is addressing crowds speaking in public.
I too was born and bred in a place where they speak with a strong accent. When I am at home, with my family or very close relatives I speak that way, but speak proper Maltese everywhere else. Without the accent.
Those who do not know me well think that I have never spoken one word with that accent in all my life, when they hear me speak to them. And I am a nobody.
Prim Ministru klassi ha jkollna fi ftit xhur ohra.
Will someone tell me whether John Dalli and Sargas are behind today’s farce?
actually no… am not a volunteer at labour… and in 2008 i voted pn,…… i guess your venom is due to the fact that you were not able to go to university at 18 and only qualified as a mature student reading for a b a rather than LLd.. your hatred must have develped at that age.. it must have been an awkward feeling seeing your schoolmates graduating and you .. bleah .. were never able to go to university…
.. no a levels but a normal interview.. you will be remembered for your vile act.. and your fingers.. stick them in your ass!!
[Daphne – Unbelievable. Joseph Muscat must be so proud to know that girls like you vote Labour and girls like me don’t.]
Read your own rant one more time and realize that when Daphne wasn’t able to go to university at age 18, coincided with the time Labour was in government, students tied themselves at the Castille railings, for which they were beaten up by thugs encouraged by your new found idols (you voted NP in 2008?), doctors were locked out and honest people were victims of beatings, shootings and death at the hands of corrupt police top officials. Canned tuna was a regular govt. handout, no water at your kitchen taps or to flush your toilet with, etc. Kollox tal-qamel.
You sound more like the product of the ‘Brigata’. These are things which you should recollect and make you real proud to be another Lejber elve.
Yes. LLD rules.
In this famous plan, the power station chimney will be demolished.
Now will the Socialist party ask the Mintoff family to refund that million euros when they get back their view at Delimara?
Tthe 600+ comments on timesofmalta.com confirm what the video shows: rooms full of Elves posting comments round the clock.
Is that Cyrus at 2.57?
It’s like Labour has opened a call centre.
Not at all staged! (Not a very intellectual comment but had to say it.)
Of course not. We believe you.
Plagiarism alert: check out David Cameron’s speech to his activists UK elections 2010. Search: “David Cameron rallies staffand supporters as election 2010 is announced”.